Posting data to a HttpHandler greater then ~29MB gives a 404 error

时间:2021-10-01 21:14:21

I am testing a HttpHandler that accepts XML. It works fine when a small amount of data is posted but if I post data larger then approx 29mb, I get a 404 Error.

I am posting to the handler from another handler in the same project and I have tried 2 methods - 1. HttpWebRequest with "POST" 2. WebClient with UploadFile() and UploadData()

I get the same 404 error when the posted data is above 28.6 MB.

I also tried putting a breakpoint right in the beginning of the receiving handler and debugging. It is never hit. Appears like the handler was never called. Works ok for smaller sized data.

I already have the following setting. What am I doing Wrong?


EDIT: I have also tried posting to a different handler that doesnt not consume posted data, just to test, but the results are the same. Environment: Win 7, IIS 7.5, .net 3.5, VS 2008 Posting data to a HttpHandler greater then ~29MB gives a 404 error

asked Apr 23 '10 at 4:17
Posting data to a HttpHandler greater then ~29MB gives a 404 error
I already have it set way high - maxRequestLength="1048576" – Vaibhav Garg Apr 23 '10 at 4:39
Are you uploading a file or posting a page? – Robert Harvey♦ Apr 23 '10 at 4:41
I have tried both uploading as a file (using Webclient) as well as posting (HttpWebRequest). the concerned data is a XML document – Vaibhav Garg Apr 23 '10 at 5:13

2 Answers

I discovered that the problem is with IIS 7 and above. It requires the max request length to be set in a different place.

See the following links -

The default value is 30000000. which is 28.6mb. The correct way to set in web.config is -

      <requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="1073741824">
  </security> </system.webServer>

This config cleared the error I was getting. I wish the errors reported were more descriptive, at least on local machines

Does this mean that setting <httpRuntime maxRequestLength="1048576" /> is enough for IIS 6 ? (the live server is win2003)

answered Apr 23 '10 at 6:37
Posting data to a HttpHandler greater then ~29MB gives a 404 error