
时间:2022-10-11 02:10:11

I have a header file called stdafx.h and this one is precompiled of course. I've read that I should include these files into my .cpp files, but some of these statements are already needed in the header file coming with that.


Should I add the stdafx into my header or into my cpp? I thought it was good practise to put it into the header, but I seem to be obliged to put it into the header instead.




stdafx contains freeglut.
my class header file has an attribute of GLenum.


Should I include the stdafx into the .h of the class?


2 个解决方案



stdafx.h should be the first include in EVERY cpp file in your project.


Consider that C++ doesn't compile header files, just Cpp files.

Therefore if the stdafx is the first include in the cpp file, then the compiler will have everything the header file needs, when it hits the headerfile in the Cpp file.




You have A.cpp & A.h.
A.h needs std:string.

你有一个。cpp & A.h。。h需要std:字符串。

you have B.cpp & B.h
B.h needs A.h therefore B.h needs std::string too.

你有B。cpp & B。B h。需要一个。因此,h B。h需要std::string。

Because it's good practise, you put #include <string> in stdafx.h.


Your build fails because nothing can see std::string


Now put stafx.h as the first include in A.cpp and B.cpp.
When the compiler hits A.cpp, it picks up the incldue for <string>, then picks up A.h, and everything is happy because we know what std::string is.

现在把stafx。h作为A中的第一个元素。cpp和B.cpp。当编译器遇到A。cpp,它选择了 ,然后拿起A。所有的一切都很快乐,因为我们知道std::string是什么。

The compiler now hits B.cpp, again it includes stdafx first, which brings <string>, then hits B.h, which brings A.h which is again happy because std::string has already been included.

编译器现在命中B。cpp,它首先包含stdafx,它带来 ,然后点击B。h,这带来了。h也很高兴,因为std::string已经包含在内了。

Hope this helps.




  • Only include things in your precompiled header which should be there
  • 只在预编译的标头中包含应该存在的内容
  • Your precompiled header file must be the first include in every .cpp
  • 您的预编译头文件必须是每个.cpp中的第一个
  • I would avoid including it in another header in favor of forward declaration
  • 我将避免将它包含在另一个页眉中,以便向前声明

Ask yourself these two questions before including something in stdafx.h


  1. Will this header never be changed by me?
  2. 这个标题永远不会被我改变吗?
  3. Do I need this included in every multiple source file?
  4. 我需要在每个多源文件中包含这个吗?

If the answer is "No" to either of those then don't include it.




stdafx.h should be the first include in EVERY cpp file in your project.


Consider that C++ doesn't compile header files, just Cpp files.

Therefore if the stdafx is the first include in the cpp file, then the compiler will have everything the header file needs, when it hits the headerfile in the Cpp file.




You have A.cpp & A.h.
A.h needs std:string.

你有一个。cpp & A.h。。h需要std:字符串。

you have B.cpp & B.h
B.h needs A.h therefore B.h needs std::string too.

你有B。cpp & B。B h。需要一个。因此,h B。h需要std::string。

Because it's good practise, you put #include <string> in stdafx.h.


Your build fails because nothing can see std::string


Now put stafx.h as the first include in A.cpp and B.cpp.
When the compiler hits A.cpp, it picks up the incldue for <string>, then picks up A.h, and everything is happy because we know what std::string is.

现在把stafx。h作为A中的第一个元素。cpp和B.cpp。当编译器遇到A。cpp,它选择了 ,然后拿起A。所有的一切都很快乐,因为我们知道std::string是什么。

The compiler now hits B.cpp, again it includes stdafx first, which brings <string>, then hits B.h, which brings A.h which is again happy because std::string has already been included.

编译器现在命中B。cpp,它首先包含stdafx,它带来 ,然后点击B。h,这带来了。h也很高兴,因为std::string已经包含在内了。

Hope this helps.




  • Only include things in your precompiled header which should be there
  • 只在预编译的标头中包含应该存在的内容
  • Your precompiled header file must be the first include in every .cpp
  • 您的预编译头文件必须是每个.cpp中的第一个
  • I would avoid including it in another header in favor of forward declaration
  • 我将避免将它包含在另一个页眉中,以便向前声明

Ask yourself these two questions before including something in stdafx.h


  1. Will this header never be changed by me?
  2. 这个标题永远不会被我改变吗?
  3. Do I need this included in every multiple source file?
  4. 我需要在每个多源文件中包含这个吗?

If the answer is "No" to either of those then don't include it.
