
时间:2020-12-01 00:25:12

I know that the web.config parser within ASP.net is not a proper XML parser and fails on some valid XML constructs, but I wonder if the reverse is true:


Are (valid) web.config files always valid XML Files and thus readable by an XML parser?


(I need to manipulate them programatically and would prefer to use XPath, but that requires a valid XML Document)


1 个解决方案



I've used Linq to XML, XPath, and XmlDocument on config files in the past, and there's never been an XML parsing problem unless the config file itself was bad (and in that case, the application couldn't retrieve configuration settings).

我以前在配置文件上使用过Linq to XML,XPath和XmlDocument,除非配置文件本身不好(在这种情况下,应用程序无法检索配置设置),否则从未出现过XML解析问题。

So, in short, yes, they should always be readable by an XML parser.




I've used Linq to XML, XPath, and XmlDocument on config files in the past, and there's never been an XML parsing problem unless the config file itself was bad (and in that case, the application couldn't retrieve configuration settings).

我以前在配置文件上使用过Linq to XML,XPath和XmlDocument,除非配置文件本身不好(在这种情况下,应用程序无法检索配置设置),否则从未出现过XML解析问题。

So, in short, yes, they should always be readable by an XML parser.
