
时间:2022-03-30 02:26:03

I'm trying to install the cint interpreter using the instructions provided on their website (instructions are also included below, as reference). When running the ./configure command, I get the following error:


~/cint-5.16.19$ ./configure
./configure: 23: ./configure: Syntax error: "(" unexpected

It seems odd seeing as how I didn't include any parentheses to begin with...


Any suggestions? (Am using bash shell in Xubuntu 14.)

有什么建议吗?(我在Xubuntu 14中使用bash shell。)

Instructions from cint:


$ tar xfz cint-5.16.19-source.tar.gz     <--this step worked
$ cd cint-5.16.19                        <--this step worked
$ ./configure                            <--this step not working
$ gmake 

Edit: Including some more info.


The relevant line in configure (i.e., line 23 as referenced by the error message above) is as follows:


ARCHS=(linux linuxicc macgcc djgpp cygwin mingw mwerks hpux aix msvc7 msvc8 solaris solarisgcc)

Regarding shell compatibility, the following was included at the beginning of the configure file:


# This is a bash script, which works with any reasonable sh.
# Solaris sh is not, so we have to start bash, and call ourselves again.

[ "x$1" != "x__have_the_proper_shell@" ] && ( \
uname -a | grep -i sunos > /dev/null \
  && (bash $0 __have_the_proper_shell@ "$*") \
  || (sh $0 __have_the_proper_shell@ "$*") \

[ "x$1" != "x__have_the_proper_shell@" ] && exit

1 个解决方案



Maybe they have fixed it in the latest version. I just tried your steps, but used the latest version from their website:


minotaur:/tmp> cd cint-5.18.00/
minotaur:/tmp/cint-5.18.00> ./configure
Guessing architecture to be linuxx8664gcc
Using current CINT core
Using /usr/lib64/libreadline.a
Using /usr/lib64/libncurses.a

Creating build dirs...
Writing Makefile.conf...
Writing cint/inc/configcint.h...
Removing Apiif.cxx
Writing bin/cint-config...
Writing config.status...
Creating Makefile...
Creating reconfigure...

Run "make" to build cint.
Run "make help" to see the available build targets.

So the configure step seems to work for cint-5.18.00 on my Slackware 13.1 system.

minotaur:/tmp> cd CINT -5.18.00/ minotaur:/tmp/ CINT -5.18.00> ./使用/usr/lib64/libreadline配置猜测架构为linuxx8664gcc,使用当前CINT核心。一个使用/usr/lib64/libncurses。创建构建dirs……写作Makefile.conf……写作cint /公司/ configcint.h……删除Apiif。cxx写作bin / cint-config……写作config.status……创建Makefile……创建配置…完成了。运行“make”来构建cint。运行“make help”查看可用的构建目标。minotaur:/tmp/cint-5.18.00>,因此配置步骤在我的Slackware 13.1系统上似乎适用于cint-5.18.00。



Maybe they have fixed it in the latest version. I just tried your steps, but used the latest version from their website:


minotaur:/tmp> cd cint-5.18.00/
minotaur:/tmp/cint-5.18.00> ./configure
Guessing architecture to be linuxx8664gcc
Using current CINT core
Using /usr/lib64/libreadline.a
Using /usr/lib64/libncurses.a

Creating build dirs...
Writing Makefile.conf...
Writing cint/inc/configcint.h...
Removing Apiif.cxx
Writing bin/cint-config...
Writing config.status...
Creating Makefile...
Creating reconfigure...

Run "make" to build cint.
Run "make help" to see the available build targets.

So the configure step seems to work for cint-5.18.00 on my Slackware 13.1 system.

minotaur:/tmp> cd CINT -5.18.00/ minotaur:/tmp/ CINT -5.18.00> ./使用/usr/lib64/libreadline配置猜测架构为linuxx8664gcc,使用当前CINT核心。一个使用/usr/lib64/libncurses。创建构建dirs……写作Makefile.conf……写作cint /公司/ configcint.h……删除Apiif。cxx写作bin / cint-config……写作config.status……创建Makefile……创建配置…完成了。运行“make”来构建cint。运行“make help”查看可用的构建目标。minotaur:/tmp/cint-5.18.00>,因此配置步骤在我的Slackware 13.1系统上似乎适用于cint-5.18.00。