
时间:2023-02-11 03:13:33

I was trying to develop a publisher subscriber model in ZeroMQ, using c++, where I am extracting an object value from a JSON-file and sending it to the other side.


My subscriber part is running well with giving any error. But I am facing the below error in the publisher part: ( in the if statement )


    src/lib_json/json_value.cpp:1136: Json::Value& 
    Json::Value::resolveReference(const char*, bool): Assertion `type_ == 
    nullValue || type_ == objectValue' failed.
    Aborted (core dumped)

This is my code for publisher:


    #include "jsoncpp/include/json/value.h"
    #include "jsoncpp/include/json/reader.h"
    #include <fstream>
    #include "cppzmq/zmq.hpp"
    #include <string>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <unistd.h>

    using namespace std;

    int main () {
      zmq::context_t context(1);
      zmq::socket_t publisher (context, ZMQ_PUB);
      int sndhwm = 0;
      publisher.setsockopt (ZMQ_SNDHWM, &sndhwm, sizeof (sndhwm));
      const Json::Value p;
      ifstream pub_file("counter.json");
      Json::Reader reader;
      Json::Value root;

      if(pub_file != NULL && reader.parse(pub_file, root)) {
      const Json::Value p = root ["body"]["device_data"]["device_status"];

      string text = p.asString();
      zmq::message_t message(text.size());
      memcpy(message.data() , text.c_str() , text.size());
      zmq_sleep (1);
      return 0;

1 个解决方案



const Json::Value p;
if(pub_file != NULL && reader.parse(pub_file, root)) {
    const Json::Value p = root ["body"]["device_data"]["device_status"];

string text = p.asString();

When you create another p inside the if statement, this newly declared variable is local just to the scope of the conditional {}-code-block. Change this to a clean assignment to an already declared variable p:


p = root ["body"]["device_data"]["device_status"];

This changes the variable in the outer scope, not declaring a new one inside the inner scope. Also, you should mark the variable const Json::Value p as not const, so you can modify it inside the conditional.

这将更改外部范围中的变量,而不是在内部范围内声明一个新的变量。此外,您应该将变量const Json::Value p标记为not const,以便您可以在条件语句中修改它。



const Json::Value p;
if(pub_file != NULL && reader.parse(pub_file, root)) {
    const Json::Value p = root ["body"]["device_data"]["device_status"];

string text = p.asString();

When you create another p inside the if statement, this newly declared variable is local just to the scope of the conditional {}-code-block. Change this to a clean assignment to an already declared variable p:


p = root ["body"]["device_data"]["device_status"];

This changes the variable in the outer scope, not declaring a new one inside the inner scope. Also, you should mark the variable const Json::Value p as not const, so you can modify it inside the conditional.

这将更改外部范围中的变量,而不是在内部范围内声明一个新的变量。此外,您应该将变量const Json::Value p标记为not const,以便您可以在条件语句中修改它。