Unity3D 命令行参数

时间:2021-07-05 00:40:56

Unity3D 命令行参数

@by 广州小龙                                              unity ios开发群:63438968

Typically, Unity will be launched by double-clicking its icon from the desktop but it is also possible to run it from the command line (ie, the MacOS Terminal or the Windows Command Prompt). When launched in this way, Unity can receive commands and information on startup, which can be very useful for test suites, automated builds and other production tasks.


Under MacOS, you can launch Unity from the Terminal by typing:-



...while under Windows, you should type


"C:\Program Files (x86)\Unity\Editor\Unity.exe"

...at the command prompt. ......在命令提示符下。

Standalone Unity games can be launched in a similar way.


Command Line Arguments 命令行参数

As mentioned above, the editor and also built games can optionally be supplied with additional commands and information on startup. This is done using the following command line arguments:-


Run Unity in batch mode. This should always be used in conjunction with the other command line arguments as it ensures no pop up windows appear and eliminates the need for any human intervention. When an exception occurs during execution of script code, asset server updates fail or other operations fail Unity will immediately exit with return code 1. Note that in batch mode, Unity will send a minimal version of its log output to the console. However, the Log Files still contain the full log information.

the Unity editor after other commands have finished executing. Note
that this can cause error messages to be hidden (but they will show up
in the Editor.log file).
-buildWindowsPlayer <pathname>
Build a standalone Windows player (eg, -buildWindowsPlayer path/to/your/build.exe).
建立一个单独的Windows游戏(例如:-buildWindowsPlayer path/to/your/build.exe)
-buildOSXPlayer <pathname>
Build a standalone Mac OSX player (eg, -buildOSXPlayer path/to/your/build.app).
建立Mac游戏(例如:-buildOSXPlayer path/to/your/build.app)
-importPackage <pathname>
Import the given package. No import dialog is shown.
-createProject <pathname>
Create an empty project at the given path.
-projectPath <pathname>
Open the project at the given path.
-logFile <pathname>
Specify where the Editor log file will be written.
-assetServerUpdate <IP[:port] projectName username password [r <revision>]>
Force an update of the project in the Asset Server given by IP:port.
The port is optional and if not given it is assumed to be the standard
one (10733). It is advisable to use this command in conjunction with the -projectPath argument
to ensure you are working with the correct project. If no project name
is given then the last project opened by Unity is used. If no project
exists at the path given by -projectPath then one is created automatically.

-exportPackage <exportAssetPath exportFileName>
a package given a path. exportAssetPath is a folder (relative to to the
Unity project root) to export from the Unity project and exportFileName
is the package name. Currently, this option can only export a whole
folder at a time. This command normally needs to be used with the
-projectPath argument.

-nographics (Windows only)
running in batch mode, do not initialize graphics device at all. This
makes it possible to run your automated workflows on machines that don't
even have a GPU.
-executeMethod <ClassName.MethodName>
the static method as soon as Unity is started, the project is open and
after the optional asset server update has been performed. This can be
used to do continous integration, perform Unit Tests, make builds,
prepare some data, etc. If you want to return an error from the
commandline process you can either throw an exception which will cause
Unity to exit with 1 or else call EditorApplication.Exit with a non-zero code. 


To use -executeMethod you need to have a script in an Editor folder and a static function in the class.


// C# exampleusingUnityEditor;classMyEditorScript{staticvoidPerformBuild(){string[] scenes ={"Assets/MyScene.unity"};BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer(scenes,...);}}
// JavaScript examplestaticvoidPerformBuild(){string[] scenes ={"Assets/MyScene.unity"};BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer(scenes,...);}

Example usage 用法示例

Execute Unity in batch mode, execute MyEditorScript.MyMethod method, and quit upon completion.


C:\program files\Unity\Editor>Unity.exe -quit -batchmode -executeMethod MyEditorScript.MyMethod

Mac OS:
/Applications/Unity/Unity.app/Contents/MacOS/Unity -quit -batchmode -executeMethod MyEditorScript.MyMethod

Unity in batch mode. Use the project path given and update from the
asset server. Execute the given method after all assets have been
downloaded and imported from the asset server. After the method has
finished execution, automatically quit Unity.


-batchmode -projectPath ~/UnityProjects/AutobuildProject
-assetServerUpdate MyGame AutobuildUser l33tpa33
-executeMethod MyEditorScript.PerformBuild -quit

Unity Standalone Player command line arguments
Unity 独立版游戏命令行参数

Standalone players built with Unity also understand some command line arguments:


the game in "headless" mode. The game will not display anything or
accept user input. This is mostly useful for running servers for networked games.
-force-opengl (Windows only)
the game use OpenGL for rendering, even if Direct3D is available.
Normally Direct3D is used but OpenGL is used if Direct3D 9.0c is not
让游戏使用OpenGL进行渲染,即使有可用的Direct3D。通常情况是使用Direct3D,但如果是Direct3D 9.0c的不可用的话则会选用OpenGL。
-single-instance (Windows only)
only one instance of the game to run at the time. If another instance
is already running then launching it again with -single-instance will
just focus the existing one.
在同一时候只允许一个游戏实例运行。如果另一个实例已在运行,然后再次通过 -single-instance启动它的话会调节到现有的这个实例。
-nolog (Windows only)
Do not produce output log. Normally output_log.txt is written in the *_Data folder next to the game executable, where Debug.Log output is printed.
不产生输出日志。 通常output_log.txt被写在游戏输出目录下的*_Data文件夹中 ,在debug.log中打印输出的地方。
-force-d3d9-ref (Windows only)
Make the game run using Direct3D's "Reference" software renderer. The DirectX SDK has
to be installed for this to work. This is mostly useful for building
automated test suites, where you want to ensure rendering is exactly the
same no matter what graphics card is being used.
使游戏运行在Direct3D的"Reference"软件渲染模式,必须要安装DirectX SDK才能使其工作。这主要是用于建立自动化测试对象,这样您可以确保不管是使用什么显卡,其渲染效果是完全一样的。
-adapter N (Windows only)
Allows the game to run full-screen on another display, where N denotes the display number.
-popupwindow (Windows only)
The window will be created as a a pop-up window (without a frame). 