nodejs v8内存gc分配失败

时间:2021-09-27 04:00:48

I am trying to profile nodejs v8 memory with a do nothing server. I used node-memwatch to get heap diff. I collect heap info before connecting and after connection tore down. I used node-memwatch. I tried 200 concurrent connections from client side.

我试图用一个什么都不服务器配置nodejs v8内存。我使用node-memwatch来获取堆差异。我在连接之前和连接之后收集堆信息。我使用了node-memwatch。我尝试了客户端的200个并发连接。

Here is the gc trace after connection tore down.

这是连接tore down后的gc跟踪。

can anyone help me to understand:


1.why are memory increasing ? after connections tore down, the server is absolutely doing nothing. shouldn't it suppose to always drop as garbages being collected ?
2. what is are those allocation failure ? How do I really interpret the trace here ?

为什么记忆在增加?连接崩溃后,服务器绝对无所事事。它不应该假设总是随着收集的垃圾而下降吗? 2.那些分配失败是什么?我如何真正解释这里的痕迹?

 15802 ms: Mark-sweep 8.9 (45.0) -> 8.1 (45.0) MB, 58 ms [allocation failure] [GC in old space forced by flags].
 16144 ms: Mark-sweep 9.2 (45.0) -> 8.4 (45.0) MB, 53 ms [allocation failure] [GC in old space forced by flags].
 16495 ms: Mark-sweep 9.5 (45.0) -> 8.7 (46.0) MB, 60 ms [allocation failure] [GC in old space forced by flags].
 16837 ms: Mark-sweep 9.8 (46.0) -> 9.0 (46.0) MB, 56 ms [allocation failure] [GC in old space forced by flags].
 17197 ms: Mark-sweep 10.1 (46.0) -> 9.4 (46.0) MB, 62 ms [allocation failure] [GC in old space forced by flags].
 17905 ms: Mark-sweep 11.5 (46.0) -> 10.0 (47.0) MB, 74 ms [Runtime::PerformGC] [GC in old space forced by flags].                                                               
 18596 ms: Mark-sweep 12.2 (47.0) -> 10.7 (47.0) MB, 75 ms [Runtime::PerformGC] [GC in old space forced by flags].
 19315 ms: Mark-sweep 12.8 (47.0) -> 11.3 (48.0) MB, 83 ms [allocation failure] [GC in old space forced by flags].
 20035 ms: Mark-sweep 13.4 (48.0) -> 12.0 (49.0) MB, 90 ms [Runtime::PerformGC] [GC in old space forced by flags].
 21487 ms: Mark-sweep 16.0 (49.0) -> 13.2 (50.0) MB, 96 ms [Runtime::PerformGC] [GC in old space forced by flags].
 22950 ms: Mark-sweep 17.3 (50.0) -> 14.5 (52.0) MB, 116 ms [Runtime::PerformGC] [GC in old space forced by flags].
 24376 ms: Mark-sweep 18.8 (52.0) -> 15.9 (53.0) MB, 114 ms [allocation failure] [GC in old space forced by flags].
 25849 ms: Mark-sweep 19.9 (53.0) -> 17.2 (54.0) MB, 129 ms [Runtime::PerformGC] [GC in old space forced by flags].
 28773 ms: Mark-sweep 25.2 (54.0) -> 19.7 (57.0) MB, 149 ms [allocation failure] [GC in old space forced by flags].
 31725 ms: Mark-sweep 27.7 (57.0) -> 22.2 (59.0) MB, 172 ms [Runtime::PerformGC] [GC in old space forced by flags].
 34678 ms: Mark-sweep 30.2 (59.0) -> 24.7 (61.0) MB, 190 ms [Runtime::PerformGC] [GC in old space forced by flags].
 44045 ms: Mark-sweep 28.4 (61.0) -> 25.8 (63.0) MB, 180 ms [idle notification] [GC in old space forced by flags].
 44216 ms: Mark-sweep 25.8 (63.0) -> 25.8 (63.0) MB, 170 ms [idle notification] [GC in old space requested].
 57471 ms: Mark-sweep 26.9 (63.0) -> 25.8 (62.0) MB, 167 ms [Runtime::PerformGC] [GC in old space forced by flags].
 57651 ms: Mark-sweep 26.8 (62.0) -> 25.5 (62.0) MB, 160 ms [Runtime::PerformGC] [GC in old space forced by flags].
 57828 ms: Mark-sweep 26.5 (62.0) -> 25.5 (62.0) MB, 159 ms [Runtime::PerformGC] [GC in old space forced by flags].



2 个解决方案



"allocation failure" sounds very dramatic, but there is no real failure involved. It just means that we allocated so much memory that it is time to do a GC to see if we can collect some memory.


It looks like you are running with the --gc-global flag ("GC forced by flags"). That's a bad idea for production, though it may be fine for narrowing down a problem when debugging.


I can't tell why your process is leaking. You may find the heap profiler useful. See




According to the code:


PrintF("%s %.1f (%.1f) -> %.1f (%.1f) MB, ",
       static_cast<double>(start_object_size_) / MB,                                                                                    
       static_cast<double>(start_memory_size_) / MB, 

Each line is one gc, when gc started,


start_object_size_ = heap_->SizeOfObjects();

In gc summary:


PrintF("total_size_before=%" V8_PTR_PREFIX "d ", start_object_size_);                                                                   
PrintF("total_size_after=%" V8_PTR_PREFIX "d ", heap_->SizeOfObjects());

As of why start_object_size_ increases in the time when my app is idle, I am guessing maybe during the gc, some objects got promoted to old space and caused object size in old space increased.




"allocation failure" sounds very dramatic, but there is no real failure involved. It just means that we allocated so much memory that it is time to do a GC to see if we can collect some memory.


It looks like you are running with the --gc-global flag ("GC forced by flags"). That's a bad idea for production, though it may be fine for narrowing down a problem when debugging.


I can't tell why your process is leaking. You may find the heap profiler useful. See




According to the code:


PrintF("%s %.1f (%.1f) -> %.1f (%.1f) MB, ",
       static_cast<double>(start_object_size_) / MB,                                                                                    
       static_cast<double>(start_memory_size_) / MB, 

Each line is one gc, when gc started,


start_object_size_ = heap_->SizeOfObjects();

In gc summary:


PrintF("total_size_before=%" V8_PTR_PREFIX "d ", start_object_size_);                                                                   
PrintF("total_size_after=%" V8_PTR_PREFIX "d ", heap_->SizeOfObjects());

As of why start_object_size_ increases in the time when my app is idle, I am guessing maybe during the gc, some objects got promoted to old space and caused object size in old space increased.
