如何将Visual Studio设置为默认的事后调试器?

时间:2022-04-01 00:23:03

Not too long ago, I had a problem which required me to set WinDbg.exe as the default post-mortem debugger. Now that I've fixed that and am back doing normal work, it would be really nice if I could set VS to be my default post-mortem debugger. How does one go about doing this?


Also, how do I make VS attach to an already existing session? That is, I've got my VS project open in one window, and a command line open where I'm launching my program from. If the program crashes, how do I get VS to figure out to attach the debugger to the active line in the project that's already open?


2 个解决方案



from the Microsoft support page:


1.  Start Registry Editor and locate the following Registry subkey in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE subtree:

2.  Select the Debugger value.
3.  On the Edit menu, click String.

•   To use the Windows debugger, type windbg -p %ld -e %ld.
•   To use Visual C++ 4.2 or earlier, type msvc -p %ld -e %ld.
•   To use Visual C++ 5.0 or later, type msdev.exe -p %ld -e %ld.
•   To use Dr. Watson, type drwtsn32.exe -p %ld -e %ld. You can also make Dr. Watson the default debugger by running this command:drwtsn32.exe -i.
4.  Choose OK and exit Registry Editor. 



You can re-enable Visual Studio for Just-In-Time debugging from within Visual Studio:

您可以从Visual Studio中重新启用Visual Studio以进行实时调试:

Go to the Tools | Options | Debugging | Just-In-Time dialog. Then make sure all Native and Managed (if you're debugging a .NET application) are checked. Next time you get a crash, the Visual Studio Just-In-Time debugger will come up.

转到工具|选项|调试|即时对话框。然后确保选中所有Native和Managed(如果您正在调试.NET应用程序)。下次出现崩溃时,Visual Studio即时调试程序将出现。

The Visual Studio Just-In-Time debugger let's you choose whether you want to open a new instance of Visual Studio or start debugging with a currently open solution.

Visual Studio实时调试程序允许您选择是要打开Visual Studio的新实例还是使用当前打开的解决方案开始调试。



from the Microsoft support page:


1.  Start Registry Editor and locate the following Registry subkey in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE subtree:

2.  Select the Debugger value.
3.  On the Edit menu, click String.

•   To use the Windows debugger, type windbg -p %ld -e %ld.
•   To use Visual C++ 4.2 or earlier, type msvc -p %ld -e %ld.
•   To use Visual C++ 5.0 or later, type msdev.exe -p %ld -e %ld.
•   To use Dr. Watson, type drwtsn32.exe -p %ld -e %ld. You can also make Dr. Watson the default debugger by running this command:drwtsn32.exe -i.
4.  Choose OK and exit Registry Editor. 



You can re-enable Visual Studio for Just-In-Time debugging from within Visual Studio:

您可以从Visual Studio中重新启用Visual Studio以进行实时调试:

Go to the Tools | Options | Debugging | Just-In-Time dialog. Then make sure all Native and Managed (if you're debugging a .NET application) are checked. Next time you get a crash, the Visual Studio Just-In-Time debugger will come up.

转到工具|选项|调试|即时对话框。然后确保选中所有Native和Managed(如果您正在调试.NET应用程序)。下次出现崩溃时,Visual Studio即时调试程序将出现。

The Visual Studio Just-In-Time debugger let's you choose whether you want to open a new instance of Visual Studio or start debugging with a currently open solution.

Visual Studio实时调试程序允许您选择是要打开Visual Studio的新实例还是使用当前打开的解决方案开始调试。