
时间:2020-11-27 03:41:35

I defined an interface in system verilog and use bind statement to bind to internal RTL signals. I want to be able to force internal RTL signals through the interface. However, this is causing the RTL signal to go to 'x' if I don't force these signals explicitly, it seems bind to interface is having driving capability. I don't want RTL signal to change to 'x' when nothing is forcing it in this case, not sure what I am doing wrong here?


my code looks like this with DUT being the design:


interface myInf(
   inout RTL_a,
   inout RTL_b 

bind DUT myInf myInf_inst(

bind DUT myDrv(myInf_inst);

where myDrv is a module which drives the ports on myInf.


In this case, DUT.a and DUT.b are internal RTL signals, they have their driver from design, but I want to be able to force them if needed. however, these signals becoming 'x' when I am just binding them to myInf without actually driving them.


1 个解决方案



The inout signals might be a non-net type. It is better to be explicit in the the declaration and define them as inout wire. Inside the interface, assign the nets to a logic and initialize the logics to z. A non-z value will apply a driver while a z will allow signals to drive. Example:

inout信号可能是一个非网络类型。最好在声明中显式,并将其定义为inout wire。在接口内部,将网络分配给一个逻辑,并将逻辑初始化为z。一个非z值将应用一个驱动程序,而z将允许信号驱动。例子:

interface myInf(
   inout wire RTL_a,
   inout wire RTL_b 
  logic drv_a, drv_b;
  initial {drv_a,drv_b} = 'z; // z means not driving
  assign RTL_a = drv_a;
  assign RTL_b = drv_b;

There might be conflicting drivers, such as the normal drivers from the design. In this case you will need to override the driver. Assuming the signal being overrode is a net type, this is done by changing the assign statements to assign (supply1,suppl0) RTL_a = drv_a;. This is utilizing the Verilog concept of drive strength. Assigning to z will still all other drivers. Most nets are driven with a strength of strong1,strong0 which is weaker then supply1,supply0. Drive strength will not work for non-net types (e.g. logic & reg). These register/variable-types use a last-assignment-wins approach. Fore more on drive strength read IEEE Std 1800-2012 sections 28.11 through 28.15

可能会有冲突的驱动程序,比如来自设计的普通驱动程序。在这种情况下,您需要重写驱动程序。假设被覆盖的信号是一个网络类型,这是通过改变分配语句来分配的(补充,补充)RTL_a = drv_a;这是利用了驱动强度的Verilog概念。分配给z仍然是所有其他驱动程序。大多数网的驱动力是强,强,强,弱,然后供给,供给。驱动强度不适用于非网络类型(如逻辑和reg)。这些寄存器/变量类型使用最后的赋值方法。更多的关于驱动强度阅读IEEE Std 1800-2012章节28.11到28.15。

Your sample code has some bugs. The pin connections for myInf_inst should use hierarchical references relative to its target scope. Unless there is an instance called DUT inside module DUT, then the DUT. should be omitted (See IEEE Std 1800-2012 § 23.11 Binding auxiliary code to scopes or instances). The bind statement for myDrv is missing an instance name. The code should be:

您的样例代码有一些错误。myInf_inst的pin连接应该使用相对于其目标范围的层次引用。除非有一个叫做DUT的实例在模块DUT中,然后是DUT。应该省略(见1800 - 2012年IEEE Std§23.11绑定辅助代码范围或实例)。myDrv的绑定语句缺少一个实例名。代码应该是:

bind DUT myInf myInf_inst(
   .RTL_a(a), // no DUT.
   .RTL_b(b) // no DUT.

bind DUT myDrv myDrv_inst(myInf_inst);

sample code: http://www.edaplayground.com/x/2NG




The inout signals might be a non-net type. It is better to be explicit in the the declaration and define them as inout wire. Inside the interface, assign the nets to a logic and initialize the logics to z. A non-z value will apply a driver while a z will allow signals to drive. Example:

inout信号可能是一个非网络类型。最好在声明中显式,并将其定义为inout wire。在接口内部,将网络分配给一个逻辑,并将逻辑初始化为z。一个非z值将应用一个驱动程序,而z将允许信号驱动。例子:

interface myInf(
   inout wire RTL_a,
   inout wire RTL_b 
  logic drv_a, drv_b;
  initial {drv_a,drv_b} = 'z; // z means not driving
  assign RTL_a = drv_a;
  assign RTL_b = drv_b;

There might be conflicting drivers, such as the normal drivers from the design. In this case you will need to override the driver. Assuming the signal being overrode is a net type, this is done by changing the assign statements to assign (supply1,suppl0) RTL_a = drv_a;. This is utilizing the Verilog concept of drive strength. Assigning to z will still all other drivers. Most nets are driven with a strength of strong1,strong0 which is weaker then supply1,supply0. Drive strength will not work for non-net types (e.g. logic & reg). These register/variable-types use a last-assignment-wins approach. Fore more on drive strength read IEEE Std 1800-2012 sections 28.11 through 28.15

可能会有冲突的驱动程序,比如来自设计的普通驱动程序。在这种情况下,您需要重写驱动程序。假设被覆盖的信号是一个网络类型,这是通过改变分配语句来分配的(补充,补充)RTL_a = drv_a;这是利用了驱动强度的Verilog概念。分配给z仍然是所有其他驱动程序。大多数网的驱动力是强,强,强,弱,然后供给,供给。驱动强度不适用于非网络类型(如逻辑和reg)。这些寄存器/变量类型使用最后的赋值方法。更多的关于驱动强度阅读IEEE Std 1800-2012章节28.11到28.15。

Your sample code has some bugs. The pin connections for myInf_inst should use hierarchical references relative to its target scope. Unless there is an instance called DUT inside module DUT, then the DUT. should be omitted (See IEEE Std 1800-2012 § 23.11 Binding auxiliary code to scopes or instances). The bind statement for myDrv is missing an instance name. The code should be:

您的样例代码有一些错误。myInf_inst的pin连接应该使用相对于其目标范围的层次引用。除非有一个叫做DUT的实例在模块DUT中,然后是DUT。应该省略(见1800 - 2012年IEEE Std§23.11绑定辅助代码范围或实例)。myDrv的绑定语句缺少一个实例名。代码应该是:

bind DUT myInf myInf_inst(
   .RTL_a(a), // no DUT.
   .RTL_b(b) // no DUT.

bind DUT myDrv myDrv_inst(myInf_inst);

sample code: http://www.edaplayground.com/x/2NG
