Particularly, I need to be able to combine the CGI monad with the IO monad, but an example of how to combine the IO monad with the Maybe monad might be even better...
特别是,我需要能够将CGI monad与IO monad结合起来,但是如何将IO monad与Maybe monad相结合的示例可能会更好......
3 个解决方案
I assume you want to use the Maybe monad for early termination (like break
or return
in C).
我假设你想使用Maybe monad提前终止(比如在C中休息或返回)。
In that case you should use MaybeT
from the MaybeT package (cabal install MaybeT
在这种情况下,您应该使用MaybeT包中的MaybeT(cabal install MaybeT)。
main = do
runMaybeT . forever $ do
liftIO $ putStrLn "I won't stop until you type pretty please"
line <- liftIO getLine
when ("pretty please" == line) mzero
return ()
MaybeT is a monad transformer version of the maybe monad.
Monad transformers "add functionality" to other monads.
You don't exactly say how you want to combine IO
and Maybe
, but I assume you have many functions that return IO (Maybe a)
that you want to combine easily. Basically you want to treat IO (Maybe a)
as a separate type with it's own Monad
newtype IOMaybe a = IOM (IO (Maybe a))
-- "unpack" a value of the new type
runIOMaybe :: IOMaybe a -> IO (Maybe a)
runIOMaybe (IOM a) = a
instance Monad IOMaybe where
-- bind operator
(IOM ioa) >>= f = IOM $ do
a <- ioa
case a of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just v -> runIOMaybe (f v)
-- return
return a = IOM (return (Just a))
-- maybe also some convenience functions
returnIO :: IO a -> IOMaybe a
returnIO ioa = IOM $ do
v <- ioa
return (Just v)
returnMaybe :: Maybe a -> IOMaybe a
returnMaybe ma = IOM (return ma)
With this you can use the do
-Notation to combine functions that return IO (Maybe a)
, IO a
or Maybe a
通过这种方式,您可以使用do-Notation来组合返回IO(可能是a),IO a或Maybe a的函数:
f1 :: Int -> IO (Maybe Int)
f1 0 = return Nothing
f1 a = return (Just a)
main = runIOMaybe $ do
returnIO $ putStrLn "Hello"
a <- returnMaybe $ Just 2
IOM $ f1 a
return ()
Generally something that combines and modifies monads like this is called a monad transformer, and GHC comes with a package that includes monad transformers for common cases. If there is something in this monad transformer library that fits your scenario depends on how exactly you want to combine Maybe and IO.
In what sense do you want to combine the monads?
f :: Int -> IO (Maybe Int)
f x = do
putStrLn "Hello world!"
return $ if x == 0 then Nothing else Just x
Can be evaluated to:
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( maybe-io.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
*Main> f 0
Hello world!
*Main> f 3
Hello world!
Just 3
I assume you want to use the Maybe monad for early termination (like break
or return
in C).
我假设你想使用Maybe monad提前终止(比如在C中休息或返回)。
In that case you should use MaybeT
from the MaybeT package (cabal install MaybeT
在这种情况下,您应该使用MaybeT包中的MaybeT(cabal install MaybeT)。
main = do
runMaybeT . forever $ do
liftIO $ putStrLn "I won't stop until you type pretty please"
line <- liftIO getLine
when ("pretty please" == line) mzero
return ()
MaybeT is a monad transformer version of the maybe monad.
Monad transformers "add functionality" to other monads.
You don't exactly say how you want to combine IO
and Maybe
, but I assume you have many functions that return IO (Maybe a)
that you want to combine easily. Basically you want to treat IO (Maybe a)
as a separate type with it's own Monad
newtype IOMaybe a = IOM (IO (Maybe a))
-- "unpack" a value of the new type
runIOMaybe :: IOMaybe a -> IO (Maybe a)
runIOMaybe (IOM a) = a
instance Monad IOMaybe where
-- bind operator
(IOM ioa) >>= f = IOM $ do
a <- ioa
case a of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just v -> runIOMaybe (f v)
-- return
return a = IOM (return (Just a))
-- maybe also some convenience functions
returnIO :: IO a -> IOMaybe a
returnIO ioa = IOM $ do
v <- ioa
return (Just v)
returnMaybe :: Maybe a -> IOMaybe a
returnMaybe ma = IOM (return ma)
With this you can use the do
-Notation to combine functions that return IO (Maybe a)
, IO a
or Maybe a
通过这种方式,您可以使用do-Notation来组合返回IO(可能是a),IO a或Maybe a的函数:
f1 :: Int -> IO (Maybe Int)
f1 0 = return Nothing
f1 a = return (Just a)
main = runIOMaybe $ do
returnIO $ putStrLn "Hello"
a <- returnMaybe $ Just 2
IOM $ f1 a
return ()
Generally something that combines and modifies monads like this is called a monad transformer, and GHC comes with a package that includes monad transformers for common cases. If there is something in this monad transformer library that fits your scenario depends on how exactly you want to combine Maybe and IO.
In what sense do you want to combine the monads?
f :: Int -> IO (Maybe Int)
f x = do
putStrLn "Hello world!"
return $ if x == 0 then Nothing else Just x
Can be evaluated to:
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( maybe-io.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
*Main> f 0
Hello world!
*Main> f 3
Hello world!
Just 3