
时间:2022-03-11 03:36:36

The documentation of SKScene -update is as follows: 你如何获得“当前系统时间”?

SKScene -update的文档如下:

What exactly is "the current system time," and how can I get it other than via SKScene -update?

究竟什么是“当前的系统时间”,除了通过SKScene -update之外我怎么才能得到它?

I've tried CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent(), but apparently that


Returns the current system absolute time[, which is] is measured in seconds relative to the absolute reference date of Jan 1 2001 00:00:00 GMT.

返回当前系统绝对时间[,它是]相对于2001年1月1日00:00:00 GMT的绝对参考日期以秒为单位。

and is not the same thing as "the current system time," which, according to my tests, has a value that is several orders of magnitude less than the "current absolute time."


1 个解决方案



assign the currentTime from update: to an ivar then you have it available anywhere for the current frame. Note that while time passes on while the frame is being processed you should only work with the current frame's reference time passed into update: throughout the frame.




assign the currentTime from update: to an ivar then you have it available anywhere for the current frame. Note that while time passes on while the frame is being processed you should only work with the current frame's reference time passed into update: throughout the frame.
