
时间:2022-06-30 00:21:41

I have a private git hosting a gem we developed. The gem got some commits, but the version did not actually changed.


How can I force bundler to update my gem even if the version hasn't changed?


I tried "bundler update mygemname" but it did not update anything.

我试过“bundler update mygemname”,但它没有更新任何内容。



5 个解决方案



that will not work - there is no "force" option - you will have to modify your .gemspec file and increase the version number, then do gem build ..., and bundle install

这将无法工作 - 没有“强制”选项 - 您将不得不修改.gemspec文件并增加版本号,然后执行gem build ...,并进行捆绑安装

It is critical for bundler to be able to read the version number from your gem, which was introduced in the .gemspec file. It's confusing not only to bundler or gem update , but also confusing to people if you forget to update the version number in the .gemspec file. They would end up having gem-files lying around, and not be able to tell which versions they are, e.g. which one is newer? (of course you could use md5-sum, but that's beside the point here).

对于bundler来说,能够从gem中读取版本号是至关重要的,这是在.gemspec文件中引入的。它不仅令人困惑的是捆绑器或gem更新,而且如果您忘记更新.gemspec文件中的版本号,也会让人感到困惑。他们最终会有宝石文件,并且无法分辨它们是哪个版本,例如:哪一个更新? (当然你可以使用md5-sum,但这不是重点)。

The best thing to do is to correct the mistake in the .gemspec file, and re-release the gem.


Check the bundler source code for available options:


e.g.: bundler-1.0.15/lib/bundler/cli.rb

例如:bundler-1.0.15 / lib / bundler / cli.rb

(search for desc "install")




you can also put the git hashref right in the Gemfile with the :ref option

你也可以使用:ref选项将git hashref放在Gemfile中

gem 'foo', :git => 'git://github.com/foobar/foo.git', :branch => '0.9-beta', :ref => '9af382ed'

especially useful if you don't have control over said gem, and keeps bundler from giving you a newer version in case there are breaking changes.




First of all, don't do that. If you change your gem, you should be updating its version number. Otherwise, it's just confusing.


If you really want to do this, however, you can apply the giant hammer of removing your gem first.


$ gem uninstall foo
$ bundle update



From version 1.11 bundle install just has a --force option that will redownload every gem even if they are already installed.

从版本1.11 bundle install只有一个--force选项,即使它们已经安装,也会重新下载每个gem。



This doesn't answer the exact question above, but I was searching for "How to force update a gem in bundler" on Google and this came up.


I'm not trying to force update a gem to rubygems.org but rather I'm trying to reinstall a gem that's installed to a bundle path on my local system. Specifically I'm trying reinstall a gem with a native extension (nokogiri).


How I removed it from my project is as follows; assuming your --path is vendor/bundle and you're in the project's root, run:

我如何从我的项目中删除它如下;假设您的--path是vendor / bundle并且您在项目的根目录中,运行:

find vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0 -name "*nokogiri*" -depth 2

Verify these files/directories are specific to nokogiri and then remove them with:


find vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0 -name "*nokogiri*" -depth 2 | xargs rm -rf

Now you can run your bundle install command as usual:

现在您可以照常运行bundle install命令:

bundle install --path vendor/bundle

Note: You'll of course need to change 2.0.0 above to your ruby version. ls vendor/bundle/ruby to see which version bundler has installed gems for.

注意:您当然需要将2.0.0更改为您的ruby版本。 ls vendor / bundle / ruby​​来查看哪个版本的Bundler已经安装了gems。



that will not work - there is no "force" option - you will have to modify your .gemspec file and increase the version number, then do gem build ..., and bundle install

这将无法工作 - 没有“强制”选项 - 您将不得不修改.gemspec文件并增加版本号,然后执行gem build ...,并进行捆绑安装

It is critical for bundler to be able to read the version number from your gem, which was introduced in the .gemspec file. It's confusing not only to bundler or gem update , but also confusing to people if you forget to update the version number in the .gemspec file. They would end up having gem-files lying around, and not be able to tell which versions they are, e.g. which one is newer? (of course you could use md5-sum, but that's beside the point here).

对于bundler来说,能够从gem中读取版本号是至关重要的,这是在.gemspec文件中引入的。它不仅令人困惑的是捆绑器或gem更新,而且如果您忘记更新.gemspec文件中的版本号,也会让人感到困惑。他们最终会有宝石文件,并且无法分辨它们是哪个版本,例如:哪一个更新? (当然你可以使用md5-sum,但这不是重点)。

The best thing to do is to correct the mistake in the .gemspec file, and re-release the gem.


Check the bundler source code for available options:


e.g.: bundler-1.0.15/lib/bundler/cli.rb

例如:bundler-1.0.15 / lib / bundler / cli.rb

(search for desc "install")




you can also put the git hashref right in the Gemfile with the :ref option

你也可以使用:ref选项将git hashref放在Gemfile中

gem 'foo', :git => 'git://github.com/foobar/foo.git', :branch => '0.9-beta', :ref => '9af382ed'

especially useful if you don't have control over said gem, and keeps bundler from giving you a newer version in case there are breaking changes.




First of all, don't do that. If you change your gem, you should be updating its version number. Otherwise, it's just confusing.


If you really want to do this, however, you can apply the giant hammer of removing your gem first.


$ gem uninstall foo
$ bundle update



From version 1.11 bundle install just has a --force option that will redownload every gem even if they are already installed.

从版本1.11 bundle install只有一个--force选项,即使它们已经安装,也会重新下载每个gem。



This doesn't answer the exact question above, but I was searching for "How to force update a gem in bundler" on Google and this came up.


I'm not trying to force update a gem to rubygems.org but rather I'm trying to reinstall a gem that's installed to a bundle path on my local system. Specifically I'm trying reinstall a gem with a native extension (nokogiri).


How I removed it from my project is as follows; assuming your --path is vendor/bundle and you're in the project's root, run:

我如何从我的项目中删除它如下;假设您的--path是vendor / bundle并且您在项目的根目录中,运行:

find vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0 -name "*nokogiri*" -depth 2

Verify these files/directories are specific to nokogiri and then remove them with:


find vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0 -name "*nokogiri*" -depth 2 | xargs rm -rf

Now you can run your bundle install command as usual:

现在您可以照常运行bundle install命令:

bundle install --path vendor/bundle

Note: You'll of course need to change 2.0.0 above to your ruby version. ls vendor/bundle/ruby to see which version bundler has installed gems for.

注意:您当然需要将2.0.0更改为您的ruby版本。 ls vendor / bundle / ruby​​来查看哪个版本的Bundler已经安装了gems。