我的iPhone应用程序应该在哪里存储SQLite DB ?

时间:2021-02-17 04:17:55

I have several iOS apps on the market and in all of them I have a small SQLite database file connected to the app to provide the user with my data. Once installed the user customizes this DB by changing certain options.


Until now, all of these apps store the DB in NSDocumentsDirectory. After submitting my last update, it was rejected for storing data in the wrong location. For the apps rejected I changed the storage location to NSCachesDirectory. I am now afraid that the cache will get cleared and erase the users customizations. The app would still function, the DB would get recreated, but all changed tables would be reset, thereby upsetting users.


Where should this type of database file be stored? Was I right to put it in the Docs dir? According to Apple, the Docs dir is for "Critical Data" which is either user generated data or data needed for proper operation of the app. I feel that it falls under that category, persisting my users settings is proper operation, but who wants to await an appeal?

这种类型的数据库文件应该存储在哪里?我把它放在文档目录是对的吗?根据苹果公司的说法,Docs dir是针对“关键数据”,即用户生成的数据或应用正常运行所需要的数据。我认为它属于这一范畴,坚持我的用户设置是正确的操作,但谁愿意等待上诉呢?

3 个解决方案



Apple's file system programming guide for iOS describes the (application_home)/Library path as a place to "create custom subdirectories for files you want backed up but not exposed to the user". The (application_home)/Documents path is described as "the contents of this directory can be made available to the user through file sharing."


Your databases don't sound like documents, they sound like private caches that users shouldn't know about. I recommend you create a directory such as (application_home)/Library/Database and save files there. The cache path you mention doesn't sound like the best option to me.


You should really review the entire file system programming guide for iOS before submitting another app.




If your database indeed contains user-generated content, then the Documents directory is its proper location.


However, you mention that you are persisting "your users settings"... If the data you are persisting are more akin to settings or preferences, then they should reside in the Defaults subsystem. See the documentation for NSUserDefaults.




6 year update:


Storing the data in the NSCachesDirectory caused a bug, as expected, that the users customized data would erase whenever the device felt like it. After many many attempts at arguing the point with Apple app review, I was able to finally post an update where the data is now stored in a custom directory in the NSDocumentsDirectory (as it should be) which solved all of the aforementioned issues.

在NSCachesDirectory中存储数据会导致一个错误,正如预期的那样,用户自定义数据会在设备需要时删除。在与Apple app review就这一点进行了多次争论之后,我终于发布了一个更新,现在数据存储在NSDocumentsDirectory中的自定义目录中(应该是这样),它解决了上述所有问题。



Apple's file system programming guide for iOS describes the (application_home)/Library path as a place to "create custom subdirectories for files you want backed up but not exposed to the user". The (application_home)/Documents path is described as "the contents of this directory can be made available to the user through file sharing."


Your databases don't sound like documents, they sound like private caches that users shouldn't know about. I recommend you create a directory such as (application_home)/Library/Database and save files there. The cache path you mention doesn't sound like the best option to me.


You should really review the entire file system programming guide for iOS before submitting another app.




If your database indeed contains user-generated content, then the Documents directory is its proper location.


However, you mention that you are persisting "your users settings"... If the data you are persisting are more akin to settings or preferences, then they should reside in the Defaults subsystem. See the documentation for NSUserDefaults.




6 year update:


Storing the data in the NSCachesDirectory caused a bug, as expected, that the users customized data would erase whenever the device felt like it. After many many attempts at arguing the point with Apple app review, I was able to finally post an update where the data is now stored in a custom directory in the NSDocumentsDirectory (as it should be) which solved all of the aforementioned issues.

在NSCachesDirectory中存储数据会导致一个错误,正如预期的那样,用户自定义数据会在设备需要时删除。在与Apple app review就这一点进行了多次争论之后,我终于发布了一个更新,现在数据存储在NSDocumentsDirectory中的自定义目录中(应该是这样),它解决了上述所有问题。