
时间:2021-12-25 04:16:24

I am trying to wrap my head around how to structure my data for firebase realtime database. I read the docs and some other questions on SO finding following advices:


  • data should be as flat as possible
  • 数据应尽可能平坦
  • be expensive on writes to have cheap reads
  • 在写入便宜的读取是昂贵的
  • avoid nesting data
  • 避免嵌套数据
  • duplication of data may be okay
  • 重复数据可能没问题

Keeping this in mind let me describe my specific use case. Frist there is user with following attributes:


  • Firstname
  • 名字
  • Lastname
  • Profile picture (big)
  • 个人资料图片(大)
  • Profile picture (small)
  • 个人资料图片(小)

A user may create a story, that consist of following attributes:


  • User
  • 用户
  • Text
  • 文本
  • Timestamp
  • 时间戳

The visual representation of a story may look like this:



My question is, how would you associate user information (firstname, lastname, small profile picture) with a story?


What I thought about:


  1. put a user_id in the story that contains the foreign id to the specific user. To load the story we would have to make two request to the database, one to get the story and one for the user.


    { user_id : 'XYZ', text: 'foobar', timestamp: ... }


  2. put firstname, lastname and small profile picture in the story. Only one request would be necessary to display the story. But we would have to update each user's story, when e.g. the profile picture changes.


    { user_id : 'XYZ', firstname: 'sandra', lastname: 'adams', smallProfilePicutre: '...', text: 'foobar', timestamp: ... }


So when there are few stories created and most of the time there are just reads, approach 1. would be expensive, because we pay for two reads to display a story. Approach 2. would be more cost efficient.


I would like to here your thoughts and ideas on this.


1 个解决方案



I'm with Jay here: you pretty much got all of it in your question already. Great summary of the practices we recommend when using Firebase Database.


Your questions boils down to: should I duplicate my user profile information into each story? Unfortunately there's no single answer for that.


Most developers I see will keep the profile information separate and just keep the user UID in the post as a unmanaged foreign key. This has the advantage of needing to update the user profile in only one place when it changes. The performance to read a single story is not too bad: the two reads are relatively fast, since they go over the same connection. When you're showing a list of stories, it is unexpectedly fast since Firebase pipelines the requests over its single connection.


But one of the first bigger implementation I helped with actually duplicated the user data over the stories. As you said: reading a story or list of stories is as fast as it can be in that case. When asked how they dealt with keeping the user information up to date in the stories (see strategies here), they admitted they didn't. In fact: they argued many good reasons why they needed the historical user information for each story.


In the end, it all depends on your use-case. You'll need to answer questions such as:


  • Do you need the historical information for each user?
  • 您需要每个用户的历史信息吗?
  • Is it crucial that you show the up-to-date information for a user in older posts?
  • 在较旧的帖子中显示用户的最新信息是否至关重要?
  • Can you come up with a good caching strategy for the user profiles in your client-side code?
  • 你能为客户端代码中的用户配置文件提出一个好的缓存策略吗?



I'm with Jay here: you pretty much got all of it in your question already. Great summary of the practices we recommend when using Firebase Database.


Your questions boils down to: should I duplicate my user profile information into each story? Unfortunately there's no single answer for that.


Most developers I see will keep the profile information separate and just keep the user UID in the post as a unmanaged foreign key. This has the advantage of needing to update the user profile in only one place when it changes. The performance to read a single story is not too bad: the two reads are relatively fast, since they go over the same connection. When you're showing a list of stories, it is unexpectedly fast since Firebase pipelines the requests over its single connection.


But one of the first bigger implementation I helped with actually duplicated the user data over the stories. As you said: reading a story or list of stories is as fast as it can be in that case. When asked how they dealt with keeping the user information up to date in the stories (see strategies here), they admitted they didn't. In fact: they argued many good reasons why they needed the historical user information for each story.


In the end, it all depends on your use-case. You'll need to answer questions such as:


  • Do you need the historical information for each user?
  • 您需要每个用户的历史信息吗?
  • Is it crucial that you show the up-to-date information for a user in older posts?
  • 在较旧的帖子中显示用户的最新信息是否至关重要?
  • Can you come up with a good caching strategy for the user profiles in your client-side code?
  • 你能为客户端代码中的用户配置文件提出一个好的缓存策略吗?