如果没有要显示的子项,Kendo UI treeview会删除kendo ui treeview中的展开箭头 - 无法正常工作

时间:2021-02-02 03:55:21

I was attempting to use this code


How can i remove the expand arrow in kendo ui treeview if there are no child's to display

如果没有要显示的子项,如何删除kendo ui treeview中的展开箭头

Now, it is not the selected answer, but it is partially working for me


Here is the answer I based my hasChildren on


var inline = new kendo.data.HierarchicalDataSource({
    data: @Html.Raw(dataSource),
    schema: {
        model: {
            children: "Children",
            hasChildren: function(e) {
                var test = e.Children.length;
                return test > 0; 

My code looks like this:


children: "items",
//hasChildren: "Id"  // Id I was using as that is a key 
hasChildren: function(e) {
    var test = e.items.length;
    return test > 0; 
  1. The load of the data looks great. All collapsed and I see that ONLY the parent nodes WITH children have Arrow icons . Perfect
  2. 数据的负载看起来很棒。所有折叠,我看到只有带子节点的父节点有箭头图标。完善

  3. Problem, as soon as I click to expand any Parent Node I get an error


    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined

Why is this happening?


1 个解决方案



It sounds like the items property is sometimes null. Give a try to check if it exists first.


return e.items && e.items.length;



It sounds like the items property is sometimes null. Give a try to check if it exists first.


return e.items && e.items.length;