
时间:2021-02-06 00:38:45

First off, either A) I'm not investigating into this hard enough or B) I've found a problem that requires some funky hack. By the way this is posh v1.0.


Here it goes:


A week or so ago I asked a question about redirecting the output from the exection of an EXE in powershell that was otherwise not being caught. I was swiftly presented with "2>&1" which solved the problem.


Now I've hit another snag and hope to see what some of you *ers can throw at it.


I'm using try-catch blocks throughout my code as a good programmer should. When I went to place a call to GPG (gnupg.org), passing it a few commands as follows:


try `
    & $gpgExeLocation --import $keyFileName 2>&1 | out-file "theOutput.txt";
} `
-Catch `
    write-host "$_";

I get a blank text file (theOutput.txt).


But if I do the same call outside of the try-catch block, the text file gets some text written to it as expected.


What I'm wondering is if there is an issue with output redirection to stdout and the way powershell traps exceptions - or if it is my try-catch code to begin with?

我想知道是否存在输出重定向到stdout的问题以及powershell捕获异常的方式 - 或者如果它是我的try-catch代码开始?

here is my try-catch implementation


function global:try
        [ScriptBlock]$Command = $(Throw "The parameter -Command is required."),
        [ScriptBlock]$Catch   = { Throw $_ },
        [ScriptBlock]$Finally = {}

    & {
        $local:ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"

                & {
                    trap { Throw $_ }

                Throw $_

            $_ | & { &$Catch }


    & {
        trap { Throw $_ }

1 个解决方案


It appears you are using a custom Try function with a -Catch parameter. Mind sharing your implementation to see if that could be causing the problem?


BTW I doubt that your catch statement would ever be invoked unless you are converting the non-terminating error condition of $lastexitode -ne 0 to a terminating error. In this case, you may be better off with a function like this. I use it a lot (it's quite handy):

顺便说一下,我怀疑你的catch语句是否会被调用,除非你将$ lastexitode -ne 0的非终止错误条件转换为终止错误。在这种情况下,使用这样的函数可能会更好。我经常使用它(它非常方便):

function Get-CallStack {
    trap { continue }
    1..100 | foreach {
        $var = Get-Variable -scope $_ MyInvocation
        $var.Value.PositionMessage -replace "`n"

# Helper function to deal with legacy exe exit codes
function CheckLastExitCode {
    param ([int[]]$SuccessCodes = @(0), [scriptblock]$CleanupScript=$null)

    if ($SuccessCodes -notcontains $LastExitCode) {
        if ($CleanupScript) {
            "Executing cleanup script: $CleanupScript"
        $OFS = $NL = [System.Environment]::NewLine
        throw "EXE RETURNED EXIT CODE ${LastExitCode}${NL}$(Get-CallStack)"

Use it like so:


& $gpgExeLocation --import $keyFileName 2>&1 | out-file "theOutput.txt"


It appears you are using a custom Try function with a -Catch parameter. Mind sharing your implementation to see if that could be causing the problem?


BTW I doubt that your catch statement would ever be invoked unless you are converting the non-terminating error condition of $lastexitode -ne 0 to a terminating error. In this case, you may be better off with a function like this. I use it a lot (it's quite handy):

顺便说一下,我怀疑你的catch语句是否会被调用,除非你将$ lastexitode -ne 0的非终止错误条件转换为终止错误。在这种情况下,使用这样的函数可能会更好。我经常使用它(它非常方便):

function Get-CallStack {
    trap { continue }
    1..100 | foreach {
        $var = Get-Variable -scope $_ MyInvocation
        $var.Value.PositionMessage -replace "`n"

# Helper function to deal with legacy exe exit codes
function CheckLastExitCode {
    param ([int[]]$SuccessCodes = @(0), [scriptblock]$CleanupScript=$null)

    if ($SuccessCodes -notcontains $LastExitCode) {
        if ($CleanupScript) {
            "Executing cleanup script: $CleanupScript"
        $OFS = $NL = [System.Environment]::NewLine
        throw "EXE RETURNED EXIT CODE ${LastExitCode}${NL}$(Get-CallStack)"

Use it like so:


& $gpgExeLocation --import $keyFileName 2>&1 | out-file "theOutput.txt"