.NET 1.1 WSDL - 无法在WebMethod(ASMX Web服务)上使用IntPtr(WindowsIdentity.Token)作为输入参数

时间:2021-12-29 04:50:50

We're in a strange situation with a legacy winforms VB.NET 1.1 application using ASMX web services. Trying to send a user Token from a WindowsIdentity object as a parameter to a WebMethod. I will be adding a 'HACK: comment.

我们处于使用ASMX Web服务的传统winforms VB.NET 1.1应用程序的奇怪情况。尝试将用户令牌从WindowsIdentity对象作为参数发送到WebMethod。我将添加一个'HACK:评论。


The token is of type IntPtr, the first problem is the WSDL being generated doesn't support IntPtr with the error of 'unsupported type'


I'm aware this is a big WTF question and sounds insecure, so any simple helpful alternatives are welcome but there are a lot of constraints on how we can change this system, including complications with the hosting environment. So I would just like to get our piece of data over to the web service to save a lot of other headaches.


Problem 1

Error from WSDL Generation:


Method userClass.TestSendIntPtr can not be reflected. 
--> There was an error reflecting 'token'. 
--> System.IntPtr is an unsupported type.

An alternate approach (extending the WTF factor) - trying to get around the IntPtr issue is to just put the IntPtr into a System.IO.Stream using

另一种方法(扩展WTF因子) - 尝试解决IntPtr问题只是将IntPtr放入System.IO.Stream中使用


on the winforms app end and BF.Deserialize() on the service. But this leads to a new strange issue.

在winforms app端和服务上的BF.Deserialize()。但这导致了一个新的奇怪问题。

Defining the Web Service Method's signature in this fashion:


Public Class UserService
    Inherits System.Web.Services.WebService

    <WebMethod()> _
    Public Function UserToken(ByVal tokenStream As System.IO.Stream) As Boolean

The new strange issue arises on the client end as a compilation error, as if the 'System.IO' qualification of Stream is being ignored, and being interpreted as part of the UserService class...


Problem 2

Value of type 'System.IO.Stream' cannot be converted to 'USERSERVICE.Stream'.

So an answer to either question, or similar alternate approach would be great...


1 个解决方案


If an IntPtr won't work because of a lack of support in WSDL, then use a Long instead. IntPtr's are convertible to and from the Integer and Long type. You can just pass around the value as one of these types (preferably Long) and convert it back on the other end.

如果由于WSDL缺乏支持而导致IntPtr不起作用,那么请使用Long。 IntPtr可以转换为Integer和Long类型。您可以将值作为这些类型之一传递(最好是Long),然后将其转换回另一端。

Convert to Long


Dim value As Long = token.ToInt64()

Convert from Long


Dim token as IntPtr = new IntPtr(value)

One thing that you should note though is that a Token is only valid in the address space of the process that created the value. If you are passing the value through a web service which resides in another process, the token will have no probative value. It will have the same physical address but you will not be able to query values against that token.



If an IntPtr won't work because of a lack of support in WSDL, then use a Long instead. IntPtr's are convertible to and from the Integer and Long type. You can just pass around the value as one of these types (preferably Long) and convert it back on the other end.

如果由于WSDL缺乏支持而导致IntPtr不起作用,那么请使用Long。 IntPtr可以转换为Integer和Long类型。您可以将值作为这些类型之一传递(最好是Long),然后将其转换回另一端。

Convert to Long


Dim value As Long = token.ToInt64()

Convert from Long


Dim token as IntPtr = new IntPtr(value)

One thing that you should note though is that a Token is only valid in the address space of the process that created the value. If you are passing the value through a web service which resides in another process, the token will have no probative value. It will have the same physical address but you will not be able to query values against that token.
