
时间:2021-12-31 04:51:33

I added the header <math.h> to a project to start to test out the fmod function, which returns a fractional part of float division. I have more questions on that, but i'll save it for another question.

我将标题 添加到项目中以开始测试fmod函数,该函数返回浮点除法的小数部分。我对此有更多的疑问,但我会将其保存为另一个问题。

So after adding the header and using the function, no lint errors went off then I try to build the program.


I get this error:


/usr/bin/ld: CMakeFiles/main.dir/main.c.o: undefined reference to symbol 'fmod@@GLIBC_2.2
//lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libm.so.6: error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

okay so getting better at reading c errors i noticed ld which means linker, okay fine.


Next I start googling the error and I find the answer. I need to add the linker flag -lm


why? I don't know so I start searching google what that linker flag means and I didn't really find any answers. Went back to SO and found this question and answer.


these were the quotes under the main question.


Read the library documentation ... – pmg

阅读图书馆文档... - pmg

...and then google. – Ori Pessach

...然后谷歌。 - Ori Pessach

linking semantics vary across operating systems and compilers. We'd need a lot more detail to make any useful contributions. – radical7

链接语义因操作系统和编译器而异。我们需要更多细节才能做出有用的贡献。 - 激进7

pkg-config seems okay if I have a one off file but as a project grows if you get these linker errors it becomes hard to figure out what's wrong.


Another answer was read the docs. I went back to google and came across this documentation about math.h


but nowhere does it say anything about the actual linker flags to use.


So my question what documentation was @pmg talking about in his reply? What's a general purpose way to find this documentation on my system just in case I cannot use google for whatever reason? Especially since I have the files on my computer and able to include them.


2 个解决方案



Basically you always have to link the library when you use a function included in the library. There are some libraries, the most used, that are linked by default (see Why do you have to link the math library in C?) by the compiler.


If you are on a Unix like system you can refer to man pages:


man func



man -k func

the last gives you all the man pages related to func. There are also general man pages as the one for all the math functions (man math) or the ascii table (man ascii).

最后一个给你所有与func相关的手册页。还有一般手册页作为所有数学函数(人数学)或ascii表(man ascii)。

Unfortunately not all man pages report the needed link to add to the command line. In the man page for math there is no explicit state of -lm however, in the very end, the name of the library is reported:


"The libm functions declared in math.h provide mathematical library functions"


This is enough because, if the name of the library is libm then you know that to link it you should use:



As the general rule is that the linker remove the lib prefix when linking with -l, see for example this http://www.cs.swarthmore.edu/~newhall/unixhelp/howto_C_libraries.html




Well, if you type man fmod into Google (man is the UNIX help system) and click the first link you get documentation about the function. This clearly states what headers you must include and what library you must link with:

好吧,如果你输入man fmod到Google(man是UNIX帮助系统)并点击第一个链接就可以获得有关该功能的文档。这清楚地说明了您必须包含哪些标题以及您必须链接的库:


#include <math.h>

double fmod(double x, double y);
float fmodf(float x, float y);
long double fmodl(long double x, long double y);

Link with -lm.



Basically you always have to link the library when you use a function included in the library. There are some libraries, the most used, that are linked by default (see Why do you have to link the math library in C?) by the compiler.


If you are on a Unix like system you can refer to man pages:


man func



man -k func

the last gives you all the man pages related to func. There are also general man pages as the one for all the math functions (man math) or the ascii table (man ascii).

最后一个给你所有与func相关的手册页。还有一般手册页作为所有数学函数(人数学)或ascii表(man ascii)。

Unfortunately not all man pages report the needed link to add to the command line. In the man page for math there is no explicit state of -lm however, in the very end, the name of the library is reported:


"The libm functions declared in math.h provide mathematical library functions"


This is enough because, if the name of the library is libm then you know that to link it you should use:



As the general rule is that the linker remove the lib prefix when linking with -l, see for example this http://www.cs.swarthmore.edu/~newhall/unixhelp/howto_C_libraries.html




Well, if you type man fmod into Google (man is the UNIX help system) and click the first link you get documentation about the function. This clearly states what headers you must include and what library you must link with:

好吧,如果你输入man fmod到Google(man是UNIX帮助系统)并点击第一个链接就可以获得有关该功能的文档。这清楚地说明了您必须包含哪些标题以及您必须链接的库:


#include <math.h>

double fmod(double x, double y);
float fmodf(float x, float y);
long double fmodl(long double x, long double y);

Link with -lm.