
时间:2021-11-12 04:37:44

I was poking around my friends project and as I looked through the file i noticed this:


    url(r'^apply/$', contact.as_view(), name='careers_contact'),

I just recently learned about class based views, and it all makes sense to me except for the last bit name='careers_contact'. I also can't seem to find the meaning of this online.


Can someone shed light on what this is, where that name lives, and what its doing?


2 个解决方案



url() name parameter

"What is it? Where does it live?"


url() is simply a function that returns a django.core.urlresolvers.RegexURLPattern object, so passing in a name='careers_contact' argument sets name for that object. None of that is really relevant until this url(...) is placed into a URLconf.

url()只是一个返回django.core.urlresolvers.RegexURLPattern对象的函数,因此传入name ='careers_contact'参数可以设置该对象的名称。在将此url(...)放入URLconf之前,这些都不是真正相关的。

THEN, if we need the URL of a view, we can now get it by passing that name into {% url 'careers_contact' %} in templates or reverse('careers_contact') in code and on the backend those functions will use the name to map back to the correct URL.


Why do we need it?


We can reverse the Python Path to get the URL (ex. reverse(blog.views.home) ), so what's the point in using name?

我们可以反转Python Path来获取URL(例如reverse(blog.views.home)),那么使用name有什么意义呢?

URL Naming and Namespacing allow for 3 things:

(Click the links for an example of the issue and how naming/namespacing solves it)




The reason they probably added a namespace for the URL is so that they can do reverse namespaced URL.


For example in a template somewhere, you will probably see something like:


<a href="{% URL 'contact:careers_contact' %}"> Click me! </a>



url() name parameter

"What is it? Where does it live?"


url() is simply a function that returns a django.core.urlresolvers.RegexURLPattern object, so passing in a name='careers_contact' argument sets name for that object. None of that is really relevant until this url(...) is placed into a URLconf.

url()只是一个返回django.core.urlresolvers.RegexURLPattern对象的函数,因此传入name ='careers_contact'参数可以设置该对象的名称。在将此url(...)放入URLconf之前,这些都不是真正相关的。

THEN, if we need the URL of a view, we can now get it by passing that name into {% url 'careers_contact' %} in templates or reverse('careers_contact') in code and on the backend those functions will use the name to map back to the correct URL.


Why do we need it?


We can reverse the Python Path to get the URL (ex. reverse(blog.views.home) ), so what's the point in using name?

我们可以反转Python Path来获取URL(例如reverse(blog.views.home)),那么使用name有什么意义呢?

URL Naming and Namespacing allow for 3 things:

(Click the links for an example of the issue and how naming/namespacing solves it)




The reason they probably added a namespace for the URL is so that they can do reverse namespaced URL.


For example in a template somewhere, you will probably see something like:


<a href="{% URL 'contact:careers_contact' %}"> Click me! </a>