
时间:2022-09-03 04:50:44

Hi I am wanting to install my website on a site5.com website but I am having difficulty. The ruby version on the actual site is 1.8.7 but the ruby version I use on my local computer is 1.9.3. How do I upgrade to ruby 1.9.3 without the use of sudo, apt-get install, and apt-get update?

嗨,我想在site5.com网站上安装我的网站,但我遇到了困难。实际站点上的ruby版本是1.8.7,但我在本地计算机上使用的ruby版本是1.9.3。如何在不使用sudo,apt-get install和apt-get update的情况下升级到ruby 1.9.3?

If anyone knows some ways to get in without having to use sudo or the above, I would be very greatful for an answer to this problem.


1 个解决方案



Basically, I don't think you can at the moment. But as of a few weeks ago, it looks like they're starting to convert to 1.9.3 (emphasis added):


We will begin the process of updating all servers to a newer version of Phusion Passenger (the 4.0 branch) in November. That deployment will allow you to use any version of Ruby — including 1.9 and 2.0 — inside your Rack-based applications (e.g. Rails).

我们将在11月开始将所有服务器更新为更新版本的Phusion Passenger(4.0分支)。该部署将允许您在基于Rack的应用程序(例如Rails)中使用任何版本的Ruby(包括1.9和2.0)。

We will then begin work on changing the default Ruby across our entire fleet from Ruby 1.8.7 to 1.9.3. You will receive ample notification for this change, but if your application only functions on Ruby 1.8.7, you will be able to change the Ruby version per-application and per-account (via .htaccess) using the PassengerRuby option available in Phusion Passenger 4. You can then compile your own version of Ruby 1.8 inside of your account for your legacy applications.

然后,我们将开始将整个机队中的默认Ruby从Ruby 1.8.7更改为1.9.3。您将收到有关此更改的充分通知,但如果您的应用程序仅在Ruby 1.8.7上运行,您将能够使用Phusion Passenger中提供的PassengerRuby选项更改每个应用程序和每个帐户的Ruby版本(通过.htaccess) 4.然后,您可以在帐户内部为您的遗留应用程序编译自己的Ruby 1.8版本。



Basically, I don't think you can at the moment. But as of a few weeks ago, it looks like they're starting to convert to 1.9.3 (emphasis added):


We will begin the process of updating all servers to a newer version of Phusion Passenger (the 4.0 branch) in November. That deployment will allow you to use any version of Ruby — including 1.9 and 2.0 — inside your Rack-based applications (e.g. Rails).

我们将在11月开始将所有服务器更新为更新版本的Phusion Passenger(4.0分支)。该部署将允许您在基于Rack的应用程序(例如Rails)中使用任何版本的Ruby(包括1.9和2.0)。

We will then begin work on changing the default Ruby across our entire fleet from Ruby 1.8.7 to 1.9.3. You will receive ample notification for this change, but if your application only functions on Ruby 1.8.7, you will be able to change the Ruby version per-application and per-account (via .htaccess) using the PassengerRuby option available in Phusion Passenger 4. You can then compile your own version of Ruby 1.8 inside of your account for your legacy applications.

然后,我们将开始将整个机队中的默认Ruby从Ruby 1.8.7更改为1.9.3。您将收到有关此更改的充分通知,但如果您的应用程序仅在Ruby 1.8.7上运行,您将能够使用Phusion Passenger中提供的PassengerRuby选项更改每个应用程序和每个帐户的Ruby版本(通过.htaccess) 4.然后,您可以在帐户内部为您的遗留应用程序编译自己的Ruby 1.8版本。