
时间:2021-07-20 13:28:24

Hibernate is a persistence framework which is used to persist data from Java environment to database.

I am so confused, if we persist and object to a database, then why does Hibernate architecture indicate the persistent object in the middle of Application and Hibernate in picture?



6 个解决方案



I will make it more clearer. Persistent objects are instances of POJO classes that you create that represent rows in the table in the database. According to hibernate-doc an instance of POJO class representing table in database goes through 3 states of which persistent is one of them.


When a POJO instance is in session scope, it is said to be persistent i.e hibernate detects any changes made to that object and synchronizes it with database when we close or flush the session.


And about hibernate.properties and XML Mapping @Ken Chan is right. Go through hibernate-doc for more illustrations on objects in hibernate.

关于hibernate.properties和XML Mapping @Ken Chan是对的。通过hibernate-doc获取有关hibernate中对象的更多插图。



Firstly you need to understand the three states of the Hibernate object i.e Transient, Persistent, Detached.


Transient state: An object is in transient state if it just has been instantiated using the new operator and there is no reference of it in the database i.e it does not represent any row in the database.


Persistent state: An object is in the persistent state if it has some reference in the database i.e it represent some row in the database and identifier value is assigned to it. If any changes are made to the object then hibernate will detect those changes and effects will be there in the database that is why the name Persistent. These changes are made when session is closed. A persistent object is in the session scope.


Detached state: An object that has been persistent and is no longer in the session scope. The hibernate will not detect any changes made to this object. It can be connected to the session again to make it persistent again.

分离状态:持久且不再在会话范围内的对象。 hibernate不会检测对此对象所做的任何更改。它可以再次连接到会话以使其再次持久化。



According to the figure , you configure hibernate.properties or some XML mapping to map a database table to a java object which is called persistent object .


Then in your application , you use the persistent object as a normal java object to manipulate its state . You can pass persistent object to hibernate .Hibernate will then generate and issue the necessary SQL to DB to synchronize the state of the persistent objectand its corresponding database record .Does it make sense ?




Persistent Objects are generally those objects that exist in memory even beyond the duration of the process that creates it. These objects are then stored in the database.




Persistent object is nothing but an instance of POJO class. And POJO class is nothing but a class that represents a table. And Hibernate always monitoring that persistent object. Whenever you manipulate that object or you made any changes in that object, Hibernate will do the same in that table (that one represent by the POJO class). that all handle by the hibernate. So in sort this is the one of the feature of hibernate framework.




Persistant objects are the classes that in your program that has a representation in the database.


Example if you have a Car class with the properties NumberPlate, Fuel. The NHibernate configuration will map this to for example a table in the database that is named Car and has these columns corresponding to the Car class properties.

例如,如果您的Car类具有NumberPlate,Fuel属性。 NHibernate配置将此映射到例如数据库中名为Car的表,并且这些列对应于Car类属性。



I will make it more clearer. Persistent objects are instances of POJO classes that you create that represent rows in the table in the database. According to hibernate-doc an instance of POJO class representing table in database goes through 3 states of which persistent is one of them.


When a POJO instance is in session scope, it is said to be persistent i.e hibernate detects any changes made to that object and synchronizes it with database when we close or flush the session.


And about hibernate.properties and XML Mapping @Ken Chan is right. Go through hibernate-doc for more illustrations on objects in hibernate.

关于hibernate.properties和XML Mapping @Ken Chan是对的。通过hibernate-doc获取有关hibernate中对象的更多插图。



Firstly you need to understand the three states of the Hibernate object i.e Transient, Persistent, Detached.


Transient state: An object is in transient state if it just has been instantiated using the new operator and there is no reference of it in the database i.e it does not represent any row in the database.


Persistent state: An object is in the persistent state if it has some reference in the database i.e it represent some row in the database and identifier value is assigned to it. If any changes are made to the object then hibernate will detect those changes and effects will be there in the database that is why the name Persistent. These changes are made when session is closed. A persistent object is in the session scope.


Detached state: An object that has been persistent and is no longer in the session scope. The hibernate will not detect any changes made to this object. It can be connected to the session again to make it persistent again.

分离状态:持久且不再在会话范围内的对象。 hibernate不会检测对此对象所做的任何更改。它可以再次连接到会话以使其再次持久化。



According to the figure , you configure hibernate.properties or some XML mapping to map a database table to a java object which is called persistent object .


Then in your application , you use the persistent object as a normal java object to manipulate its state . You can pass persistent object to hibernate .Hibernate will then generate and issue the necessary SQL to DB to synchronize the state of the persistent objectand its corresponding database record .Does it make sense ?




Persistent Objects are generally those objects that exist in memory even beyond the duration of the process that creates it. These objects are then stored in the database.




Persistent object is nothing but an instance of POJO class. And POJO class is nothing but a class that represents a table. And Hibernate always monitoring that persistent object. Whenever you manipulate that object or you made any changes in that object, Hibernate will do the same in that table (that one represent by the POJO class). that all handle by the hibernate. So in sort this is the one of the feature of hibernate framework.




Persistant objects are the classes that in your program that has a representation in the database.


Example if you have a Car class with the properties NumberPlate, Fuel. The NHibernate configuration will map this to for example a table in the database that is named Car and has these columns corresponding to the Car class properties.

例如,如果您的Car类具有NumberPlate,Fuel属性。 NHibernate配置将此映射到例如数据库中名为Car的表,并且这些列对应于Car类属性。