
时间:2022-06-20 02:49:04

Greetings to everyone!


I've got a little issue in a project made by someone in PyCharm, with virtual environment(VE) precisely. I've set this VE up few months ago and didn't use it for some time. Now i need to go back to it, because it has a lot of necessary things installed. Therefore there is one more battery needed to be installed into this VE - it is soundcloud API. I installed by directly from PyCharm in project settings, i checked whether this VE is still a default VE - it is. But project keeps complaining that there is "No module named soundcloud".

我在一个由PyCharm的人制作的项目中遇到了一个小问题。我几个月前就把它设置好了,一段时间没有使用它了。现在我需要回到它,因为它有很多需要安装的东西。因此,需要在这个VE中再安装一个电池——它是soundcloud API。我直接从PyCharm安装在项目设置中,我检查这个VE是否仍然是默认的VE -它是。但是project一直在抱怨“没有名为soundcloud的模块”。

Can you show me the way i can fix this?


Thanks in advance.


1 个解决方案



In settings, under the Project section (in the left pane) go to Interpreters. From there you can select a found environment or click the + to add your own from a path. Find the environment you created and add it to the list. Then, once you select the environment you can see the installed modules underneath. You can add new modules through their built in pip.


After that, it'll take you to the first page where you have to select your custom environment from a drop down.


Good luck!


Edit: Reread your question. Sometimes when I can't get the module to be recognized in PyCharm, I do a pip install through the command line in the virtual environment. Then restart PyCharm.


Navigate to the environment in cmd and run python -m pip install -U SOUNDCLOUD_MODULE and it'll work.

导航到cmd中的环境并运行python -m pip安装-U SOUNDCLOUD_MODULE,它将会工作。



In settings, under the Project section (in the left pane) go to Interpreters. From there you can select a found environment or click the + to add your own from a path. Find the environment you created and add it to the list. Then, once you select the environment you can see the installed modules underneath. You can add new modules through their built in pip.


After that, it'll take you to the first page where you have to select your custom environment from a drop down.


Good luck!


Edit: Reread your question. Sometimes when I can't get the module to be recognized in PyCharm, I do a pip install through the command line in the virtual environment. Then restart PyCharm.


Navigate to the environment in cmd and run python -m pip install -U SOUNDCLOUD_MODULE and it'll work.

导航到cmd中的环境并运行python -m pip安装-U SOUNDCLOUD_MODULE,它将会工作。