Android Debug Bridge(adb)命令行工具存在于$ PATH中,但在linux中找不到“command not found”

时间:2021-01-13 02:38:42
sudo echo $PATH


adb exists in /home/lubuntu/Tools/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools

adb存在于/ home / lubuntu / Tools / android-sdk-linux / platform-tools中

Then I executed adb start-server:

然后我执行了adb start-server:

* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *

Then sudo adb install test.apk

然后sudo adb安装test.apk

sudo: adb: command not found

I have added adb in the environment variable $PATH, but sudo couldn't find it. Why?

我在环境变量$ PATH中添加了adb,但是sudo找不到它。为什么?

5 个解决方案



sudo means you're switching to root, and that does not necessarily mean that your environment comes along. That could be dangerous.


At your risk, add the -E option to inherit the calling environment.




The problem is the PATH var is set for that user, and root don't have the aditional PATH entry, so it can't found the program.

问题是为该用户设置了PATH var,而root没有aditional PATH条目,因此无法找到该程序。

You should setup adb for root too:


adb Environmental Variables


Open ~/.bashrc and add the following to the very bottom

打开〜/ .bashrc并将以下内容添加到最底层

export PATH=${PATH}:<sdk>/tools:<sdk>/platform-tools

Change <sdk> to the actual path. ie /home/user/android-sdk-linux Close and re-open your terminal to refresh variables.

更改为实际路径。 ie / home / user / android-sdk-linux关闭并重新打开终端刷新变量。

from adb setup


If doesn't work, make symbolic links from adb and other binaries to /usr/local/bin

如果不起作用,请将adb和其他二进制文件的符号链接创建到/ usr / local / bin



Since you are running adb as root in the second example, adb would also have to be on root's path.




completely agree with answer of @unwind.
You must not do this using "sudo".
Give it a try without sudo and i guess it would work for you.

Also, you should add the path to folder named "tools" present in the sdk, though its not connected with your problem, but a suggestion.




Completely agree.

The problem was the Android Debug Bridge (adb) command line tool that was not linked to the path. After setting it in the path, it worked for me.

问题是没有链接到路径的Android Debug Bridge(adb)命令行工具。在路径中设置后,它对我有用。

$ gedit ~/.bashrc

set the path as follows in the .bashrc


export PATH=${PATH}:~/adt-bundle/tools
export PATH=${PATH}:~/adt-bundle/platform-tools



sudo means you're switching to root, and that does not necessarily mean that your environment comes along. That could be dangerous.


At your risk, add the -E option to inherit the calling environment.




The problem is the PATH var is set for that user, and root don't have the aditional PATH entry, so it can't found the program.

问题是为该用户设置了PATH var,而root没有aditional PATH条目,因此无法找到该程序。

You should setup adb for root too:


adb Environmental Variables


Open ~/.bashrc and add the following to the very bottom

打开〜/ .bashrc并将以下内容添加到最底层

export PATH=${PATH}:<sdk>/tools:<sdk>/platform-tools

Change <sdk> to the actual path. ie /home/user/android-sdk-linux Close and re-open your terminal to refresh variables.

更改为实际路径。 ie / home / user / android-sdk-linux关闭并重新打开终端刷新变量。

from adb setup


If doesn't work, make symbolic links from adb and other binaries to /usr/local/bin

如果不起作用,请将adb和其他二进制文件的符号链接创建到/ usr / local / bin



Since you are running adb as root in the second example, adb would also have to be on root's path.




completely agree with answer of @unwind.
You must not do this using "sudo".
Give it a try without sudo and i guess it would work for you.

Also, you should add the path to folder named "tools" present in the sdk, though its not connected with your problem, but a suggestion.




Completely agree.

The problem was the Android Debug Bridge (adb) command line tool that was not linked to the path. After setting it in the path, it worked for me.

问题是没有链接到路径的Android Debug Bridge(adb)命令行工具。在路径中设置后,它对我有用。

$ gedit ~/.bashrc

set the path as follows in the .bashrc


export PATH=${PATH}:~/adt-bundle/tools
export PATH=${PATH}:~/adt-bundle/platform-tools