在部分视图中使用动态内容的Kendo Tabstrip

时间:2022-04-08 03:54:43

I am new to ASP.NET MVC. I am facing one or other issues to design the layout for below scenario. Could you someone help me with a solution and I will definitely appreciate your help.

我是ASP.NET MVC的新手。我面临一个或其他问题来设计以下场景的布局。你能帮助我一个解决方案,我一定会感激你的帮助。

The requirement is:


This is an existing application. While loading view there is a Master View and inside few partial views already defined.


In one of the Partial view, I need to have a same layout multiple times on demand. It is depends on the user how many required. may be 1 or 2 or more. We are using Telerik Kendo controls extensively in our UI and in existing View we strongly typed Model object with View.

在其中一个部分视图中,我需要根据需要多次使用相同的布局。这取决于用户需要多少。可以是1或2或更多。我们在UI中广泛使用Telerik Kendo控件,在现有View中,我们使用View强烈键入了Model对象。

I would like to go with Kendo Tabstrips control and add Tab dynamically when required by the user. Also, the layout is exactly same, So, would like to design (Html table with many controls like textbox, dropdown etc.) each tab layout as Partial View so that I can reuse the design. Please let me know whether this approach is best or any better approach is available.

我想使用Kendo Tabstrips控件并在用户需要时动态添加Tab。此外,布局完全相同,因此,想要设计(带有许多控件的Html表,如文本框,下拉列表等)每个选项卡布局作为部分视图,以便我可以重用该设计。请告诉我这种方法是否最佳,或者是否有更好的方法。

I need to get the entire data when the user Submit the master view . Each main partial View contains and the parent of the Tabstrips Partial view also contains a but not defined for each tabstrip partial view as I need data as collection of objects in one of the property in Parent Partial View Model Object.


Can you please let me know how to design model object for each tabs(Partial View) as well as Parent Partial View. it could be good, if you could show a small example code.


The below are the issues faced during designing this


  1. Unable to add inside another as getting below error
  2. 无法在另一个内部添加为低于错误

Inline markup blocks (@



) cannot be nested. Only one level of inline markup is allowed.

@(Html.Kendo().PanelBar().Name("panelBar_" + panelName).Items(pb =>    pb.Add().Text("PCG").Expanded(Expanded).Selected(true)
<form id="frm_@(panelName)" onsubmit="DisableEvent(event)">
<div style="width:100%; height:auto;">
    <button class="k-button">Add new PCG</button>
    .Name("TabPCG").HtmlAttributes(new { style = "width:100%;" })
   .Items(items =>
           .Text("PCG 1 <button data-type='remove' class='k-button k-button-icon' onclick='deleteMe(this)'><span class='k-icon k-i-close'></span></button>")
           .HtmlAttributes(new { style = "width:12%", id = "tabPCG1" })
           //.LoadContentFrom("_PCGTab", "Home", new { tabId ="tab1"});

2.Then Changed the design as shown below. defined partial view in Parent View


@helper RenderPCGTab()

<div style="width:100%; height:auto;">
    <button class="k-button">Add new PCG</button>
    .Name("TabPCG").HtmlAttributes(new { style = "width:100%;" })
   .Items(items =>
           .Text("PCG 1 <button data-type='remove' class='k-button k-button-icon' onclick='deleteMe(this)'><span class='k-icon k-i-close'></span></button>")
           .HtmlAttributes(new { style = "width:12%", id = "tabPCG1" })
           //.LoadContentFrom("_PCGTab", "Home", new { tabId ="tab1"});


and designed Kendo panel as shown below the Parent Partial View


@(Html.Kendo().PanelBar().Name("panelBar_" + panelName).Items(pb => pb.Add().Text("PCG").Expanded(Expanded).Selected(true)
 <form id="frm_@(panelName)" onsubmit="DisableEvent(event)">

1 个解决方案



Since you use a strongly typed View, I would recommend using a Tuple as the model. The Item1 would hold the required model details, while Item2 would hold the required number of tabs (it holds the names of the tabs).

由于您使用强类型视图,我建议使用元组作为模型。 Item1将保存所需的模型详细信息,而Item2将保留所需数量的选项卡(它包含选项卡的名称)。

@model Tuple<[Model],List<string>>

Now create a Kendo Tabstrip control, with dynamic items (based on model's Item2)

现在用动态项创建一个Kendo Tabstrip控件(基于模型的Item2)

      .Name("KendoTabStrip")                //You need to dynamically change the name by appending a unique parameter in case you need multiple Tabstrips
      .Animation(animation =>
          animation.Open(effect =>
      .Items(tabstrip =>
          var TabItemIndex = 0;
          foreach (var TabItem in Model.Item2)
             .HtmlAttributes(new { id = "TabStripButton" + TabItem + "_" + TabItemIndex, title = TabItem})    //Generate a dynamic ID for each Tab
             .Content(" ");

Once you have created the structure of the Tabstrip, you need to populate each tab with its corresponding content


In the View (Parent Partial View) itself, create a Ready function for the tabstrip and serialize the object using JSON


$(("KendoTabStrip")).ready(function () {
    _TBSModelName = @Html.Raw(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(this.Model.Item1))

Note: This is in case you need the Model Data in your child partial view.


Create a javascript file and place the function TabStripUserControl() in it. This function will create your content and place it into the tab.


function TabStripUserControl()
var _LocalTBSModel = _TBSModelName
var items = "#KendoTabStrip" + " .k-tabstrip-items";
$(items).click(function (z) {


Inside the function (click function), create a div and provide a dynamic ID for the same before placing it inside the tab using Javascript/JQuery.

在函数内部(单击函数),在使用Javascript / JQuery将其放入选项卡之前,创建一个div并为其提供动态ID。

var div = $("<div/>");

Use Ajax call to call your controller, which in turn will call your Child Partial View (which contains HTML controls) and render the partial view inside the above created div on Ajax call's success.


                url: 'Controller/ActionMethod',
                data: JSON.stringify({ Value: "SomeValue" }),
                type: 'POST',
                contentType: 'application/json;',
                async: false,
                success: function (data) {
                    div = data;

Hope this helps.




Since you use a strongly typed View, I would recommend using a Tuple as the model. The Item1 would hold the required model details, while Item2 would hold the required number of tabs (it holds the names of the tabs).

由于您使用强类型视图,我建议使用元组作为模型。 Item1将保存所需的模型详细信息,而Item2将保留所需数量的选项卡(它包含选项卡的名称)。

@model Tuple<[Model],List<string>>

Now create a Kendo Tabstrip control, with dynamic items (based on model's Item2)

现在用动态项创建一个Kendo Tabstrip控件(基于模型的Item2)

      .Name("KendoTabStrip")                //You need to dynamically change the name by appending a unique parameter in case you need multiple Tabstrips
      .Animation(animation =>
          animation.Open(effect =>
      .Items(tabstrip =>
          var TabItemIndex = 0;
          foreach (var TabItem in Model.Item2)
             .HtmlAttributes(new { id = "TabStripButton" + TabItem + "_" + TabItemIndex, title = TabItem})    //Generate a dynamic ID for each Tab
             .Content(" ");

Once you have created the structure of the Tabstrip, you need to populate each tab with its corresponding content


In the View (Parent Partial View) itself, create a Ready function for the tabstrip and serialize the object using JSON


$(("KendoTabStrip")).ready(function () {
    _TBSModelName = @Html.Raw(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(this.Model.Item1))

Note: This is in case you need the Model Data in your child partial view.


Create a javascript file and place the function TabStripUserControl() in it. This function will create your content and place it into the tab.


function TabStripUserControl()
var _LocalTBSModel = _TBSModelName
var items = "#KendoTabStrip" + " .k-tabstrip-items";
$(items).click(function (z) {


Inside the function (click function), create a div and provide a dynamic ID for the same before placing it inside the tab using Javascript/JQuery.

在函数内部(单击函数),在使用Javascript / JQuery将其放入选项卡之前,创建一个div并为其提供动态ID。

var div = $("<div/>");

Use Ajax call to call your controller, which in turn will call your Child Partial View (which contains HTML controls) and render the partial view inside the above created div on Ajax call's success.


                url: 'Controller/ActionMethod',
                data: JSON.stringify({ Value: "SomeValue" }),
                type: 'POST',
                contentType: 'application/json;',
                async: false,
                success: function (data) {
                    div = data;

Hope this helps.
