
时间:2021-10-02 04:50:10

We have a requirement for upgrading the PHP version (5.3.25) to current stable version which is 5.6.17. So, for this we need to find which approach would be best.


  1. Step by step approach, in which we can upgrade from 5.3.X to 5.4.X, 5.4.X to 5.5.X and so on.
  2. 一步一步的方法,我们可以从5.3.X升级到5.4.X,5.4.X升级到5.5.X等等。

  3. Direct upgrade, in this we will directly upgrade from 5.3.X to 5.6.X.
  4. 直接升级,在此我们将直接从5.3.X升级到5.6.X.

Apart from the upgrade, what all things we should keep in mind while doing this.


It would be good, if any of you have any documents which we can refer to.


2 个解决方案



PHP maintainers upload list of incompatible changes of every release. Here are the documents you may want to read:


If you have regression tests, you're the lucky man; if you don't, i strongly recommend test every change in virtual environment before real environment update on main server. If you're brave enough, you can try to setup vagrant - this will allow developers to easily share their environment and to reproduce server state as it should be after upgrade to 5.6.

如果你有回归测试,你就是幸运的人;如果不这样做,我强烈建议在主服务器上进行真实环境更新之前测试虚拟环境中的每个更改。如果你足够勇敢,你可以尝试设置vagrant - 这将允许开发人员轻松共享他们的环境并重现服务器状态,因为它应该在升级到5.6之后。

I also wouldn't recommend partial upgrades, i think it's better to target for 5.6 at the first (and only) migration step.




On my experience, we upgraded our PHP version from 5.3.28 to 5.6.6 directly because of server upgrades, and one more reason is you can easily check all your modules faster if there's an error rather than checking it on every version.


What you should keep in mind:


  • deprecated functions
  • if you're using PHP frameworks (CodeIgniter, Laravel, etc.), consider upgrading them too
  • 如果您正在使用PHP框架(CodeIgniter,Laravel等),请考虑升级它们

  • current code implementations
  • 当前的代码实现



PHP maintainers upload list of incompatible changes of every release. Here are the documents you may want to read:


If you have regression tests, you're the lucky man; if you don't, i strongly recommend test every change in virtual environment before real environment update on main server. If you're brave enough, you can try to setup vagrant - this will allow developers to easily share their environment and to reproduce server state as it should be after upgrade to 5.6.

如果你有回归测试,你就是幸运的人;如果不这样做,我强烈建议在主服务器上进行真实环境更新之前测试虚拟环境中的每个更改。如果你足够勇敢,你可以尝试设置vagrant - 这将允许开发人员轻松共享他们的环境并重现服务器状态,因为它应该在升级到5.6之后。

I also wouldn't recommend partial upgrades, i think it's better to target for 5.6 at the first (and only) migration step.




On my experience, we upgraded our PHP version from 5.3.28 to 5.6.6 directly because of server upgrades, and one more reason is you can easily check all your modules faster if there's an error rather than checking it on every version.


What you should keep in mind:


  • deprecated functions
  • if you're using PHP frameworks (CodeIgniter, Laravel, etc.), consider upgrading them too
  • 如果您正在使用PHP框架(CodeIgniter,Laravel等),请考虑升级它们

  • current code implementations
  • 当前的代码实现