Websockets PHP / AJAX / Javascript刷新客户端

时间:2021-03-20 02:57:58

I'm using websockets with PHP and some Javascript. I display some information from my database to my client. My goal is to refresh the client when an information has insert into my database. To insert some data in my database, I send a post request from my PC.


At the moment, I can refresh the client to call a function every 10 seconds. But I would like to refresh only if, on that page, a POST request is send.


Here is something that can help you to understand:


Websockets PHP / AJAX / Javascript刷新客户端

  1. The client's connecting to the web page.
  2. 客户端正在连接到web页面。
  3. A SQL select is execute on my database
  4. SQL select将在我的数据库上执行
  5. The result is received and displayed on the web page.
  6. 结果被接收并显示在web页面上。
  7. The client is connected (via websockets) and see the information from the database.
  8. 客户端被连接(通过websockets)并从数据库中查看信息。
  9. Me. If I insert an information on the database, I send a POST request (not from a HTML form, no submit, just a POST request, like if I used Postman to test a webservice). When the request is send, refresh the client by calling a Javascript function...
  10. 我。如果我在数据库中插入一个信息,我发送一个POST请求(不是来自HTML表单,不提交,只是一个POST请求,就像我用Postman测试一个webservice)。当请求发送时,通过调用一个Javascript函数来刷新客户机…

Here is what I've done:


  • index.php (Page where the information are displayed)


        //create a new WebSocket object.
        var wsUri = "ws://localhost:9000/server.php";
        websocket = new WebSocket(wsUri);
        websocket.onopen = function(ev) { // connection is open
            $('#message_box').append("<div class=\"system_msg\">Connected!</div>"); //notify user
        // Call this function every 10 sec to refresh the client
        }, 10000);
        websocket.onmessage = function(ev) {
            var msg = JSON.parse(ev.data); //PHP sends Json data
        websocket.onerror   = function(ev){$('#message_box').append("<div class=\"system_error\">Error Occurred - "+ev.data+"</div>");};
        websocket.onclose   = function(ev){$('#message_box').append("<div class=\"system_msg\">Connection Closed</div>");};
    function displayInfo(r) {
            { refresh : r},
                var msg = {
                    message: data
                //convert and send data to server
  • infos.php : Where I execute the SQL select request (works fine)

    信息。php:在其中执行SQL select请求(运行良好)

  • server.php : Where the code for the server side is. (works fine)


Well. I really don't know how can I achieve this. How to inform and call the function displayInfo(r); if a POST request is send to this page.


Any help is very appriciated. Thank you in advance.


Regards, Lapinou.


1 个解决方案



I've seen the server.php from the link you've provided, and it simply:


  1. Accepts incoming connections
  2. 接受传入的连接
  3. Loops through all connected sockets
  4. 循环通过所有连接的套接字
  5. If any of these sockets has data, it replies to every other client.
  6. 如果这些套接字中有任何一个具有数据,那么它将响应所有其他客户机。

You need to alter this loop and add another source for messages, and you have 2 options. You can pool a DB or open another TCP socket and read from there.


However, the best solution is to use NodeJS with Socket.io and DNode (very elegant solution that works cross-browser and is not that difficult), but you need to be able to install NodeJS on your server. I can provide samples if you want.


EDIT: Here it goes my way of doing it.

I'll assume you are familiar with Debian based distributions (I'm going to install things with APT). First I'll explain some things:


  • NodeJS is a server-side javascript interpreter that will run our socket part. In fact, we will use both PHP and NodeJS (the latter only for updating clients, so your existing code will not change much)
  • NodeJS是一个服务器端javascript解释器,它将运行我们的套接字部分。事实上,我们将同时使用PHP和NodeJS(后者仅用于更新客户机,因此现有代码不会有太大变化)
  • NPM is a command line utility (that comes with NodeJS). Its main purpose is for installing packages (Socket.io and DNode are NPM packages)
  • NPM是一个命令行实用程序(NodeJS附带)。它的主要用途是安装包(套接字)。io和DNode是NPM包)
  • Socket.io is a wrapper around WebSockets that make it works cross-browser. It also contains the server-side handling functions
  • 套接字。io是一个围绕WebSockets的包装,它可以跨浏览器工作。它还包含服务器端处理函数。
  • DNode is an RPC for communicating with other languages/servers (in this case, with our PHP script)
  • DNode是一个用于与其他语言/服务器通信的RPC(在本例中,使用PHP脚本)

First we install NodeJS. The version on Ubuntu repo's is veeery old, so we add a PPA from here:

首先我们安装NodeJS。Ubuntu repo的版本非常古老,所以我们从这里添加了一个PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install node

This will install NodeJS and NPM. More info here.


Now cd into your working directory and create this file: server.js


//import libraries
var io = require('socket.io');
var dnode = require('dnode');

var clients = []; //this array will hold all connected clients

var srv = io.listen(8080, { log: false }); //this port must be different from apache
srv.sockets.on('connection', function(socket){
    console.log("Client connected.");

    //this will be called when a javascript client sends us something. you can delete this if you don't need it
    socket.on('message', function(data){

    socket.on('disconnect', function(){
        console.log("Lost client.");
        var i = clients.indexOf(socket);
        clients.splice(i, 1); //remove from array

var dnode_server = dnode({
    //expose a "send" function
    send: function(data, cb){
        for(i = 0; i < clients.length; i++){
            clients[i].emit('update', { //send an "update" message to all connected clients
                title: data.title, //some data
                text: data.text
        cb(null, false); //inform PHP that the processing is done. You can also return something
    //you can have multiple functions here
dnode_server.listen(5004); //this port should not be accessible from the ouside

Next, install required libraries:


npm install socket.io
npm install dnode

You can run this script using node server.js

可以使用node server.js运行此脚本

Now we need to edit the clientside javascript. Import Socket.io using this:

现在我们需要编辑clientside javascript。进口套接字。io使用:

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://YOURHOSTNAME:SOCKETIOPORT/socket.io/socket.io.js"></script>

Then use it like this:


socket = io.connect('http://YOURHOSTNAME:SOCKETIOPORT');
socket.on('connect', function(data){
socket.on('disconnect', function(){
    alert('Disconnected :( are you offline?');
socket.on('update', function(data){ //our function call
    alert(data.title + " " + data.text);

You can send data to server like on NodeJS:


socket.emit('message', {foo: 'bar'});

Finally, you want to trigger "update" on all connected clients from a PHP script. For this, we need a PHP library for interfacing DNode. You can find it here and its usage is very simple:


$dnode = new \DnodeSyncClient\Dnode();
$connection = $dnode->connect('localhost', 5004);
$connection->call('send', array(array(
    'title' => "My awesome title",
    'text' => "My awesome text"

Calling this PHP script will send title and text to your server.js that will broadcast everything to your connected clients.


Hope this helps!




I've seen the server.php from the link you've provided, and it simply:


  1. Accepts incoming connections
  2. 接受传入的连接
  3. Loops through all connected sockets
  4. 循环通过所有连接的套接字
  5. If any of these sockets has data, it replies to every other client.
  6. 如果这些套接字中有任何一个具有数据,那么它将响应所有其他客户机。

You need to alter this loop and add another source for messages, and you have 2 options. You can pool a DB or open another TCP socket and read from there.


However, the best solution is to use NodeJS with Socket.io and DNode (very elegant solution that works cross-browser and is not that difficult), but you need to be able to install NodeJS on your server. I can provide samples if you want.


EDIT: Here it goes my way of doing it.

I'll assume you are familiar with Debian based distributions (I'm going to install things with APT). First I'll explain some things:


  • NodeJS is a server-side javascript interpreter that will run our socket part. In fact, we will use both PHP and NodeJS (the latter only for updating clients, so your existing code will not change much)
  • NodeJS是一个服务器端javascript解释器,它将运行我们的套接字部分。事实上,我们将同时使用PHP和NodeJS(后者仅用于更新客户机,因此现有代码不会有太大变化)
  • NPM is a command line utility (that comes with NodeJS). Its main purpose is for installing packages (Socket.io and DNode are NPM packages)
  • NPM是一个命令行实用程序(NodeJS附带)。它的主要用途是安装包(套接字)。io和DNode是NPM包)
  • Socket.io is a wrapper around WebSockets that make it works cross-browser. It also contains the server-side handling functions
  • 套接字。io是一个围绕WebSockets的包装,它可以跨浏览器工作。它还包含服务器端处理函数。
  • DNode is an RPC for communicating with other languages/servers (in this case, with our PHP script)
  • DNode是一个用于与其他语言/服务器通信的RPC(在本例中,使用PHP脚本)

First we install NodeJS. The version on Ubuntu repo's is veeery old, so we add a PPA from here:

首先我们安装NodeJS。Ubuntu repo的版本非常古老,所以我们从这里添加了一个PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install node

This will install NodeJS and NPM. More info here.


Now cd into your working directory and create this file: server.js


//import libraries
var io = require('socket.io');
var dnode = require('dnode');

var clients = []; //this array will hold all connected clients

var srv = io.listen(8080, { log: false }); //this port must be different from apache
srv.sockets.on('connection', function(socket){
    console.log("Client connected.");

    //this will be called when a javascript client sends us something. you can delete this if you don't need it
    socket.on('message', function(data){

    socket.on('disconnect', function(){
        console.log("Lost client.");
        var i = clients.indexOf(socket);
        clients.splice(i, 1); //remove from array

var dnode_server = dnode({
    //expose a "send" function
    send: function(data, cb){
        for(i = 0; i < clients.length; i++){
            clients[i].emit('update', { //send an "update" message to all connected clients
                title: data.title, //some data
                text: data.text
        cb(null, false); //inform PHP that the processing is done. You can also return something
    //you can have multiple functions here
dnode_server.listen(5004); //this port should not be accessible from the ouside

Next, install required libraries:


npm install socket.io
npm install dnode

You can run this script using node server.js

可以使用node server.js运行此脚本

Now we need to edit the clientside javascript. Import Socket.io using this:

现在我们需要编辑clientside javascript。进口套接字。io使用:

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://YOURHOSTNAME:SOCKETIOPORT/socket.io/socket.io.js"></script>

Then use it like this:


socket = io.connect('http://YOURHOSTNAME:SOCKETIOPORT');
socket.on('connect', function(data){
socket.on('disconnect', function(){
    alert('Disconnected :( are you offline?');
socket.on('update', function(data){ //our function call
    alert(data.title + " " + data.text);

You can send data to server like on NodeJS:


socket.emit('message', {foo: 'bar'});

Finally, you want to trigger "update" on all connected clients from a PHP script. For this, we need a PHP library for interfacing DNode. You can find it here and its usage is very simple:


$dnode = new \DnodeSyncClient\Dnode();
$connection = $dnode->connect('localhost', 5004);
$connection->call('send', array(array(
    'title' => "My awesome title",
    'text' => "My awesome text"

Calling this PHP script will send title and text to your server.js that will broadcast everything to your connected clients.


Hope this helps!
