《汇编语言(第3版)》王爽 课程设计2

时间:2021-07-09 01:13:53



(1 )、列出功能选项,让用户通过键盘进行选择,界面如下:

1)、reset  pc ;重新启动计算机

   2)、start  system;引导现有的操作系统

3)、clock ;进入时钟程序

4)、set  clock;设置时间

(2 )、用户输入1后,重新启动计算机

(3 )、用户输入2后,引导现有的操作系统

(3 )、用户输入3后,执行动态显示当前日期、时间的程序,格式:年/月/日 时/分/秒


(4 )、用户输入4后,可更改当前的时间、日期,更改后按ESC键返回主菜单


code segment
assume cs:code
        start:	;把install1复制到软盘的第一个扇区
                mov ax,install1
                mov es,ax
                mov bx,0
                mov ah,3
                mov al,1
                mov ch,0
                mov cl,1
                mov dh,0
                mov dl,0
                int 13h
                mov ax,install2
                mov es,ax
                mov bx,0
                mov ah,3
                mov al,15
                mov cl,2
                int 13h
                mov ax,4c00h
                int 21h
code ends

install1 segment  ;负责把主程序从软盘的第二个扇区开始全部读入内存
assume cs:install1
                mov ax,2000h
                mov es,ax
                mov ah,2
                mov al,15
                mov ch,0
                mov cl,2
                mov dh,0
                mov dl,0
                mov bx,0
                int 13h

                mov ax,2000h
                push ax
                mov ax,0
                push ax

                mov ax,4c00h
                int 21h
install1 ends
install2 segment
assume cs:install2
        ready:  jmp short main

        table   dw resetpc, startos, clock, setclock
                call manu
                call rdkb0
                cmp ah,02
                jb main
                cmp ah,05
                ja main
                mov al,ah
                mov ah,0
                sub al,2
                add al,al
                mov bx,ax
                call word ptr table[bx]
                jmp short main
                mov ax,4c00h
                int 21h

         rdkb0: mov ah,0  ;读取键盘一个输入,同时清除缓冲区
                int 16h   ;注意此时,键盘没有输入则会等待输入

         rdkb1: mov ah,1  ;读取键盘一个输入,不清除缓冲区 
                int 16h   ;此时,此时不会等待键盘输入

      resetpc:  call clear     ;重启计算机
                mov ax,0ffffh
                push ax
                mov ax,0
                push ax

      startos:  call clear     ;引导操作作系统
                mov ax,0
                mov es,ax
                mov bx,7c00h
                mov al,1
                mov ch,0
                mov cl,1
                mov dh,0
                mov dl,80h

                mov ah,2
                int 13h
                mov ax,0
                push ax
                mov ax,7c00h
                push ax
        clock:  jmp short showclock0	;显示时钟

      clkchar:  db 'xx/xx/xx xx:xx:xx',0
      clkaddr:  db 9,8,7,4,2,0

                push ds
                push bp
                push bx
                push cx
                push ax
                push es
                push di
                push dx

                call clear
                mov dl,2

                push cs
                pop ds
                mov bp,offset clkchar
                mov bx,offset clkaddr
                mov cx,3
         clks:  push cx
                mov al,[bx]
                out 70h,al
                in al,71h
                mov ah,al
                mov cl,4
                shr ah,cl
                and al,00001111b
                add ah,30h
                add al,30h
                mov ds:[bp],ah
                mov ds:[bp+1],al
                inc bx
                add bp,3
                pop cx
                loop clks

                mov cx,3
        clks2:  push cx
                mov al,[bx]
                out 70h,al
                in al,71h
                mov ah,al
                mov cl,4
                shr ah,cl
                and al,00001111b
                add ah,30h
                add al,30h
                mov ds:[bp],ah
                mov ds:[bp+1],al
                inc bx
                add bp,3
                pop cx
                loop clks2

                mov ax,0b800h
                mov es,ax
                mov di,12*160+20*2
                mov bx,offset clkchar
       clks4:   mov cl,[bx]
                mov ch,0
                jcxz clks3
                mov es:[di],cl
                mov es:[di+1],dl
                inc bx
                add di,2
                jmp short clks4

       clks3:   call rdkb1
                cmp al,1bh
                je clks5
                cmp ah,3bh
                je clks6
       clks7:   jmp near ptr showclock1
       clks6:   call rdkb0
                inc dl
                jmp near ptr showclock1
       clks5:   call rdkb0
                call clear
                pop dx
                pop di
                pop es
                pop ax
                pop cx
                pop bx
                pop bp
                pop ds

     setclock: jmp near ptr clkconf	;设置时钟

  instruction:  db '             Warning!             ',0
                db 'Please strictly follow the example',0
                db '      yy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss           ',0
    clocktemp:  db 20 dup (0)
      setaddr:  db 9,8,7,4,2,0
      clkconf:  push ax
                push bx
                push cx
                push dx
                push bp
                push si
                push di
                push ds
                push es
                call clear
                push cs
                pop ds
                mov ax,0b800h
                mov es,ax
                mov di,10*160+20*2
                mov bx,offset instruction

                mov cx,3
      strs3:    push cx
                mov bp,0
      strs2:    mov cl,[bx]
                mov ch,0
                jcxz strs1
                mov es:[di+bp],cl
                mov byte ptr es:[di+bp+1],4
                inc bx
                add bp,2
                jmp short strs2
        strs1:  pop cx
                inc bx
                add di,160
                loop strs3

                mov si,offset clocktemp
                mov dh,13
                mov dl,26
                call getstr
                mov bx,offset clocktemp
                mov bp,offset setaddr

                mov cx,6
        strs4:  push cx
                mov ch,0
                mov cl,4
                mov ah,[bx]
                mov al,[bx+1]
                sub ah,30h
                sub al,30h
                shl ah,cl
                add ah,al
                mov al,ds:[bp]
                out 70h,al
                mov al,ah
                out 71h,al
                pop cx
                add bx,3
                inc bp
                loop strs4
     rdagain:   call rdkb0
                cmp al,1bh
                jne rdagain
                call clear
                pop es
                pop ds
                pop di
                pop si
                pop bp
                pop dx
                pop cx
                pop bx
                pop ax

     getstr:    push ax

     getstrs:   mov ah,0
                int 16h
                cmp al,20h
                jb nochar
                mov ah,0
                call charstack
                mov ah,2
                call charstack
                jmp getstrs

     nochar:    cmp ah,0eh
                je backspace
                cmp ah,1ch
                je enter
                jmp getstrs
    backspace:  mov ah,1
                call charstack
                mov ah,2
                call charstack
                jmp getstrs
     enter:     mov al,0
                mov ah,0
                call charstack
                mov ah,2
                call charstack
                pop ax

    charstack: jmp short charstart

        table2  dw charpush,charpop,charshow
         top    dw 0

    charstart: push bx
               push dx
               push di
               push es

               cmp ah,2
               ja sret
               mov bl,ah
               mov bh,0
               add bx,bx
               jmp word ptr table2[bx]

     charpush: mov bx,top
               mov [si][bx],al
               inc top
               jmp sret

     charpop:  cmp top,0
               je sret
               dec top
               mov bx,top
               mov al,[si][bx]
               jmp sret

     charshow: mov bx,0b800h
               mov es,bx
               mov al,160
               mov ah,0
               mul dh
               mov di,ax
               add dl,dl
               mov dh,0
               add di,dx

               mov bx,0

    charshows: cmp bx,top
               jne noempty
               mov byte ptr es:[di],' '
               jmp sret
      noempty: mov al,[si][bx]
               mov es:[di],al
               mov byte ptr es:[di+1],2
               mov byte ptr es:[di+2],' '
               inc bx
               add di,2
               jmp charshows
        sret:  pop es
               pop di
               pop dx
               pop bx


         manu:  jmp short show
                db '1) reset pc',0
                db '2) start system',0
                db '3) clock',0
                db '4) set clock',0
         show:  push ds
                push si
                push ax
                push es
                push bx
                push cx
                push di

                push cs
                pop ds
                mov si,offset manu
                add si,2
                mov ax,0b800h
                mov es,ax
                mov bx,12*160+25*2

                mov cx,4
          s3:   push cx
                mov di,0
          s1:   mov cl,[si]
                mov ch,0
                jcxz s2
                mov es:[bx+di],cl
                mov byte ptr es:[bx+di+1],2
                inc si
                add di,2
                jmp short s1
          s2:   pop cx
                inc si
                add bx,160
                loop s3

                pop di
                pop cx
                pop bx
                pop es
                pop ax
                pop si
                pop ds
        clear:  push ax
                push es
                push cx
                push si
                mov ax,0b800h
                mov es,ax
                mov cx,2000
                mov si,0
     clears:    mov byte ptr es:[si],' '
                add si,2
                loop clears
                mov cx,2000
                mov si,1
    clears2:    mov byte ptr es:[si],07
                add si,2
                loop clears2
                pop si
                pop cx
                pop es
                pop ax

install2 ends

end start


原因:我在主程序中进入子程序是用jmp word ptr table[bx]。使用这句进入子程序非常危险,因为它没有保存当前的ip值,也就是没有push ip。当子程序ret时候,相当于pop ip 此时整个程序的栈空间就崩溃了,所以程序跑飞。