
时间:2021-03-26 00:24:17

I'm making my company's website and I work on the FTP via Filezilla. But, even though I already have a page named index.html to be the homepage, when I open my website in the browser it is not set as the default page.


I read on some forums that this setting must be made by apache, but I'm not sure how to do it.


1 个解决方案


Yes, the DirectoryIndex directive in your Apache configuration must contain (among potential others) index.html


See http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_dir.html

But it's usually the default setting, so make sure your file is actually named index.html and not Index.html, index.HTML or any other case variant because *nix servers are case sensitive.

但它通常是默认设置,因此请确保您的文件实际上名为index.html而不是Index.html,index.HTML或任何其他案例变体,因为* nix服务器区分大小写。


Yes, the DirectoryIndex directive in your Apache configuration must contain (among potential others) index.html


See http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_dir.html

But it's usually the default setting, so make sure your file is actually named index.html and not Index.html, index.HTML or any other case variant because *nix servers are case sensitive.

但它通常是默认设置,因此请确保您的文件实际上名为index.html而不是Index.html,index.HTML或任何其他案例变体,因为* nix服务器区分大小写。