
时间:2022-08-27 00:38:23

I am new to Vertica and trying this in angular aspx page.

我是Vertica的新手,在angular aspx页面中尝试这个。

            cmd = con.CreateCommand();
            cmd.Connection = con;
            cmd.Parameters.Add(new VerticaParameter("@tblCustomers", table));
            cmd.CommandText = "insert into customers select * from @tblCustomers";

I have established the connection and inserted some fresh records too. But Now I am trying to insert bulk records in my vertica database's table.


Something Same like SqlServer,


I have loaded my table data into "table" variable. Which is a datatable.


Is it possible to do like this ?? As I am getting some error


" Incorrect syntax at or near $1"

“$ 1或附近的语法不正确”

customers and @tblCustomers both have same columns.




1 个解决方案



Setting aside whether or not you should do something like this, in the code that you've posted you're passing @tblCustomers as a parameter to the query, so it's going to treat it as a string value, not an object name in the query. You need to build the CommandText in your code without that as a parameter. Something like:


cmd.CommandText = "insert into customers select * from " & tableName

(Sorry if that syntax isn't quite right, but hopefully it gets across the point)


Some additional (and important) notes though:


  1. Always use a column list when doing an INSERT. Use INSERT INTO MyTable (some_column, some_other_column) SELECT... not INSERT INTO MyTable SELECT...
  2. 执行INSERT时始终使用列列表。使用INSERT INTO MyTable(some_column,some_other_column)SELECT ...不要INSERT INTO MyTable SELECT ...
  3. NEVER use SELECT *. List out your column names.
  4. 切勿使用SELECT *。列出你的列名。



Setting aside whether or not you should do something like this, in the code that you've posted you're passing @tblCustomers as a parameter to the query, so it's going to treat it as a string value, not an object name in the query. You need to build the CommandText in your code without that as a parameter. Something like:


cmd.CommandText = "insert into customers select * from " & tableName

(Sorry if that syntax isn't quite right, but hopefully it gets across the point)


Some additional (and important) notes though:


  1. Always use a column list when doing an INSERT. Use INSERT INTO MyTable (some_column, some_other_column) SELECT... not INSERT INTO MyTable SELECT...
  2. 执行INSERT时始终使用列列表。使用INSERT INTO MyTable(some_column,some_other_column)SELECT ...不要INSERT INTO MyTable SELECT ...
  3. NEVER use SELECT *. List out your column names.
  4. 切勿使用SELECT *。列出你的列名。