
时间:2021-01-05 00:25:07

I created an ActiveX control ocx file using Visual Studio 2008. Then tried registering the ocx file from command prompt "regsvr32 filename.ocx"

我使用Visual Studio 2008创建了一个ActiveX控件ocx文件。然后尝试从命令提示符“regsvr32 filename.ocx”注册ocx文件

It gave an error saying "Load Library(filename.ocx) failed- The application has failed to start because configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem."

它给出了一个错误,说“加载库(filename.ocx)失败 - 应用程序无法启动,因为配置不正确。重新安装应用程序可能会解决此问题。”

The Visual Studio builds the ocx file successfully. I tried registering this ocx file on other computers it worked. On my comp I am using Win XP SP3.

Visual Studio成功构建ocx文件。我尝试在其工作的其他计算机上注册此ocx文件。在我的comp上我使用的是Win XP SP3。

So where does the problem lie; is it in the "regsvr32" or something else is corrupt or missing?


Thanks in advance.


2 个解决方案


Probably the dependency walker walker may help.


  • Open the ocx and see if all dependnencies are fulfilled
  • 打开ocx,看看是否满足所有依赖性

If this look O.K.


  • Open regsvr32.exe in dependnency walker and use Profile. Put your ocx as parameter to regsvr32 and see if some runtime problem occures.
  • 在dependnency walker中打开regsvr32.exe并使用Profile。将您的ocx作为参数放入regsvr32,看看是否发生了一些运行时问题。


Most probably, a dependency of your ocx file is missing on your computer. Try rebuilding all the dependencies and the re-register it.



Probably the dependency walker walker may help.


  • Open the ocx and see if all dependnencies are fulfilled
  • 打开ocx,看看是否满足所有依赖性

If this look O.K.


  • Open regsvr32.exe in dependnency walker and use Profile. Put your ocx as parameter to regsvr32 and see if some runtime problem occures.
  • 在dependnency walker中打开regsvr32.exe并使用Profile。将您的ocx作为参数放入regsvr32,看看是否发生了一些运行时问题。


Most probably, a dependency of your ocx file is missing on your computer. Try rebuilding all the dependencies and the re-register it.
