
时间:2021-09-11 02:59:37

This was an interview question. The original questions asks:


Given a positive integer N, count the number of 1's in each integer from 0 to N, and return the count in an array of size N+1. Do it in O(n) time.


An Example would be:


Given 7, then return [0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3]


Of course, the easiest way is to create a loop counting 1's for every integer, but that would be O(kn) time, with k as the size of the integers in bits. So either there's a way to count the number of 1's of an integer in O(1) time, or there's a way to directly generate the count going from 0 to N. I'm sure both methods exist, but can't figure out either.


3 个解决方案



Here's a nice little observation that you can use to do this in time O(n). Imagine you want to know how many 1 bits are set in the number k, and that you already know how many 1 bits are set in the numbers 0, 1, 2, ..., k - 1. If you can find a way to clear any of the 1 bits that are set in the number k, you'd get some smaller number (let's call it m), and the number of bits set in k would then be equal to one plus the number of bits set in m. So provided that we can find a way to clear any 1 bit from the number k, we can use this pattern to solve the problem:

这里有一个很好的观察,你可以在O(n)时间内做这个。假设你想知道在数字k中设置了多少位,你已经知道在数字0,1,2中设置了多少位…k - 1。如果你能找到一个方法来清除任何1比特数k中设置,你会得到一些较小的数量(我们称之为m)和设置在k的比特数就等于1 + m的比特数集。所以,我们可以找到一种方法来提供清楚的任何1比特数k,我们可以使用这个模式来解决这个问题:

result[0] = 0  // No bits set in 0
for k = 1 to n:
    let m = k, with some 1 bit cleared
    result[k] = result[m] + 1

There's a famous bit twiddling trick where


 k & (k - 1)

yields the number formed by clearing the lowest 1 bit that's set in the number k, and does so in time O(1), assuming that the machine can do bitwise operations in constant time (which is usually a reasonable assumption). That means that this pseudocode should do it:


result[0] = 0
for k = 1 to n:
    result[k] = result[k & (k - 1)] + 1

This does O(1) work per number O(n) total times, so the total work done is O(n).


Here's a different way to do this. Imagine, for example, that you know the counts of the bits in the numbers 0, 1, 2, and 3. You can use this to generate the counts of the bits of the numbers 4, 5, 6, and 7 by noticing that those numbers have bitwise representations which are formed by taking the bitwise representations of 0, 1, 2, and 3 and then prepending a 1. Similarly, if you then knew the bit counts of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, you could generate the bit counts of 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 by noting that they too are formed by prepending a 1 bit to each of the lower numbers. That gives rise to this pseudocode, which for simplicity assumes that n is of the form 2k - 1 but could easily be adapted for a general n:

这里有一种不同的方法。例如,想象一下,你知道数字0,1,2和3中位数的计数。您可以使用它来生成数字4、5、6和7的位元数,注意到这些数字具有位元表示,这些位元表示是通过取0、1、2和3的位元表示,然后加上1的位元表示形成的。同样,如果你知道一些项0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,你可以生成项8,9,10,11,12、13、14和15,他们也将形成的1位的数字越低。这就产生了伪代码,为了简单起见,它假设n的形式是2k - 1,但是可以很容易地适应一般的n:

result[0] = 0;
for (int powerOfTwo = 1; powerOfTwo < n; powerOfTwo *= 2) {
    for (int i = 0; i < powerOfTwo; i++) {
        result[powerOfTwo + i] = result[i] + 1;

This also runs in time O(n). To see this, notice that across all iterations of all the loops here, each entry in the array is written to exactly once, with O(1) work done to determine which value is supposed to be put into the array at that slot.




We start by manually evaluating the bit count for some small numbers. We note a recurrence relation between the bit count of n and previous results:


 n: | count(n): | recurrence:
  0 |        0 |
  1 |        1 |
 10 |        1 | =  count(0) + 1
 11 |        2 | =  count(1) + 1
100 |        1 | =  count(0) + 1
101 |        2 | =  count(1) + 1
110 |        2 | = count(10) + 1
111 |        3 | = count(11) + 1

Given all bit counts up to 2 = 2¹, we can compute the bit counts up to 4 = 2² by adding 1. Given the bit counts up to 4 = 2², we can compute the bit counts up to 8 = 2³ by adding 1. We generalize this to the k-th power of two and can come up with following exemplary implementation:

考虑到2 = 2¹计数,我们可以计算出钻头数量4 = 2²通过增加1。考虑到数量多达4 = 2²,我们可以计算出一些数到8 = 2³通过增加1。我们将其推广到k次幂2,并可以提出以下示例实现:

// Counts and returns number of enabled bits for integers 0 - n:
function count_bits(n) {
  let count = new Array(n);
  count[0] = 0;
  for (let i = 1, j = 0, k = 1; i <= n; ++i, ++j) {
    if (i == 2**k) { // k-th bit of i has been enabled
      j = 0;
    count[i] = count[j] + 1;
  return count;

// Example:

We note that all operations involved are incrementing by one, random array access, copying array elements and checking the k-th bit of loop increment i via i == 2**k which could be rewritten as i & 1 << k or - for arbitrary precision of i - as a random array access.

我们注意到,所有操作都是递增,随机数组访问,复制数组元素和检查循环增量的k位我通过我= = 2 * * k可以写成我& 1 < < k或——任意精度的我——作为一个随机访问数组。

Assuming that all primitive operations listed above are in O(1) on our machine, the total runtime complexity is in O(n).


This would equally hold for arbitrary precision integers - where incrementing has an average runtime complexity of O(1) - unless copying count[i] = count[j] + 1 takes more than constant time. As this is unfortunately the case for arbitrarily large integers, our runtime complexity is in O(n log(log(n))) as we need O(log(log(n))) space to store the bit count of n.

这同样适用于任意精度整数——其中递增具有O(1)的平均运行时复杂度——除非复制count[i] = count[j] + 1所花费的时间超过常量。不幸的是,对于任意大的整数,我们的运行时复杂度是O(n log(log(n))),因为我们需要O(log(log(log(n))))空间来存储n的位计数。



Much simpler answer:


Let x be an array of length k+1 and x[i] has the number of set bits in i.


x[0] = 0
for i=1:k
    x[i] = x[i>>1] + i&1



Here's a nice little observation that you can use to do this in time O(n). Imagine you want to know how many 1 bits are set in the number k, and that you already know how many 1 bits are set in the numbers 0, 1, 2, ..., k - 1. If you can find a way to clear any of the 1 bits that are set in the number k, you'd get some smaller number (let's call it m), and the number of bits set in k would then be equal to one plus the number of bits set in m. So provided that we can find a way to clear any 1 bit from the number k, we can use this pattern to solve the problem:

这里有一个很好的观察,你可以在O(n)时间内做这个。假设你想知道在数字k中设置了多少位,你已经知道在数字0,1,2中设置了多少位…k - 1。如果你能找到一个方法来清除任何1比特数k中设置,你会得到一些较小的数量(我们称之为m)和设置在k的比特数就等于1 + m的比特数集。所以,我们可以找到一种方法来提供清楚的任何1比特数k,我们可以使用这个模式来解决这个问题:

result[0] = 0  // No bits set in 0
for k = 1 to n:
    let m = k, with some 1 bit cleared
    result[k] = result[m] + 1

There's a famous bit twiddling trick where


 k & (k - 1)

yields the number formed by clearing the lowest 1 bit that's set in the number k, and does so in time O(1), assuming that the machine can do bitwise operations in constant time (which is usually a reasonable assumption). That means that this pseudocode should do it:


result[0] = 0
for k = 1 to n:
    result[k] = result[k & (k - 1)] + 1

This does O(1) work per number O(n) total times, so the total work done is O(n).


Here's a different way to do this. Imagine, for example, that you know the counts of the bits in the numbers 0, 1, 2, and 3. You can use this to generate the counts of the bits of the numbers 4, 5, 6, and 7 by noticing that those numbers have bitwise representations which are formed by taking the bitwise representations of 0, 1, 2, and 3 and then prepending a 1. Similarly, if you then knew the bit counts of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, you could generate the bit counts of 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 by noting that they too are formed by prepending a 1 bit to each of the lower numbers. That gives rise to this pseudocode, which for simplicity assumes that n is of the form 2k - 1 but could easily be adapted for a general n:

这里有一种不同的方法。例如,想象一下,你知道数字0,1,2和3中位数的计数。您可以使用它来生成数字4、5、6和7的位元数,注意到这些数字具有位元表示,这些位元表示是通过取0、1、2和3的位元表示,然后加上1的位元表示形成的。同样,如果你知道一些项0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,你可以生成项8,9,10,11,12、13、14和15,他们也将形成的1位的数字越低。这就产生了伪代码,为了简单起见,它假设n的形式是2k - 1,但是可以很容易地适应一般的n:

result[0] = 0;
for (int powerOfTwo = 1; powerOfTwo < n; powerOfTwo *= 2) {
    for (int i = 0; i < powerOfTwo; i++) {
        result[powerOfTwo + i] = result[i] + 1;

This also runs in time O(n). To see this, notice that across all iterations of all the loops here, each entry in the array is written to exactly once, with O(1) work done to determine which value is supposed to be put into the array at that slot.




We start by manually evaluating the bit count for some small numbers. We note a recurrence relation between the bit count of n and previous results:


 n: | count(n): | recurrence:
  0 |        0 |
  1 |        1 |
 10 |        1 | =  count(0) + 1
 11 |        2 | =  count(1) + 1
100 |        1 | =  count(0) + 1
101 |        2 | =  count(1) + 1
110 |        2 | = count(10) + 1
111 |        3 | = count(11) + 1

Given all bit counts up to 2 = 2¹, we can compute the bit counts up to 4 = 2² by adding 1. Given the bit counts up to 4 = 2², we can compute the bit counts up to 8 = 2³ by adding 1. We generalize this to the k-th power of two and can come up with following exemplary implementation:

考虑到2 = 2¹计数,我们可以计算出钻头数量4 = 2²通过增加1。考虑到数量多达4 = 2²,我们可以计算出一些数到8 = 2³通过增加1。我们将其推广到k次幂2,并可以提出以下示例实现:

// Counts and returns number of enabled bits for integers 0 - n:
function count_bits(n) {
  let count = new Array(n);
  count[0] = 0;
  for (let i = 1, j = 0, k = 1; i <= n; ++i, ++j) {
    if (i == 2**k) { // k-th bit of i has been enabled
      j = 0;
    count[i] = count[j] + 1;
  return count;

// Example:

We note that all operations involved are incrementing by one, random array access, copying array elements and checking the k-th bit of loop increment i via i == 2**k which could be rewritten as i & 1 << k or - for arbitrary precision of i - as a random array access.

我们注意到,所有操作都是递增,随机数组访问,复制数组元素和检查循环增量的k位我通过我= = 2 * * k可以写成我& 1 < < k或——任意精度的我——作为一个随机访问数组。

Assuming that all primitive operations listed above are in O(1) on our machine, the total runtime complexity is in O(n).


This would equally hold for arbitrary precision integers - where incrementing has an average runtime complexity of O(1) - unless copying count[i] = count[j] + 1 takes more than constant time. As this is unfortunately the case for arbitrarily large integers, our runtime complexity is in O(n log(log(n))) as we need O(log(log(n))) space to store the bit count of n.

这同样适用于任意精度整数——其中递增具有O(1)的平均运行时复杂度——除非复制count[i] = count[j] + 1所花费的时间超过常量。不幸的是,对于任意大的整数,我们的运行时复杂度是O(n log(log(n))),因为我们需要O(log(log(log(n))))空间来存储n的位计数。



Much simpler answer:


Let x be an array of length k+1 and x[i] has the number of set bits in i.


x[0] = 0
for i=1:k
    x[i] = x[i>>1] + i&1