
时间:2021-06-14 04:16:52

See also: Why is my image rotation algorithm not working?


This question isn't language specific, and is a math problem. I will however use some C++ code to explain what I need as I'm not too hot on math.

这个问题不是语言特定的,而且是一个数学问题。然而,我将使用一些C ++代码来解释我需要什么,因为我对数学不太热。

Here's how the image is composed:


ImageMatrix image;
image[0][0][0] = 1;
image[0][1][0] = 2;
image[0][2][0] = 1;
image[1][0][0] = 0;
image[1][1][0] = 0;
image[1][2][0] = 0;
image[2][0][0] = -1;
image[2][1][0] = -2;
image[2][2][0] = -1;

Here's the prototype for the function I'm trying to create:


ImageMatrix rotateImage(ImageMatrix image, double angle);

I'd like to rotate only the first two indices (rows and columns) but not the channel.


4 个解决方案


The usual way to solve this is by doing it backwards. Instead of calculating where each pixel in the input image ends up in the output image, you calculate where each pixel in the output image is located in the input image (by rotationg the same amount in the other direction. This way you can be sure that all pixels in the output image will have a value.


output = new Image(input.size())

for each pixel in input:
  p2 = rotate(pixel, -angle);
  value = interpolate(input, p2)
  output(pixel) = value

There are different ways to do interpolation. For the formula of rotation I think you should check https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotation_matrix#In_two_dimensions


But just to be nice, here it is (rotation of point (x,y) angle degrees/radians):


 newX = cos(angle)*x - sin(angle)*y
 newY = sin(angle)*x + cos(angle)*y


Note there's another solution apart from rotation matrices, that doesn't loose image information through aliasing. You can separate 2D image rotation into skews and scalings, which preserve the image quality.


Here's a simpler explanation



To rotate an image, you create 3 points:



and rotate that around A. To get the new rotated image you do this:


  • rotate ABC around A in 2D, so this is a single euler rotation
  • 在2D中围绕A旋转ABC,因此这是单个euler旋转

  • traverse in the rotated state from A to B. For every pixel you traverse also from left to right over the horizontal line in the original image. So if the image is an image of width 100, height 50, you'll traverse from A to B in 100 steps and from A to C in 50 steps, drawing 50 lines of 100 pixels in the area formed by ABC in their rotated state.
  • 从A到B的旋转状态进行遍历。对于每个像素,您也在原始图像的水平线上从左到右遍历。因此,如果图像是宽度为100,高度为50的图像,则您将以100步从A到B,以50步从A到C,在ABC旋转状态下在ABC形成的区域中绘制50行100像素。

This might sound complicated but it's not. Please see this C# code I wrote some time ago: rotoZoomer by me


When drawing, I alter the source pointers a bit to get a rubber-like effect, but if you disable that, you'll see the code rotates the image without problems. Of course, on some angles you'll get an image which looks slightly distorted. The sourcecode contains comments what's going on so you should be able to grab the math/logic behind it easily.


If you like Java better, I also have made a java version once, 14 or so years ago ;) -> http://www.xs4all.nl/~perseus/zoom/zoom.java

如果你更喜欢Java,我也已经制作了一个java版本,大约14年前;) - > http://www.xs4all.nl/~perseus/zoom/zoom.java


It seems like the example you've provided is some edge detection kernel. So if what you want to is detect edges of different angles you'd better choose some continuous function (which in your case might be a parametrized gaussian of x1 multiplied by x2) and then rotate it according to formulae provided by kigurai. As a result you would be able to produce a diskrete kernel more efficiently and without aliasing.



The usual way to solve this is by doing it backwards. Instead of calculating where each pixel in the input image ends up in the output image, you calculate where each pixel in the output image is located in the input image (by rotationg the same amount in the other direction. This way you can be sure that all pixels in the output image will have a value.


output = new Image(input.size())

for each pixel in input:
  p2 = rotate(pixel, -angle);
  value = interpolate(input, p2)
  output(pixel) = value

There are different ways to do interpolation. For the formula of rotation I think you should check https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotation_matrix#In_two_dimensions


But just to be nice, here it is (rotation of point (x,y) angle degrees/radians):


 newX = cos(angle)*x - sin(angle)*y
 newY = sin(angle)*x + cos(angle)*y


Note there's another solution apart from rotation matrices, that doesn't loose image information through aliasing. You can separate 2D image rotation into skews and scalings, which preserve the image quality.


Here's a simpler explanation



To rotate an image, you create 3 points:



and rotate that around A. To get the new rotated image you do this:


  • rotate ABC around A in 2D, so this is a single euler rotation
  • 在2D中围绕A旋转ABC,因此这是单个euler旋转

  • traverse in the rotated state from A to B. For every pixel you traverse also from left to right over the horizontal line in the original image. So if the image is an image of width 100, height 50, you'll traverse from A to B in 100 steps and from A to C in 50 steps, drawing 50 lines of 100 pixels in the area formed by ABC in their rotated state.
  • 从A到B的旋转状态进行遍历。对于每个像素,您也在原始图像的水平线上从左到右遍历。因此,如果图像是宽度为100,高度为50的图像,则您将以100步从A到B,以50步从A到C,在ABC旋转状态下在ABC形成的区域中绘制50行100像素。

This might sound complicated but it's not. Please see this C# code I wrote some time ago: rotoZoomer by me


When drawing, I alter the source pointers a bit to get a rubber-like effect, but if you disable that, you'll see the code rotates the image without problems. Of course, on some angles you'll get an image which looks slightly distorted. The sourcecode contains comments what's going on so you should be able to grab the math/logic behind it easily.


If you like Java better, I also have made a java version once, 14 or so years ago ;) -> http://www.xs4all.nl/~perseus/zoom/zoom.java

如果你更喜欢Java,我也已经制作了一个java版本,大约14年前;) - > http://www.xs4all.nl/~perseus/zoom/zoom.java


It seems like the example you've provided is some edge detection kernel. So if what you want to is detect edges of different angles you'd better choose some continuous function (which in your case might be a parametrized gaussian of x1 multiplied by x2) and then rotate it according to formulae provided by kigurai. As a result you would be able to produce a diskrete kernel more efficiently and without aliasing.
