/* [Author:lucas Date:2007.11.15] */
//get a 10-digit date and time current timestamp
//it shows how manay seconds it has run since 1970-01-01
//要找出前一天的时间就是 time()-60*60*24
//要找出前一年的时间就是 time()-60*60*24*365
echo time(); //[output: 119510414015]
echo date("Y-m-d",time()-60*60*24*365); //[output:2006-11-15]
// set default timezone and get today's date
/* date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$t) used to format date,$t arg was a timestamp
a - "am" 或是 "pm"
A - "AM" 或是 "PM"
d - 几日,二位数字,若不足二位则前面补零; 如: "01" 至 "31"
D - 星期几,三个英文字母; 如: "Fri"
F - 月份,英文全名; 如: "January"
h - 12 小时制的小时; 如: "01" 至 "12"
H - 24 小时制的小时; 如: "00" 至 "23"
g - 12 小时制的小时,不足二位不补零; 如: "1" 至 12"
G - 24 小时制的小时,不足二位不补零; 如: "0" 至 "23"
i - 分钟; 如: "00" 至 "59"
j - 几日,二位数字,若不足二位不补零; 如: "1" 至 "31"
l - 星期几,英文全名; 如: "Friday"
m - 月份,二位数字,若不足二位则在前面补零; 如: "01" 至 "12"
n - 月份,二位数字,若不足二位则不补零; 如: "1" 至 "12"
M - 月份,三个英文字母; 如: "Jan"
s - 秒; 如: "00" 至 "59"
S - 字尾加英文序数,二个英文字母; 如: "th","nd"
t - 指定月份的天数; 如: "28" 至 "31"
U - 总秒数
w - 数字型的星期几,如: "0" (星期日) 至 "6" (星期六)
W - 计算一年中的第几周
Y - 年,四位数字; 如: "1999"
y - 年,二位数字; 如: "99"
z - 一年中的第几天; 如: "0" 至 "365"
echo date("j F Y H:i:s"); //[output: 15 November 2007 13:20:58]
/*The mktime function is forgiving if you supply it with nonsense arguments,
such as a day of the month that doesn't exist. For instance, if you try to
calculate a timestamp for February 29 in a non-leap year, the value returned
will actually represent March 1 .*/
echo date("d/m/Y", mktime(12, 0, 0, 2, 29, 2003));//[output:01/03/2003]
echo date("d/m/Y H:i:s",mktime(12 + 37, 0, 0, 12, 30, 2001));//[output:01/01/2002 01:00:00]
//using explode function to make timestamp
$date = "08-30-2007";
$parts = explode("-", $date);
$timestamp = mktime(12, 0, 0,$parts[0], $parts[1], $parts[2]);
echo date("d/m/Y",$timestamp); //[output:30/08/2007]
//using strtotime function to make timestamp
$timestamp = strtotime("3 May 04");
//$timestamp = strtotime("3rd May 2004");
//$timestamp = strtotime("May 3, 2004");
//$timestamp = strtotime("3-may-04");
//$timestamp = strtotime("2004-05-03");
echo date("d/m/Y",$timestamp); //[output:03/05/2004]
//judge today whether is weekend
$now = getdate();
switch ($now[wday]) {
case 0: // Sunday
case 6: // Saturday
echo "It's the weekend";
default: echo "It's a weekday";
//using ereg_replace to format a date
$date = "08/26/2003";
print ereg_replace("([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)","//2///1///3",$date); //[output:26/08/2003]