
时间:2023-01-09 00:40:00

I have an engine that executes powershell scripts, and when they execute, need to feed back in some xml to the caller. The engine only takes i/o as an idmef xml message. So the script needs to return a similarly formatted xml message. I have a class which does my formatting for me and it would like the script writers to use it.

我有一个执行powershell脚本的引擎,当它们执行时,需要将一些xml反馈给调用者。该引擎仅将i / o作为idmef xml消息。因此脚本需要返回类似格式的xml消息。我有一个类为我做格式化,它希望脚本编写者使用它。

So question is I want to wrap a c# class to enable it to be used by powershell.


I saw something some where you can refer to c# class using the square bracket mob, eg.


How to you make the c# available to be used like this. I reckon it needs to be made into class lib and somehow loaded into the powershell runtime but how. Also as I'm running the powershell from c#, how do I add it into the environment at that point.


Any help would be appreciated. Bob.


4 个解决方案


If have an assembly (exe or dll) with the class in it, PowerShell can load it via [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile("PathToYourAssembly") or in V2

如果有一个包含类的程序集(exe或dll),PowerShell可以通过[System.Reflection.Assembly] :: LoadFile(“PathToYourAssembly”)或V2加载它

Add-Type -Path "PathToYourAsembly"

If you are creating a runspace in your application and would like to make an assembly available, you can do that with a RunspaceConfiguration.


RunspaceConfiguration rsConfig = RunspaceConfiguration.Create();
AssemblyConfigurationEntry myAssembly = new AssemblyConfigurationEntry("strong name for my assembly", "optional path to my assembly");
Runspace myRunSpace = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace(rsConfig);


I don't think anything is necessary. You can access pretty much the entire .NET Framework from PowerShell. I'm sure they didn't create any wrappers to do it.

我认为没有必要。您可以从PowerShell访问几乎整个.NET Framework。我敢肯定他们没有创造任何包装来做到这一点。


Dealing with interfaces in PowerShell is very difficult if not impossible at least in V1, so avoid these in your class. In PowerShell a simple [reflection.assembly]::Load or LoadFile is all it takes.

至少在V1中处理PowerShell中的接口是非常困难的,所以在课堂上要避免这些。在PowerShell中,只需要一个简单的[reflection.assembly] :: Load或LoadFile。


I would write a Cmdlet in C# that takes a bunch of parameters and spits out the XML that you want. Then you can use that Cmdlet from Powershell by piping things into it. I hope this helps!



If have an assembly (exe or dll) with the class in it, PowerShell can load it via [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile("PathToYourAssembly") or in V2

如果有一个包含类的程序集(exe或dll),PowerShell可以通过[System.Reflection.Assembly] :: LoadFile(“PathToYourAssembly”)或V2加载它

Add-Type -Path "PathToYourAsembly"

If you are creating a runspace in your application and would like to make an assembly available, you can do that with a RunspaceConfiguration.


RunspaceConfiguration rsConfig = RunspaceConfiguration.Create();
AssemblyConfigurationEntry myAssembly = new AssemblyConfigurationEntry("strong name for my assembly", "optional path to my assembly");
Runspace myRunSpace = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace(rsConfig);


I don't think anything is necessary. You can access pretty much the entire .NET Framework from PowerShell. I'm sure they didn't create any wrappers to do it.

我认为没有必要。您可以从PowerShell访问几乎整个.NET Framework。我敢肯定他们没有创造任何包装来做到这一点。


Dealing with interfaces in PowerShell is very difficult if not impossible at least in V1, so avoid these in your class. In PowerShell a simple [reflection.assembly]::Load or LoadFile is all it takes.

至少在V1中处理PowerShell中的接口是非常困难的,所以在课堂上要避免这些。在PowerShell中,只需要一个简单的[reflection.assembly] :: Load或LoadFile。


I would write a Cmdlet in C# that takes a bunch of parameters and spits out the XML that you want. Then you can use that Cmdlet from Powershell by piping things into it. I hope this helps!
