
时间:2021-03-10 03:38:20
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <list>

template< class T >//此处class也可以被typename代替
class MyList : public std::list< T >
	MyList& operator += ( const MyList& rcMyList) { if( ! rcMyList.empty() ) { insert( this->end(), rcMyList.begin(), rcMyList.end());} return *this; } // leszek
    T popBack()                           { T cT = this->back(); this->pop_back(); return cT;  }
    T popFront()                          { T cT = this->front(); this->pop_front(); return cT; }
    void pushBack(const  T& rcT )     //&表引用    
		if( sizeof(T) == sizeof(void*)) 
			if( rcT != NULL )
				push_back( rcT );
	} // Fix crash with Linux 64 systems. -Dong
    void pushFront( const T& rcT )        
		if( sizeof(T) == sizeof(void*)) 
			if( rcT != NULL )
			   	push_front( rcT);
    typename std::list<T>::iterator  find( const T& rcT ) {  return std::find( this->begin(), this->end(), rcT ); } // leszek,使用了遍历

typedef struct PicBuffer_
	std::string strPic;
	int count;

typedef MyList< PicBuffer* > PicBufferList;
//typedef typename int Int;//typename只能在模板里使用

int main()
   std::string str1("hello world");
   str1 = "hello world!";
   int n = str1.find("hello");   //n = 0
   int m = str1.find("hello", 5);//m = -1
   int k = str1.find("world", 6);//k = 6
   PicBuffer tPicBuffer1;
   //memset(&tPicBuffer1, 0x00, sizeof(tPicBuffer1));//含有string不能memset,会core down,可能是把string变量的地址置为0x00
   tPicBuffer1.strPic = "hello";//象这样初始化
   tPicBuffer1.count = 0;
   PicBuffer tPicBuffer2;
   //memset(&tPicBuffer2, 0x00, sizeof(tPicBuffer2));
   tPicBuffer2.strPic = "world";
   tPicBuffer2.count = 1;
   PicBufferList tPicBufferList;

   tPicBufferList += tPicBufferList; 
   memcpy(&tPicBuffer2, tPicBufferList.popBack(), sizeof(tPicBuffer2));
   memcpy(&tPicBuffer1, tPicBufferList.popBack(), sizeof(tPicBuffer1)); 

   if( NULL == tPicBufferList.find(&tPicBuffer1))
	   printf("Not Find!");
   return 0;

//上述typename的使用称为嵌套依赖类型名,如果去掉typename,则不是合法的 C++,不会被编译器识别,但此处是例外
//告诉 C++ C::const_iterator 是一个 type(类型)取得一个 container(容器)和这个 container
//(容器)中的一个 iterator(迭代器)的 function template(函数模板)

//如果你觉得读 std::iterator_traits<IterT>::value_type 令人讨厌,就想象那个与它相同的东西来代表它。
//typedef std::list<T>::iterator MyIterator;
//MyIterator find( const T& rcT ) {  return std::find( this->begin(), this->end(), rcT ); }
main.cpp: In member function ‘typename std::list<T, std::allocator<_CharT> >::iterator MyList<T>::find(const T&) [with T = PicBuffer*]’:
main.cpp:75:   instantiated from here
main.cpp:38: error: no matching function for call to ‘find(std::_List_iterator<PicBuffer*>, std::_List_iterator<PicBuffer*>, PicBuffer* conX



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