
时间:2021-01-15 00:22:08

I do not like to retype fish every time I start terminal. I want fish on by default. How can I set fish shell as my default shell on a Mac?


13 个解决方案


These are applicable to MacOS Sierra 10.12.5 (16F73) and probably some other recent and upcoming versions of MacOS.

这些适用于MacOS Sierra 10.12.5(16F73)以及其他一些近期和即将推出的MacOS版本。

  1. chsh is not enough to change the default shell. Make sure you press Command+, while your terminal is open and change the 'Shells open with' option to 'Default login shell.'

    chsh不足以更改默认shell。确保在终端打开时按Command +,并将“打开的shell”选项更改为“默认登录shell”。

  2. In case of bash, make sure that you execute echo $BASH_VERSION to confirm you are running the intended version of bash. bash --version does not give you correct information.

    如果是bash,请确保执行echo $ BASH_VERSION以确认您运行的是预期版本的bash。 bash --version不会为您提供正确的信息。


1. sudo nano /etc/shells 如何在Mac上设置我的默认shell?

1. sudo nano / etc / shells

2. add /usr/local/bin/fish to your list of shells 如何在Mac上设置我的默认shell?

2.将/ usr / local / bin / fish添加到shell列表中

3. chsh -s /usr/local/bin/fish

3. chsh -s / usr / local / bin / fish


You can use chsh to change a user's shell.


Run the following code, for instance, to change your shell to Zsh


chsh -s /bin/zsh

As described in the manpage, and by Lorin, if the shell is not known by the OS, you have to add it to its known list: /etc/shells.

如联机帮助页和Lorin所述,如果操作系统不知道shell,则必须将其添加到已知列表:/ etc / shells。


From Terminal:

  1. Add Fish to /etc/shells, which will require an administrative password:

    将Fish添加到/ etc / shells,这将需要管理密码:

    sudo echo /usr/local/bin/fish >> /etc/shells
  2. Make Fish your default shell with chsh:


    chsh -s /usr/local/bin/fish

From System Preferences:


  1. User and Groups → ctrl-click on Current User → Advanced Options...


  2. Change Login shell to /usr/local/bin/fish

    将登录shell更改为/ usr / local / bin / fish


  3. Press OK, log out and in again



Here's another way to do it:


Assuming you installed it with MacPorts, which can be done by doing:


sudo port install fish

Your shell will be located in /opt/local/bin/fish.

你的shell将位于/ opt / local / bin / fish中。

You need to tell OSX that this is a valid shell. To do that, add this path to the end of the /etc/shells file.

您需要告诉OSX这是一个有效的shell。为此,请将此路径添加到/ etc / shells文件的末尾。

Once you've done this, you can change the shell by going to System Preferences -> Accounts. Click on the Lock to allow changes. Right-click on the account, and choose "Advanced Options...". In the "Login shell" field, add the path to fish.

完成此操作后,您可以转到“系统偏好设置” - >“帐户”来更改shell。单击锁定以允许更改。右键单击该帐户,然后选择“高级选项...”。在“登录shell”字段中,添加fish的路径。


The only thing that worked for me was a combination of all these methods.


  1. First I had to add fish to the /etc/shells file

    首先,我必须将鱼添加到/ etc / shells文件中

  2. Then I ran chsh -s /usr/local/bin/fish

    然后我运行chsh -s / usr / local / bin / fish

  3. Finally, I typed Command+, and added /usr/local/bin/fish to the default path there

    最后,我输入了Command +,并将/ usr / local / bin / fish添加到那里的默认路径

Only after I had done all three things did fish start popping up as the default for new terminal windows.



Mac OS X: How to change the Terminal shell

Mac OS X:如何更改终端shell


the chsh program will let you change your default shell. It will want the full path to the executable, so if your shell is fish then it will want you to provide the output given when you type which fish.


You'll see a line starting with "Shell:". If you've never edited it, it most likely says "Shell: /bin/bash". Replace that /bin/bash path with the path to your desired shell.

你会看到以“Shell:”开头的行。如果您从未编辑过它,很可能会说“Shell:/ bin / bash”。将/ bin / bash路径替换为所需shell的路径。


When in the terminal, open the terminal preferences using Command+,.

在终端中时,使用Command +打开终端首选项。

On the Setting Tab, select one of the themes, and choose the shell tab on the right.


You can set the autostart command fish.



  1. Open your terminal and press command+, (comma). This will open a preferences window.
  2. 打开终端并按下命令+,(逗号)。这将打开一个首选项窗口。

  3. The first tab is 'General'.
  4. 第一个选项卡是“常规”。

  5. Find 'Shells open with' setting and choose 2nd option which needs complete path to the shell.
  6. 找到'shell打开'设置并选择第二个选项,它需要完整的shell路径。

  7. Paste the link to your fish command, which generally is /usr/local/bin/fish.
  8. 将链接粘贴到fish命令,通常是/ usr / local / bin / fish。

I am using macOS Sierra.

我正在使用macOS Sierra。


On macOS Mojave I had to do the following (using zsh as an example):

在macOS Mojave上我必须执行以下操作(使用zsh作为示例):

brew install zsh
sudo sh -c "echo $(which zsh) >> /etc/shells"
chsh -s $(which zsh)


heimdall:~ leeg$ dscl
Entering interactive mode... (type "help" for commands)
 > cd /Local/Default/Users/
/Local/Default/Users > read <<YOUR_USER>>
UserShell: /bin/bash
/Local/Default/Users >

just change that value (with the write command in dscl).



In case you are having troubles with the other ways, worked on mac Mojave but should generally work.

如果您遇到其他方式的麻烦,在Mac Mojave上工作,但通常应该工作。

which fish

add the output path to "System Preferences > Users & Groups > right click user, Advanced Options" Paste the result from which into "Login shell:"



These are applicable to MacOS Sierra 10.12.5 (16F73) and probably some other recent and upcoming versions of MacOS.

这些适用于MacOS Sierra 10.12.5(16F73)以及其他一些近期和即将推出的MacOS版本。

  1. chsh is not enough to change the default shell. Make sure you press Command+, while your terminal is open and change the 'Shells open with' option to 'Default login shell.'

    chsh不足以更改默认shell。确保在终端打开时按Command +,并将“打开的shell”选项更改为“默认登录shell”。

  2. In case of bash, make sure that you execute echo $BASH_VERSION to confirm you are running the intended version of bash. bash --version does not give you correct information.

    如果是bash,请确保执行echo $ BASH_VERSION以确认您运行的是预期版本的bash。 bash --version不会为您提供正确的信息。


1. sudo nano /etc/shells 如何在Mac上设置我的默认shell?

1. sudo nano / etc / shells

2. add /usr/local/bin/fish to your list of shells 如何在Mac上设置我的默认shell?

2.将/ usr / local / bin / fish添加到shell列表中

3. chsh -s /usr/local/bin/fish

3. chsh -s / usr / local / bin / fish


You can use chsh to change a user's shell.


Run the following code, for instance, to change your shell to Zsh


chsh -s /bin/zsh

As described in the manpage, and by Lorin, if the shell is not known by the OS, you have to add it to its known list: /etc/shells.

如联机帮助页和Lorin所述,如果操作系统不知道shell,则必须将其添加到已知列表:/ etc / shells。


From Terminal:

  1. Add Fish to /etc/shells, which will require an administrative password:

    将Fish添加到/ etc / shells,这将需要管理密码:

    sudo echo /usr/local/bin/fish >> /etc/shells
  2. Make Fish your default shell with chsh:


    chsh -s /usr/local/bin/fish

From System Preferences:


  1. User and Groups → ctrl-click on Current User → Advanced Options...


  2. Change Login shell to /usr/local/bin/fish

    将登录shell更改为/ usr / local / bin / fish


  3. Press OK, log out and in again



Here's another way to do it:


Assuming you installed it with MacPorts, which can be done by doing:


sudo port install fish

Your shell will be located in /opt/local/bin/fish.

你的shell将位于/ opt / local / bin / fish中。

You need to tell OSX that this is a valid shell. To do that, add this path to the end of the /etc/shells file.

您需要告诉OSX这是一个有效的shell。为此,请将此路径添加到/ etc / shells文件的末尾。

Once you've done this, you can change the shell by going to System Preferences -> Accounts. Click on the Lock to allow changes. Right-click on the account, and choose "Advanced Options...". In the "Login shell" field, add the path to fish.

完成此操作后,您可以转到“系统偏好设置” - >“帐户”来更改shell。单击锁定以允许更改。右键单击该帐户,然后选择“高级选项...”。在“登录shell”字段中,添加fish的路径。


The only thing that worked for me was a combination of all these methods.


  1. First I had to add fish to the /etc/shells file

    首先,我必须将鱼添加到/ etc / shells文件中

  2. Then I ran chsh -s /usr/local/bin/fish

    然后我运行chsh -s / usr / local / bin / fish

  3. Finally, I typed Command+, and added /usr/local/bin/fish to the default path there

    最后,我输入了Command +,并将/ usr / local / bin / fish添加到那里的默认路径

Only after I had done all three things did fish start popping up as the default for new terminal windows.



Mac OS X: How to change the Terminal shell

Mac OS X:如何更改终端shell


the chsh program will let you change your default shell. It will want the full path to the executable, so if your shell is fish then it will want you to provide the output given when you type which fish.


You'll see a line starting with "Shell:". If you've never edited it, it most likely says "Shell: /bin/bash". Replace that /bin/bash path with the path to your desired shell.

你会看到以“Shell:”开头的行。如果您从未编辑过它,很可能会说“Shell:/ bin / bash”。将/ bin / bash路径替换为所需shell的路径。


When in the terminal, open the terminal preferences using Command+,.

在终端中时,使用Command +打开终端首选项。

On the Setting Tab, select one of the themes, and choose the shell tab on the right.


You can set the autostart command fish.



  1. Open your terminal and press command+, (comma). This will open a preferences window.
  2. 打开终端并按下命令+,(逗号)。这将打开一个首选项窗口。

  3. The first tab is 'General'.
  4. 第一个选项卡是“常规”。

  5. Find 'Shells open with' setting and choose 2nd option which needs complete path to the shell.
  6. 找到'shell打开'设置并选择第二个选项,它需要完整的shell路径。

  7. Paste the link to your fish command, which generally is /usr/local/bin/fish.
  8. 将链接粘贴到fish命令,通常是/ usr / local / bin / fish。

I am using macOS Sierra.

我正在使用macOS Sierra。


On macOS Mojave I had to do the following (using zsh as an example):

在macOS Mojave上我必须执行以下操作(使用zsh作为示例):

brew install zsh
sudo sh -c "echo $(which zsh) >> /etc/shells"
chsh -s $(which zsh)


heimdall:~ leeg$ dscl
Entering interactive mode... (type "help" for commands)
 > cd /Local/Default/Users/
/Local/Default/Users > read <<YOUR_USER>>
UserShell: /bin/bash
/Local/Default/Users >

just change that value (with the write command in dscl).



In case you are having troubles with the other ways, worked on mac Mojave but should generally work.

如果您遇到其他方式的麻烦,在Mac Mojave上工作,但通常应该工作。

which fish

add the output path to "System Preferences > Users & Groups > right click user, Advanced Options" Paste the result from which into "Login shell:"
