此贴为整理贴 感谢网上各位matlab大神。
%O(∩_∩)O哈!我很厉害吧 clear d=300 r1=16 r2=8 f=0.45 x=1:1:d q1=f*2*pi+r1*pi/d.*x q2=r2*pi/d.*x z=ones(1,2*d) for i=1:1:d z(1,2*i)=q1(1,i) z(1,2*i+1)=q2(1,i) end z2=ones(1,2*d) for i=1:1:d z2(1,2*i)=q1(1,i) z2(1,2*i+1)=q2(1,i) end k=ones(1,2*d+1).*1 k2=ones(1,2*d+1).*0.9 z=z+r1*pi/d t=-1:0.01:2.0 y1=0.2*t+0.02*sin(200*t)-0.15 y2=0.2*t+0.02*cos(200*t-0.1)-0.15 t2=2:0.01:2.4 y3=0.2*t2+(-1/2.4.*t2+1)*1.2.*cos(300.*t2-0.1)-0.15 y4=0.2*t2+(-1/2.4.*t2+1)*1.2.*sin(300.*t2)-0.15 whitebg('r') e1=-1:0.1:1.2 e2=-1:0.1:1.2 g=1.2-e2 for i=1:1:23 z1(1,2*i)=e1(1,i) z1(1,2*i+1)=-1 s1(1,2*i+1)=g(1,i) s1(1,2*i)=-1 end plot(-sin(z).*k,cos(z).*k+0.15,'k',sin(z2).*k2+1.1,cos(z2).*k2+0.35,'k',t,y1,'k',t,y2,'k',t2,y3,'k',t2,y4,'k',z1,-0.4*s1+1.1,'k',-z1+1.5,0.4*s1-0.6,'k',-z1+1.5,-0.4*s1+1.1,'k',z1,0.4*s1-0.6,'k')
% Initialize the volume data, figure, and axes: [X,Y,Z] = meshgrid(linspace(-3,3,101)); F = -X.^2.*Z.^3-(9/80).*Y.^2.*Z.^3+(X.^2+(9/4).*Y.^2+Z.^2-1).^3; hFigure = figure; sz = get(hFigure, 'Position'); set(hFigure, 'Position', [sz(1)-0.15*sz(3) sz(2) 1.3*sz(3) sz(4)]); set(hFigure,'color','w', 'menu','none') hAxes = axes('Parent',hFigure,'NextPlot','add',... 'DataAspectRatio',[1 1 1],... 'XLim',[30 120],'YLim',[35 65],'ZLim',[30 75]); view([-39 30]); axis off % hidden surface removal hidden on % Fill the inside of the mesh with an isosurface to % block rendering of the back side of the heart p = patch(isosurface(F,-0.001)); set(p,'FaceColor','w','EdgeColor','none'); % Create and plot contours in the y-z plane: for iX = [35 38 41 45 48 51 54 57 61 64 67] plane = reshape(F(:,iX,:),101,101); cData = contourc(plane,[0 0]); xData = iX.*ones(1,cData(2,1)); plot3(hAxes,xData,cData(2,2:end),cData(1,2:end),'k'); pause(.1), drawnow end % Create and plot contours in the x-z plane: for iY = [41 44 47 51 55 58 61] plane = reshape(F(iY,:,:),101,101); cData = contourc(plane,[0 0]); yData = iY.*ones(1,cData(2,1)); plot3(hAxes,cData(2,2:end),yData,cData(1,2:end),'k'); pause(.1), drawnow end % Create and plot contours in the x-y plane: for iZ = [36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 69 71] plane = F(:,:,iZ); cData = contourc(plane,[0 0]); startIndex = 1; if size(cData,2) > (cData(2,1)+1) startIndex = cData(2,1)+2; zData = iZ.*ones(1,cData(2,1)); plot3(hAxes,cData(1,2:(startIndex-1)),... cData(2,2:(startIndex-1)),zData,'k'); end zData = iZ.*ones(1,cData(2,startIndex)); plot3(hAxes,cData(1,(startIndex+1):end),... cData(2,(startIndex+1):end),zData,'k'); pause(.1), drawnow end pause(.2) text(7,50,70,'I', 'fontWeight','bold','FontAngle','italic','fontsize',100) pause(.5) text(80,50,43,'Math', 'fontWeight','bold','FontAngle','italic','fontsize',100) pause(.2) line([20 80],[50 50],[52.5 52.5], 'color','k') line([50 50],[20 80],[52.5 52.5], 'color','k') line([50 50],[50 50],[30 80], 'color','k') text(20,50,50,'x') text(48,20,50,'y') text(45,50,80,'z') text(30,60,30,'(x^2+9/4y^2+z^2-1)^3 - x^2z^3-9/80y^2z^3=0', 'fontsize',8) text(35,45,30,'-3<x,y,z<3', 'fontsize',8)
clear clc [x,y,z]=meshgrid(linspace(-1.3,1.3)); val=(x.^2 + (9/4)*y.^2 + z.^2 - 1).^3 - x.^2.*z.^3 - (9/80)*y.^2.*z.^3; isosurface(x,y,z,val,0) axis equal view(-10,24) colormap flag camlight lighting phong