I'm working on reverse engineering a large Amiga program in IDA, and I've made a ton of progress. However, there is some stuff I can't quite figure out. Namely, I have found several subroutines which use what I believe to be "jump tables" - but I can't quite figure out how they work. Does anyone have any advice?
moveq #0,d0
move.b d7,d0 ; set D0 to a byte from CTRL
subq.w #1,d0 ; subtract 1 from it
blt.w finish_29ABA ; if D0 is less than 1, branch
cmpi.w #$16,d0
bge.w finish_29ABA ; if D0 is greater than or equal to 16, branch
add.w d0,d0 ; otherwise, double D0
move.w dword_29918(pc,d0.w),d0
jmp dword_29918+2(pc,d0.w)
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
dword_29918: dc.l $400036 ; CODE XREF: serialCtrlCmd+E0j
dc.l $360036
dc.l $3601A0
dc.l $3601A0
dc.l $1A001A0
dc.l $360040
dc.l $2A01A0
dc.l $400036
dc.l $3601A0
dc.l $1A00036
dc.l $1A00036
dc.l $33FC0003
dc.l HEAP_3B897+$41A7 ; CTRLRead3
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
bra.w finish_29ABA
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
tst.w (CTRL_36494).l
bne.w return_29AF6
moveq #1,d0
lea ((HEAP_3B897+$2665)).l,a0
adda.w (CTRLRead1).l,a0
move.b d7,(a0)
moveq #0,d1
move.b d7,d1
move.w d1,(CTRLRead2).l
move.w (CTRLCmds).l,d1
addq.w #1,d1
move.w d1,(CTRLCmds).l ; Increment CTRL Cmds by 1
move.w d0,(CTRLRead3).l
bra.w finish_29ABA
1 个解决方案
blt.w finish_29ABA ; \
cmpi.w #$16,d0 ; > These insns check that the index is in range
bge.w finish_29ABA ; /
add.w d0,d0 ; since the jump table contains words,
; multiply the index by 2, to get a word index
move.w dword_29918(pc,d0.w),d0 ; get a word from the jump table, indexed by d0
jmp dword_29918+2(pc,d0.w) ; perform an indirect jump to (PC,d0)
dword_29918: ; the following are offsets encoded as words
; 0040 0036 0036 0036...
This is usually the result of a C switch
这通常是C switch语句的结果。
blt.w finish_29ABA ; \
cmpi.w #$16,d0 ; > These insns check that the index is in range
bge.w finish_29ABA ; /
add.w d0,d0 ; since the jump table contains words,
; multiply the index by 2, to get a word index
move.w dword_29918(pc,d0.w),d0 ; get a word from the jump table, indexed by d0
jmp dword_29918+2(pc,d0.w) ; perform an indirect jump to (PC,d0)
dword_29918: ; the following are offsets encoded as words
; 0040 0036 0036 0036...
This is usually the result of a C switch
这通常是C switch语句的结果。