
时间:2021-12-24 04:50:44

While incremental linking addresses much of the time spent linking, even for very large projects, I find the incremental linker in MSVS to be pretty haphazard. (I'm currently using 2003 atm, would love to hear if 2005/8 addressed any of this.) My list of known triggers include:

虽然增量链接解决了链接所花费的大部分时间,即使对于非常大的项目,我发现MSVS中的增量链接器非常偶然。 (我目前正在使用2003 atm,很想听听2005/8是否解决了这个问题。)我的已知触发器列表包括:

  • changing anything external to the main .exe project will trigger a full link
  • 更改主.exe项目外部的任何内容都将触发完整链接

  • adding static variables had a 50% chance of triggering a full link
  • 添加静态变量有50%的几率触发完整链接

and this list is certainly not inclusive. What can I do to avoid full links?


So far, the only diagnosis tool i've found so far is


  • /test in the linker command line options
  • /在链接器命令行选项中测试

and it's terrible. What solutions are out there for diagnosing triggers for full re-links?


2 个解决方案



Minimizing the number of projects in your solution makes the problem a little better. And of course all the normal build speed-ups will work, like reducing includes and shrinking obj files size.




I'm using 2008; and while I have only used it for small->medium sized projects, so far I haven't experienced any unexpected full links.


I haven't used 03, but in my opinion 08 seems to be far better then 05.




Minimizing the number of projects in your solution makes the problem a little better. And of course all the normal build speed-ups will work, like reducing includes and shrinking obj files size.




I'm using 2008; and while I have only used it for small->medium sized projects, so far I haven't experienced any unexpected full links.


I haven't used 03, but in my opinion 08 seems to be far better then 05.
