
时间:2021-01-07 04:51:00

Question: Is there a way to import jquery into a TypeScript module using the AMD support (via the compiler) so it includes jquery as a dependency?


The key is to get the import statement, which makes the module a dependency in the define statement (see below).


define(["require", "exports", 'dataservice', 'jquery', 'knockout'], 
    function(require, exports, __ds__, $ , ko) { 

Details: I want to import jquery (and other 3rd party libraries) as a TypeScript modules with AMD. The goal is to make them appears as a dependency in the require list. However, the only way to make TypeScript to do this appears to be to have an import statement. And to have an import you need a module to import. But ... there is no jquery module to point to. to.




  1. I can refer to the .d.ts and preload jquery in the main.js for require.js, but that means preloading all 3rd party libraries. Not terrible, but not ideal either as it doesnt take advantage of what we can already do with JavaScript and AMD.
  2. 我可以参考。d。主要是ts和预加载jquery。js的需要。但这意味着要预加载所有第三方库。不是很糟糕,但也不是很理想,因为它没有利用我们已经可以用JavaScript和AMD做的事情。
  3. I can create a module for each 3rd party library and wrap it, but then I get something like $.$. Which is even worse, IMO (and Irisk writing the wrong module code for each of these and getting out of synch).
  4. 我可以为每个第三方库创建一个模块并对其进行包装,但之后会得到$.$之类的东西。更糟糕的是,在IMO上(我有可能为每一个模块编写错误的模块代码,从而导致不同步)。

So for now I am just preloading jquery in the main.js. but again, but this is less than ideal. Would have to do that for any library like knockout, backbone, etc that has no module.


Any better suggestions or something I am missing?




I can also use shims in the config for dependencies amongst the libraries. But this still preloads the 3rd party ones. Example:


    baseUrl: '../',
    paths: {
        'jquery': 'lib/jquery-1.7.2',
        'underscore': 'lib/underscore'
    shim: {
        jquery: {
            exports: '$'
        underscore: {
            exports: '_'

1 个解决方案



One other work around would be use a type definition for requirejs and use your own require statements, rather than an import statement.


The downside to this is that the TypeScript import can be used with AMD or CommonJS with just a compiler change, so you would be marrying requirejs in your program more than you would be with an import.


There is an existing definition for requirejs on Definitely Typed.




One other work around would be use a type definition for requirejs and use your own require statements, rather than an import statement.


The downside to this is that the TypeScript import can be used with AMD or CommonJS with just a compiler change, so you would be marrying requirejs in your program more than you would be with an import.


There is an existing definition for requirejs on Definitely Typed.
