I have a .net webservice (WS) hosted on IIS7. This WS has a method to update a database. I have to call this method every two hours. I am thinking of writing a Powershell script to call the method and the Powershell script itself will be executed every two hours by NT scheduler. I have Googled for a sample powershell script, but couldn't find any. I am new to Powershell. Any help is greatly appreciated.
我在IIS7上有一个。net webservice (WS)。这个WS有一个更新数据库的方法。我必须每两个小时调用一次这个方法。我正在考虑编写一个Powershell脚本以调用该方法,而Powershell脚本本身将每两个小时由NT调度器执行。我在google上搜索了一个powershell脚本,但是没有找到。我是Powershell的新手。非常感谢您的帮助。
1 个解决方案
Start by taking a look at the help, and code examples, of the New-WebServiceProxy
cmdlet. Type this in your console:
首先看一下新webserviceproxy cmdlet的帮助和代码示例。在你的控制台上输入:
Get-Help New-WebServiceProxy -Online
Start by taking a look at the help, and code examples, of the New-WebServiceProxy
cmdlet. Type this in your console:
首先看一下新webserviceproxy cmdlet的帮助和代码示例。在你的控制台上输入:
Get-Help New-WebServiceProxy -Online