Unity - 着色器在Android(OpenGL)和编辑器(DX11)上的工作方式不同

时间:2021-10-11 03:56:21

I wrote circular cutout sprite shader which works ok in editor & standalone version but behaves incorrectly on Android devices.


In essence it's simple pixel shader:


fixed4 frag(pixelData IN) : SV_Target
 const float PI = 3.1415;
 float angle = -atan2(IN.texcoord.x - 0.5, -IN.texcoord.y + 0.5) + PI;

 if (angle < _Percent * 2 * PI) //_Percent is in range from 0 to 1        
     return tex2D(_MainTex, IN.texcoord) * IN.color;            
     return float4(1,1,1,0);            

Rendering in editor (DX11 on DX9 GPU)

在编辑器中渲染(DX9 GPU上的DX11)

Unity  - 着色器在Android(OpenGL)和编辑器(DX11)上的工作方式不同

Screenshot from Android (OpenGL - Nexus 4)

Android屏幕截图(OpenGL - Nexus 4)

As you can see exactly in the middle there are pixels which should be red


Unity  - 着色器在Android(OpenGL)和编辑器(DX11)上的工作方式不同

I'm using Unity 5.0.0f4. Attaching zipped test project: ShaderTest.zip (30kB)

我正在使用Unity 5.0.0f4。附加压缩测试项目:ShaderTest.zip(30kB)

2 个解决方案


In atan2, as the y parameter approaches zero from above (eg - IN.texcoord.x - 0.5 ~= +0), you're going to start getting values near PI, because you'll get arctan(y/x) + PI, where y ~= 0, and arctan(0) = 0 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atan2). The Android version is presumably using lower precision floating point operations, and thus this is much more noticeable there. Likely if you zoomed in enough on the desktop version, you'd see pixels that fail your conditional as well.

在atan2中,当y参数从上面接近零时(例如-IN.texcoord.x - 0.5~ = + 0),你将开始在PI附近获得值,因为你将获得arctan(y / x)+ PI,其中y~ = 0,arctan(0)= 0(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atan2)。 Android版本可能使用较低精度的浮点运算,因此在那里更加引人注目。可能如果你在桌面版本上放大了,你会看到像素也会失败你的条件。


After updating to newer version of Unity problem resolved itself.



In atan2, as the y parameter approaches zero from above (eg - IN.texcoord.x - 0.5 ~= +0), you're going to start getting values near PI, because you'll get arctan(y/x) + PI, where y ~= 0, and arctan(0) = 0 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atan2). The Android version is presumably using lower precision floating point operations, and thus this is much more noticeable there. Likely if you zoomed in enough on the desktop version, you'd see pixels that fail your conditional as well.

在atan2中,当y参数从上面接近零时(例如-IN.texcoord.x - 0.5~ = + 0),你将开始在PI附近获得值,因为你将获得arctan(y / x)+ PI,其中y~ = 0,arctan(0)= 0(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atan2)。 Android版本可能使用较低精度的浮点运算,因此在那里更加引人注目。可能如果你在桌面版本上放大了,你会看到像素也会失败你的条件。


After updating to newer version of Unity problem resolved itself.
