使用 MS Access 2016 的VBA,读取mdb文件中的所有表结构(数据类型/长度/精度等),生成对应的SQL create table语句,将结果SQL脚本保存到文件,每个表一行。
- 原来的代码在生成文件后又使用了生成的sql语句进行创建,下面的代码删除了创建部分。
- 原来的代码decimal数据类型没有保留小数位数,下面的代码进行了添加。
Option Compare Database
Function CreateSQLString(ByVal FilePath As String) As Boolean
'本函数根据当前MDB中的表创建一个 *.jetsql 脚本
'这个函数不是最完美的解决方案,因为 JET SQL DDL 语句不支持一些 ACCESS 特有的属性(DAO支持)
'This function create a "*.jetsql" script based on current mdb tables.
'This function is not the BEST, because the JET SQL DDL never support some DAO property.
Dim MyTableName As String
Dim MyFieldName As String
Dim MyDB As New ADOX.Catalog
Dim MyTable As ADOX.Table
Dim MyField As ADOX.Column
Dim pro
Dim iC As Long
Dim strField() As String
Dim strKey As String
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strSQLScript As String
Dim objFile, stmFile
Dim strText As String
On Error GoTo CreateSQLScript_Err
MyDB.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
For Each MyTable In MyDB.Tables
If MyTable.Type = "TABLE" Then
'ADOX 无法判断该表是否已经被删除,还有两种方式判断,
'方法一:(用 DAO)
'If CurrentDb.TableDefs(strTableName).Attributes = 0 Then
'方法二:(在判断 ADOX.Table.Type 的基础上再判定表名)
'If Left(MyTable.Name, 7) <> "~TMPCLP" Then
strSQL = "create table [" & MyTable.Name & "]("
For Each MyField In MyTable.Columns
ReDim Preserve strField(iC)
strField(iC) = SQLField(MyField)
iC = iC + 1
strSQL = strSQL & Join(strField, ",")
'获取当前表的字段信息后立即重新初始化 strField 数组
iC = 0
ReDim strField(iC)
strKey = SQLKey(MyTable)
If Len(strKey) <> 0 Then
strSQL = strSQL & "," & strKey
End If
strSQL = strSQL & ");" & vbCrLf
strSQLScript = strSQLScript & strSQL
'Debug.Print SQLIndex(MyTable) 'Never support the INDEX,to be continued...
'暂未支持 index 脚本,未完待续...
End If
Set MyDB = Nothing
'create the Jet SQL Script File
Set objFile = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set stmFile = objFile.CreateTextFile(FilePath, True)
stmFile.Write strSQLScript
Set stmFile = Nothing
Set objFile = Nothing
CreateSQLScript = True
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation
CreateSQLScript = False
Resume CreateSQLScript_Exit
End Function
Function RunFromText(ByVal FilePath As String)
'本函数将 CreateSQLScript 生成的 *.jetsql 脚本来生成 mdb 数据库中的表
'This Function run the "*.jetsql" which is created by CreateSQLScript to create the tables in current mdb database.
On Error Resume Next
Dim objFile, stmFile
Dim strText As String
Set objFile = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set stmFile = objFile.OpenTextFile(FilePath, 1, False)
strText = stmFile.ReadAll
Set stmFile = Nothing
Set objFile = Nothing
Dim strSQL() As String
Dim i As Long
strSQL = Split(strText, ";" & vbCrLf)
For i = LBound(strSQL) To UBound(strSQL)
CurrentProject.Connection.Execute Trim(strSQL(i))
If Err <> 0 Then
Debug.Print "Error SQL is:" & strSQL(i)
End If
End Function
Function SQLKey(ByVal objTable As ADOX.Table)
'调用 ADOX 生成有关“键”的 JET SQL DDL 子句
'Reference ADOX and create the JET SQL DDL clause about the "Key"
Dim MyKey As ADOX.Key
Dim MyKeyColumn As ADOX.Column
Dim strKey As String
Dim strColumns() As String
Dim strKeys() As String
Dim i As Long
Dim iC As Long
For Each MyKey In objTable.Keys
Select Case MyKey.Type
Case adKeyPrimary
strKey = "Primary KEY "
Case adKeyForeign
strKey = "FOREIGN KEY "
Case adKeyUnique
strKey = "UNIQUE "
End Select
For Each MyKeyColumn In MyKey.Columns
ReDim Preserve strColumns(iC)
strColumns(iC) = "[" & MyKeyColumn.Name & "]"
iC = iC + 1
ReDim Preserve strKeys(i)
strKeys(i) = strKey & "(" & Join(strColumns, ",") & ")"
iC = 0
ReDim strColumns(iC)
i = i + 1
SQLKey = Join(strKeys, ",")
End Function
Function SQLField(ByVal objField As ADOX.Column)
'调用 ADOX 生成有关“字段”的 JET SQL DDL 子句
'Reference ADOX and create the JET SQL DDL clause about the "Field"
Dim p As String
Select Case objField.Type
Case 11
p = " yesno"
Case 6
p = " money"
Case 7
p = " datetime"
Case 5
p = " FLOAT" 'or " Double"
Case 72
'JET SQL DDL 语句无法创建“自动编号 GUID”字段,这里暂时用
'[d] GUID default GenGUID() 代替部分功能,详情请看文章
'如何用JET SQL DDL创建自动编号GUID字段
If objField.Properties("Autoincrement") = True Then
p = " autoincrement GUID"
p = " GUID"
End If
Case 3
If objField.Properties("Autoincrement") = False Then
p = " smallint"
p = " AUTOINCREMENT(1," & objField.Properties("Increment") & ")"
End If
Case 205
p = " image"
Case 203
p = " memo" 'Access "HyperLink" field is also a MEMO data type.
'ACCESS 的超级链接也是 MEMO 类型的
Case 131
p = " DECIMAL"
p = p & "(" & objField.Precision & "," & objField.NumericScale & ")"
Case 4
p = " single" 'or " REAL"
Case 2
p = " smallint"
Case 17
p = " byte"
Case 202
p = " nvarchar"
p = p & "(" & objField.DefinedSize & ")"
Case 130
'指示一个以 Null 终止的 Unicode 字符串 (DBTYPE_WSTR)。 这种数据类型用 ACCESS 设计器是无法设计出来的。
'20100826 新增
p = " char"
p = p & "(" & objField.DefinedSize & ")"
Case Else
p = " (" & objField.Type & " Unknown,You can find it in ADOX's help. Please Check it.)"
End Select
p = "[" & objField.Name & "]" & p
If IsEmpty(objField.Properties("Default")) = False Then
p = p & " default " & objField.Properties("Default")
End If
If objField.Properties("Nullable") = False Then
p = p & " not null"
End If
SQLField = p
End Function
'Please copy these code in VBA module and press F5 to run the follow function
'请将以下代码 COPY 到 VBA 模块中,然后按 F5 键运行以下两段函数 生成的sql文件目标路径
Sub RunTest_CreateScript()
CreateSQLString "d:\temp.jetsql"
End Sub