
时间:2022-01-24 04:52:54

I want to define an inline function in a project, compiled with c99. How can I do it? When I declare the function in a header file and give the detail in a .c file, the definition isn't recognized by other files. When I put the explicit function in a header file, I have a problem because all .o files who use it have a copy of the definition, so the linker gives me a "multiple definition" error.


What I am trying to do is something like:


inline void func()
    do things...

#include "header.h"

#include "header.h"

with a utility which uses both lib1.o and lib2.o


3 个解决方案



Unfortunately not all compilers are completely complying to C99 in that point even if they claim that they'd be.


An conforming way to do this is


// header file. an inline declaration alone is
// not supposed to generate an external symbol
inline void toto(void) {
  // do something

// in one .c file, force the creation of an
// external symbol
extern inline void toto(void);

Newer versions of gcc, e.g, will work fine with that.


You may get away with it for other compilers (pretenders) by defining something like


# define inlDec static
# define inlIns static
# define inlDec 
# define inlIns extern
// header file. an inline declaration alone is
// not supposed to generate an external symbol
inlDec inline void toto(void) {
  // do something

// in one .c file, force the creation of an
// external symbol
inlIns inline void toto(void);



compilers with C99 support (usually option -std=c99) that I know of

我所知道的支持C99的编译器(通常是选项-std = c99)

  • gcc (versions >= 4.3 IIRC) implements the correct inline model
  • gcc(版本> = 4.3 IIRC)实现了正确的内联模型
  • pcc is also correct
  • pcc也是对的
  • ggc < 4.3 needs a special option to implement the correct model, otherwise they use their own model that results in multiple defined symbols if you are not careful
  • ggc <4.3需要一个特殊选项来实现正确的模型,否则他们会使用自己的模型,如果你不小心,会产生多个定义的符号
  • icc just emits symbols in every unit if you don't take special care. But these symbols are "weak" symbols, so they don't generate a conflict. They just blow up your code.
  • 如果您不特别小心,icc只会在每个单元中发出符号。但这些符号是“弱”符号,因此它们不会产生冲突。他们只是炸毁你的代码。
  • opencc, AFAIR, follows the old gcc specific model
  • opencc,AFAIR,遵循旧的gcc特定模型
  • clang doesn't emit symbols for inline functions at all, unless you have an extern declaration and you use the function pointer in one compilation unit.
  • clang根本不为内联函数发出符号,除非你有一个extern声明并且你在一个编译单元中使用函数指针。
  • tcc just ignores the inline keyword
  • tcc只是忽略了内联关键字



If used by itself, in C99 inline requires that the function be defined in the same translation unit as it's being used (so, if you use it in lib1.c, it must be defined in lib1.c).


You can also declare a method as static inline (and put the definition in a header file shared between two source files). This avoids the multiple-definition issue, and lets the compiler inline the file across all the translation units where it's used (which it may or may not be able to do if you just declare the function in one translation unit).


See: http://www.greenend.org.uk/rjk/2003/03/inline.html




I think you don't need to use the inline word when you are defining and declaring the function inside the Header file, the compiler usually takes it as inline by default unless it's too long, in which case it will be smart enough to treat it as a normal function.


I think the multiple definition may be caused by the lack of a Include Guard in the Header file.

我认为多重定义可能是由Header文件中缺少Include Guard引起的。

You should use something like this in the header:



void func()
    // do things...




Unfortunately not all compilers are completely complying to C99 in that point even if they claim that they'd be.


An conforming way to do this is


// header file. an inline declaration alone is
// not supposed to generate an external symbol
inline void toto(void) {
  // do something

// in one .c file, force the creation of an
// external symbol
extern inline void toto(void);

Newer versions of gcc, e.g, will work fine with that.


You may get away with it for other compilers (pretenders) by defining something like


# define inlDec static
# define inlIns static
# define inlDec 
# define inlIns extern
// header file. an inline declaration alone is
// not supposed to generate an external symbol
inlDec inline void toto(void) {
  // do something

// in one .c file, force the creation of an
// external symbol
inlIns inline void toto(void);



compilers with C99 support (usually option -std=c99) that I know of

我所知道的支持C99的编译器(通常是选项-std = c99)

  • gcc (versions >= 4.3 IIRC) implements the correct inline model
  • gcc(版本> = 4.3 IIRC)实现了正确的内联模型
  • pcc is also correct
  • pcc也是对的
  • ggc < 4.3 needs a special option to implement the correct model, otherwise they use their own model that results in multiple defined symbols if you are not careful
  • ggc <4.3需要一个特殊选项来实现正确的模型,否则他们会使用自己的模型,如果你不小心,会产生多个定义的符号
  • icc just emits symbols in every unit if you don't take special care. But these symbols are "weak" symbols, so they don't generate a conflict. They just blow up your code.
  • 如果您不特别小心,icc只会在每个单元中发出符号。但这些符号是“弱”符号,因此它们不会产生冲突。他们只是炸毁你的代码。
  • opencc, AFAIR, follows the old gcc specific model
  • opencc,AFAIR,遵循旧的gcc特定模型
  • clang doesn't emit symbols for inline functions at all, unless you have an extern declaration and you use the function pointer in one compilation unit.
  • clang根本不为内联函数发出符号,除非你有一个extern声明并且你在一个编译单元中使用函数指针。
  • tcc just ignores the inline keyword
  • tcc只是忽略了内联关键字



If used by itself, in C99 inline requires that the function be defined in the same translation unit as it's being used (so, if you use it in lib1.c, it must be defined in lib1.c).


You can also declare a method as static inline (and put the definition in a header file shared between two source files). This avoids the multiple-definition issue, and lets the compiler inline the file across all the translation units where it's used (which it may or may not be able to do if you just declare the function in one translation unit).


See: http://www.greenend.org.uk/rjk/2003/03/inline.html




I think you don't need to use the inline word when you are defining and declaring the function inside the Header file, the compiler usually takes it as inline by default unless it's too long, in which case it will be smart enough to treat it as a normal function.


I think the multiple definition may be caused by the lack of a Include Guard in the Header file.

我认为多重定义可能是由Header文件中缺少Include Guard引起的。

You should use something like this in the header:



void func()
    // do things...
