
时间:2020-12-29 03:14:52

For example when we call say, a recursive function, the successive calls are stored in the stack. However, due to an error if it goes on infinitely the error is 'Segmentation fault' (as seen on GCC).


Shouldn't it have been 'stack-overflow'? What then is the basic difference between the two?


Btw, an explanation would be more helpful than wikipedia links (gone through that, but no answer to specific query).


4 个解决方案



Stack overflow is [a] cause, segmentation fault is the result.


At least on x86 and ARM, the "stack" is a piece of memory reserved for placing local variables and return addresses of function calls. When the stack is exhausted, the memory outside of the reserved area will be accessed. But the app did not ask the kernel for this memory, thus a SegFault will be generated for memory protection.




The call stack is being overflowed, however the result of the overflowing is that eventually call-related values are pushed into memory that is not part of the stack and then - SIGSEGV!

调用堆栈正在溢出,但溢出的结果是最终调用相关的值被推送到不属于堆栈的内存中,然后 - SIGSEGV!



Modern processors use memory managers to protect processes from each other. The x86 memory manager has many legacy features, one of which is segmentation. Segmentation is meant to keep programs from manipulating memory in certain ways. For instance, one segment might be marked read-only and the code would be put there, while another segment is read/write and that's where your data goes.

现代处理器使用内存管理器来保护彼此之间的进程。 x86内存管理器有许多遗留功能,其中之一就是分段。分段旨在防止程序以某种方式操纵内存。例如,一个段可能被标记为只读,代码将被放在那里,而另一个段是读/写,这就是你的数据。

During a stack overflow, you exhaust all of the space allocated to one of your segments, and then your program starts writing into segments that the memory manager does not permit, and then you get a segmentation fault.




A stack overflow can manifest as either an explicit stack overflow exception (depending on the compiler and architecture) or as a segmentation fault, i.e., invalid memory access. Ultimately, a stack overflow is the result of running out of stack space, and one possible result of running out of stack space is reading or writing to memory that you shouldn't access. Hence, on many architectures, the result of a stack overflow is a memory access error.




Stack overflow is [a] cause, segmentation fault is the result.


At least on x86 and ARM, the "stack" is a piece of memory reserved for placing local variables and return addresses of function calls. When the stack is exhausted, the memory outside of the reserved area will be accessed. But the app did not ask the kernel for this memory, thus a SegFault will be generated for memory protection.




The call stack is being overflowed, however the result of the overflowing is that eventually call-related values are pushed into memory that is not part of the stack and then - SIGSEGV!

调用堆栈正在溢出,但溢出的结果是最终调用相关的值被推送到不属于堆栈的内存中,然后 - SIGSEGV!



Modern processors use memory managers to protect processes from each other. The x86 memory manager has many legacy features, one of which is segmentation. Segmentation is meant to keep programs from manipulating memory in certain ways. For instance, one segment might be marked read-only and the code would be put there, while another segment is read/write and that's where your data goes.

现代处理器使用内存管理器来保护彼此之间的进程。 x86内存管理器有许多遗留功能,其中之一就是分段。分段旨在防止程序以某种方式操纵内存。例如,一个段可能被标记为只读,代码将被放在那里,而另一个段是读/写,这就是你的数据。

During a stack overflow, you exhaust all of the space allocated to one of your segments, and then your program starts writing into segments that the memory manager does not permit, and then you get a segmentation fault.




A stack overflow can manifest as either an explicit stack overflow exception (depending on the compiler and architecture) or as a segmentation fault, i.e., invalid memory access. Ultimately, a stack overflow is the result of running out of stack space, and one possible result of running out of stack space is reading or writing to memory that you shouldn't access. Hence, on many architectures, the result of a stack overflow is a memory access error.
