用户模式 | User (usr) Mode is the normal execution state and cannot change the Operating Mode, except via theSWI instruction that switches Supervisor Mode. |
快速中断模式 | Fast Interrupt (fiq) Mode used to handle the highest interrupt source (typical just one). |
中断模式 | Interrupt (irq) Mode used for general-purpose interrupt handling. |
管理模式 | Supervisor (svc) Mode for system start-up, invoked after CPU Reset. |
异常模式 | Abort (abt) Mode entered after a data or pre-fetch abort ( used for operating system abort handler). |
未定义模式 | Undefined (und) Mode entered on execution of a undefined instruction. May be used to emulate coprocessor functions. |
系统模式 | System (sys) Mode for privileged operating system functions, invoked by User Mode using theSWI instruction. |
The N, Z, C, and V 分别是Negative(为负), Zero(为零), Carry(进位/借位) and oVerflow(溢出)的英文缩写。
C位和V位的区别是,C位是无符号运算时候导致的,V位是有符号运算导致的。【注,参考ARM V5架构手册 Program Status Register章节】
The N, Z, C, and V (Negative, Zero, Carry and oVerflow) bits are collectively known as the condition code
flags, often referred to as flags.
- 双字(64bit)double word (64-bit) are accessed via the instructions LDRD and STRD.
- 字(32bit)word (32-bit) are accessed via the instructions LDRD and STRD
- 半字(16bit)halfword (16-bit) the instructions LDRH,LDRSH, and STRH.
- 字节(8bit)byte (8-bit) are accessed via the instructions LDRB, LDRSB, and STRB.
{cond} Suffix | Tested Status Flags | Description |
EQ | Z set | equal |
NE | Z clear | not equal |
CS/HS | C set | unsigned higher or same |
CC/LO | C clear | unsigned lower |
MI | N set | negative |
PL | N clear | positive or zero |
VS | V set | overflow |
VC | V clear | no overflow |
HI | C set and Z clear | unsigned higher |
LS | C clear or Z set | unsigned lower or same |
GE | N equals V | signed greater or equal |
LT | N not equal to V | signed less than |
GT | Z clear AND (N equals V) | signed greater than |
LE | Z set OR (N not equal to V) | signed less than or equal |
AL | (ignored) | always (usually omitted) |
EQ Equal 等于
NE Not Equal不等于
GT Greater Than大于
GE Graeter or Equal大于或等于
LT Less Than小于
LE Less or Equal小于或等于
VS V Set V位置位
VC V Clear V位清零
MI N Set N位置位
PL N Clear N位清零
CMP R5,#10 // compare R5 with 10
BHI lab1 // branch to lab1 if value in R5 is higher than 10
TST R5,#10 // test content of R5 against 10
ADDEQ R6,#40 // add 40 to R6 if R5 contains 10
LSR Logical Shift Right
LSL Logical Shift Left
ASR Arithmetic Shift Right
ROR Rotate Right
RRX Rotate Right Extend