1 #include <iostream.h> 2 struct goodinfo 3 { 4 float p; //物品效益 5 float w; //物品重量 6 float X; //物品该放的数量 7 int flag; //物品编号 8 };//物品信息结构体 9 10 void Insertionsort(goodinfo goods[],int n) 11 { 12 int j,i; 13 for(j=2;j<=n;j++) 14 { 15 goods[0]=goods[j]; 16 i=j-1; 17 18 while (goods[0].p>goods[i].p) 19 { 20 goods[i+1]=goods[i]; 21 i--; 22 } 23 goods[i+1]=goods[0]; 24 } 25 }//按物品效益,重量比值做升序排列 26 27 void bag(goodinfo goods[],float M,int n) 28 { 29 30 float cu; 31 int i,j; 32 for(i=1;i<=n;i++) 33 goods[i].X=0; 34 cu=M; //背包剩余容量 35 for(i=1;i<n;i++) 36 { 37 if(goods[i].w>cu)//当该物品重量大与剩余容量跳出 38 break; 39 40 goods[i].X=1; 41 cu=cu-goods[i].w;//确定背包新的剩余容量 42 } 43 if(i<=n) 44 goods[i].X=cu/goods[i].w;//该物品所要放的量 45 /*按物品编号做降序排列*/ 46 for(j=2;j<=n;j++) 47 { 48 goods[0]=goods[j]; 49 i=j-1; 50 51 while (goods[0].flag<goods[i].flag) 52 { 53 goods[i+1]=goods[i]; 54 i--; 55 } 56 goods[i+1]=goods[0]; 57 } 58 /////////////////////////////////////////// 59 cout<<"最优解为:"<<endl; 60 for(i=1;i<=n;i++) 61 { 62 cout<<"第"<<i<<"件物品要放:"; 63 cout<<goods[i].X<<endl; 64 } 65 } 66 67 void main() 68 { 69 cout<<"|--------运用贪心法解背包问题---------|"<<endl; 70 cout<<"|---power by zhanjiantao(028054115)---|"<<endl; 71 cout<<"|-------------------------------------|"<<endl; 72 int j; 73 int n; 74 float M; 75 goodinfo *goods;//定义一个指针 76 while(j) 77 { 78 cout<<"请输入物品的总数量:"; 79 cin>>n; 80 goods=new struct goodinfo [n+1];// 81 cout<<"请输入背包的最大容量:"; 82 cin>>M; 83 cout<<endl; 84 int i; 85 for(i=1;i<=n;i++) 86 { goods[i].flag=i; 87 cout<<"请输入第"<<i<<"件物品的重量:"; 88 cin>>goods[i].w; 89 cout<<"请输入第"<<i<<"件物品的效益:"; 90 cin>>goods[i].p; 91 goods[i].p=goods[i].p/goods[i].w;//得出物品的效益,重量比 92 cout<<endl; 93 94 } 95 96 Insertionsort(goods,n); 97 bag(goods,M,n); 98 cout<<"press <1> to run agian"<<endl; 99 cout<<"press <0> to exit"<<endl; 100 cin>>j; 101 } 102 }
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #define Max 100/*定义栈结构*/ typedef struct list{ int data[Max]; int top;} Seqstack; /*定义一个用来存储结果的链表*/ typedef struct List{ Seqstack result; struct List * Next;} Seqlist,*Pointer; void Inicial_List(Pointer p) { p=(Pointer)malloc(sizeof(Seqlist)); p->Next=NULL;} Seqstack Push_Stack(int n,Seqstack s) { s.top++; s.data[s.top]=n; return s;} int Add_Stack(Seqstack s) { Int total=0,i; if(s.top>=0) { for(i=0;i<=s.top;i++) total+=s.data[i]; } else { total=0; } return total;} Seqstack Pop_Stack(Seqstack s) { printf("%d",s.data[s.top]); if(s.top>=0) s.top--; return s;}/*执行回溯操作的函数*//*参数说明:n->数的总的个数,a[]用来存放数的数组,k查找的总体积*/ Pointer Query_Result(int n,int b[],int k) { int i,j; Seqstack mystack; Seqlist *newnode; Pointer r,p=NULL; Inicial_List(p); r=p; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { mystack.top=-1; j=i; while(j<n) { if(Add_Stack(mystack)+b[j]<k) { mystack=Push_Stack(b[j],mystack); j++; } else if(Add_Stack(mystack)+b[j]==k) { mystack=Push_Stack(b[j],mystack); newnode=(Pointer)malloc(sizeof(Seqlist)); newnode->result=mystack; newnode->Next=NULL; r->Next=newnode; r=newnode; mystack=Pop_Stack(mystack); j++; } else if(Add_Stack(mystack)+b[j]>k) { j++; } } } return p; } void Print_List(Pointer p) { int i,j=0; p=p->Next; printf("welcome the outer\n"); if(p==NULL) printf("there no results\n"); while(p!=NULL) { j++; printf("the %d result is: ",j); for(i=0;i<=p->result.top;i++) { printf(" %d",p->result.data[i]); } p=p->Next; printf("\n"); } printf("\n");} void Sort_Array(int b[],int n) { int i,j,temp; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { for(j=0;j<n-i;j++) { if(b[j]<b[j+1]) { temp=b[j]; b[j]=b[j+1]; b[j+1]=temp; } } } } void main() { int i,n,k,select,a[Max]; Pointer head; printf("******************************************\n"); printf("1 start\n2 exit\n"); scanf("%d",&select); while(select==1) { printf("please input the total products\n"); scanf("%d",&n); printf("please input the volumn of n products\n"); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { printf("please input the %d integers",i+1); scanf("%d",&a[i]); } printf("\n"); printf("please input the volunm to put\n"); scanf("%d",&k); Sort_Array(a,n); head=Query_Result(n,a,k); Print_List(head); printf("******************************************\n"); printf("1 start\n2 exit\n"); scanf("%d",&select); } }
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #define Max 100 /*定义栈结构*/ typedef struct list{ int data[Max]; int top;}Seqstack; /*定义一个用来存储结果的链表*/ typedef struct List { Seqstack result; struct List * Next; } Seqlist,*Pointer; void Inicial_List(Pointer p) { p=(Pointer)malloc(sizeof(Seqlist)); p->Next=NULL; } Seqstack Push_Stack(int n,Seqstack s) { s.top++; s.data[s.top]=n; return s; } int Add_Stack(Seqstack s) { int total=0,i; if(s.top>=0) { for(i=0;i<=s.top;i++) total+=s.data[i]; } else { total=0; } return total; } Seqstack Pop_Stack(Seqstack s) { printf("%d",s.data[s.top]); if(s.top>=0) s.top--; return s;} /*执行回溯操作的函数*//*参数说明:n->数的总的个数,a[]用来存放数的数组,k查找的总体积*/ Pointer Query_Result(int n,int b[],int k) { int i,j; Seqstack mystack; Seqlist *newnode; Pointer r,p=NULL; Inicial_List(p); r=p; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { mystack.top=-1; j=i; while(j<n) { if(Add_Stack(mystack)+b[j]<k) { mystack=Push_Stack(b[j],mystack); j++; } else if(Add_Stack(mystack)+b[j]==k) { mystack=Push_Stack(b[j],mystack); newnode=(Pointer)malloc(sizeof(Seqlist)); newnode->result=mystack; newnode->Next=NULL; r->Next=newnode; r=newnode; mystack=Pop_Stack(mystack); j++; } else if(Add_Stack(mystack)+b[j]>k) { j++; } } } return p; } void Print_List(Pointer p) { int i,j=0; p=p->Next; printf("welcome the outer\n"); if(p==NULL) printf("there no results\n"); while(p!=NULL) { j++; printf("the %d result is: ",j); for(i=0;i<=p->result.top;i++) { printf(" %d",p->result.data[i]); } p=p->Next; printf("\n"); } printf("\n"); } void Sort_Array(int b[],int n) { int i,j,temp; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { for(j=0;j<n-i;j++) { if(b[j]<b[j+1]) { temp=b[j]; b[j]=b[j+1]; b[j+1]=temp; } } } } void main() { int i,n,k,select,a[Max]; Pointer head; printf("******************************************\n"); printf("1 start\n2 exit\n"); scanf("%d",&select); while(select==1) { printf("please input the total products\n"); scanf("%d",&n); printf("please input the volumn of n products\n"); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { printf("please input the %d integers",i+1); scanf("%d",&a[i]); } printf("\n"); printf("please input the volunm to put\n"); scanf("%d",&k); Sort_Array(a,n); head=Query_Result(n,a,k); Print_List(head); printf("******************************************\n"); printf("1 start\n2 exit\n"); scanf("%d",&select); } }