
时间:2021-04-26 03:32:59

此程序出自《Assembly Language step by step programming with linux》第12章,用于演示时间相关的libc库函数的使用,程序中使用了如下的libc库函数:
time_t time( time_t *timer );
char *ctime( const time_t *timer );
double difftime( time_t timer1, time_t timer0 );
struct tm *localtime( const time_t *timer );
int getchar( void );


[SECTION .data]			; Section containing initialised data

TimeMsg db "Hey, what time is it? It's %s",10,0
YrMsg db "The year is %d.",10,0
Elapsed db "A total of %d seconds has elapsed since program began running.",10,0

[SECTION .bss] ; Section containing uninitialized data

OldTime resd 1 ; Reserve 3 integers (doubles) for time values
NewTime resd 1
TimeDiff resd 1
TimeStr resb 40 ; Reserve 40 bytes for time string
TmCopy resd 9 ; Reserve 9 integer fields for time struct tm
[SECTION .text] ; Section containing code

extern ctime
extern difftime
extern getchar
extern printf
extern localtime
extern time

global main ; Required so linker can find entry point

push ebp ; Set up stack frame for debugger
mov ebp,esp
push ebx ; Program must preserve EBP, EBX, ESI, & EDI
push esi
push edi
;;; Everything before this is boilerplate; use it for all ordinary apps!

; Generate a time_t calendar time value with clib's time function
push 0 ; Push a 32-bit null pointer to stack,
; since we don't need a buffer.
call time ; Returns calendar time in EAX
add esp,4 ; Clean up stack after call
mov [OldTime],eax ; Save time value in memory variable

; Generate a string summary of local time with clib's ctime function
push OldTime ; Push address of calendar time value
call ctime ; Returns pointer to ASCII time string in EAX
add esp,4 ; Stack cleanup for 1 parm

push eax ; Push pointer to ASCII time string on stack
push TimeMsg ; Push pointer to base message text string
call printf ; Merge and display the two strings
add esp,8 ; Stack cleanup: 2 parms X 4 bytes = 8

; Generate local time values into clib's static tm struct
push dword OldTime ; Push address of calendar time value
call localtime ; Returns pointer to static time structure in EAX
add esp,4 ; Stack cleanup for 1 parm

; Make a local copy of clib's static tm struct
mov esi,eax ; Copy address of static tm from eax to ESI
mov edi,TmCopy ; Put the address of the local tm copy in EDI
mov ecx,9 ; A tm struct is 9 dwords in size under Linux
cld ; Clear DF so we move up-memory
rep movsd ; Copy static tm struct to local copy

; Display one of the fields in the tm structure
mov edx,dword [TmCopy+20] ; Year field is 20 bytes offset into tm
add edx,1900 ; Year field is # of years since 1900
push edx ; Push value onto the stack
push YrMsg ; Push address of the base string
call printf ; Display string and year value with printf
add esp,8 ; Stack cleanup: 2 parms X 4 bytes = 8

; Wait a few seconds for user to press Enter so we have a time difference:
call getchar ; Wait for user to press Enter

; Calculating seconds passed since program began running:
push dword 0 ; Push null ptr; we'll take value in EAX
call time ; Get current time value; return in EAX
add esp,4 ; Clean up the stack
mov [NewTime],eax ; Save new time value

sub eax,[OldTime] ; Calculate time difference value
mov [TimeDiff],eax ; Save time difference value

push dword [TimeDiff] ; Push difference in seconds onto the stack
push Elapsed ; Push addr. of elapsed time message string
call printf ; Display elapsed time
add esp,8 ; Stack cleanup for 1 parm

;;; Everything after this is boilerplate; use it for all ordinary apps!
pop edi ; Restore saved registers
pop esi
pop ebx
mov esp,ebp ; Destroy stack frame before returning
pop ebp
ret ; Return control to Linux

push 0  //函数参数timer=NULL
 call time  //调用time函数,返回当前时间,用与1970年1月1日0点0分0秒的相差的秒数表示。
 add esp,4  //清理栈
 mov [OldTime],eax //保存返回值到OldTime变量

 push OldTime  // 函数参数timer= OldTime
 call ctime  //调用ctime函数,返回时间信息字符串
add esp,4  //清理栈

push eax  //时间字符串压入堆栈
 push TimeMsg  //时间显示格式
 call printf  //调用printf函数,打印时间信息
 add esp,8  //清理栈,因为两个参数,所以加8

push dword OldTime //函数参数 timer= OldTime
 call localtime  //调用localtime函数,对时间值进行转换,返回tm结构体的指针。
 add esp,4  //清理栈

 mov esi,eax  //esi是源,保存返回的tm结构体的地址
 mov edi,TmCopy  //edi=TmCopy,指定拷贝的目的地址
 mov ecx,9  //ecx用于循环计数,tm结构体是9个dword,因此ecx=9
 cld   //清除DF标志,控制地址变化方向从低到高
 rep movsd  //进行拷贝,把返回的tm结构体拷贝到TmCopy

    mov edx,dword [TmCopy+20]  //edx=TmCopy的year字段
 add edx,1900  //因为tm保存的是与1900年的差值,因此要加1900
 push edx  //把年份参数压入堆栈
 push YrMsg  //格式化字符串
 call printf  //调用printf函数打印年份信息
 add esp,8     //清理栈

call getchar  //等待用户键入回车键
 push dword 0  //函数参数timer=NULL
 call time  //调用time函数,返回当前时间。
 add esp,4  //清理栈
 mov [NewTime],eax //把当前时间值保存到NewTime中。
 sub eax,[OldTime] //用NewTime- OldTime的值放入eax
 mov [TimeDiff],eax //差值保存到TimeDiff中
 push dword [TimeDiff] //把差值作为函数参数,压入堆栈
 push Elapsed  //格式化字符串压入堆栈
 call printf  //调用printf函数,显示消耗的秒数信息。
 add esp,8  //清理栈


timetest: timetest.o
gcc timetest.o -o timetest
timetest.o: timetest.asm
nasm -f elf -g -F stabs timetest.asm


[root@bogon timetest]# make
nasm -f elf -g -F stabs timetest.asm
gcc timetest.o -o timetest
[root@bogon timetest]# ./timetest
Hey, what time is it? It's Wed Jan 14 15:12:39 2015

The year is 2015.

A total of 2 seconds has elapsed since program began running.