
时间:2022-01-15 03:03:19

Is there anyway to monitor API calls on your system in C?


5 个解决方案



Another tool to look at is ProcessMonitor from Mark Russinovich. It doesn't monitor all api calls, however.

另一个值得关注的工具是Mark Russinovich的ProcessMonitor。但是,它不会监视所有api调用。



Although it isn't free, you may want to look into API Monitor. It has the ability to log to XML files, so you could determine the APIs that have been called by reading this file in your application of choice.

虽然它不是免费的,但您可能需要查看API Monitor。它能够记录到XML文件,因此您可以通过在所选应用程序中读取此文件来确定已调用的API。



The Debugging Tools for Windows package includes a debugger extension called logexts.dll which can log Win32 API function calls. It also has a separate front-end program called logger.exe for when you don't want to attach the debugger.

Debugging Tools for Windows软件包包含一个名为logexts.dll的调试器扩展,它可以记录Win32 API函数调用。当您不想附加调试器时,它还有一个名为logger.exe的独立前端程序。



On a function-by-function base, you can use Microsoft Detours. It intercepts API calls by rewriting the function entry points to point to your code.

在逐个功能的基础上,您可以使用Microsoft Detours。它通过重写函数入口点来指向您的代码来拦截API调用。



API Monitoring Tools has an extensive list of API Monitoring Tools. I used PIX for monitoring DirectX calls. You should give a try to Rohitab's Api Monitor.

API监视工具有一个广泛的API监视工具列表。我使用PIX来监控DirectX调用。你应该试试Rohitab的Api Monitor。



Another tool to look at is ProcessMonitor from Mark Russinovich. It doesn't monitor all api calls, however.

另一个值得关注的工具是Mark Russinovich的ProcessMonitor。但是,它不会监视所有api调用。



Although it isn't free, you may want to look into API Monitor. It has the ability to log to XML files, so you could determine the APIs that have been called by reading this file in your application of choice.

虽然它不是免费的,但您可能需要查看API Monitor。它能够记录到XML文件,因此您可以通过在所选应用程序中读取此文件来确定已调用的API。



The Debugging Tools for Windows package includes a debugger extension called logexts.dll which can log Win32 API function calls. It also has a separate front-end program called logger.exe for when you don't want to attach the debugger.

Debugging Tools for Windows软件包包含一个名为logexts.dll的调试器扩展,它可以记录Win32 API函数调用。当您不想附加调试器时,它还有一个名为logger.exe的独立前端程序。



On a function-by-function base, you can use Microsoft Detours. It intercepts API calls by rewriting the function entry points to point to your code.

在逐个功能的基础上,您可以使用Microsoft Detours。它通过重写函数入口点来指向您的代码来拦截API调用。



API Monitoring Tools has an extensive list of API Monitoring Tools. I used PIX for monitoring DirectX calls. You should give a try to Rohitab's Api Monitor.

API监视工具有一个广泛的API监视工具列表。我使用PIX来监控DirectX调用。你应该试试Rohitab的Api Monitor。