
时间:2022-02-01 20:34:47

I am trying to mount a windows drive in Eclipse from Linux. Is that even possible?This is my approach


String cmd = "MOUNTVOL " + volumeToMount + " " + mountPoint;
Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmdStr);

If I am going wrong anywhere,please let me know if there is any other way of achieving this.


2 个解决方案



Firstly, u need root to do mount operation. Secondly, Java runs on a virtual machine and I am not sure as how much power do the Java APIs give you in terms of permissions. Thirdly, is your syntax for mounting correct.

首先,你需要root来做挂载操作。其次,Java在虚拟机上运行,​​我不确定Java API在权限方面给你多少权力。第三,是您正确安装的语法。



Only the root can run the mount command. So, even if you succeed in constructing the mount command, it won't work unless you run the resulting Java application as the root.


Eclipse is really entirely beside the point. It is a Java program you are writing, and you just happen to be using Eclipse to edit it.




Firstly, u need root to do mount operation. Secondly, Java runs on a virtual machine and I am not sure as how much power do the Java APIs give you in terms of permissions. Thirdly, is your syntax for mounting correct.

首先,你需要root来做挂载操作。其次,Java在虚拟机上运行,​​我不确定Java API在权限方面给你多少权力。第三,是您正确安装的语法。



Only the root can run the mount command. So, even if you succeed in constructing the mount command, it won't work unless you run the resulting Java application as the root.


Eclipse is really entirely beside the point. It is a Java program you are writing, and you just happen to be using Eclipse to edit it.
